Fears grow Putin is about to drag EU hopeful country into Ukraine war

Fears are growing that desperate Vladimir Putin is trying to drag a “European Union hopeful” nation into the Ukraine war. In early November, 50 Georgian opposition MPs alarmed NATO and EU member states by urging a unified stance against Russia’s intentions to establish a permanent naval base in Abkhazia.

The move has sparked fears that another country aspiring to join the EU might be drawn into the Ukraine-Russia conflict. The statement from Georgian MPs condemned Russia’s actions in Abkhazia, emphasising the threat posed by the planned naval base in Ochamchire port.

The nation is currently led by PM Irakli Garibashvili. The Abkhazia region, though internationally recognised as part of Georgia, has been under Russian and separatist control since the 1990s.

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The Georgian foreign ministry denounced Russia’s plan as a violation of sovereignty, but officials downplayed the immediate threat, citing a construction timeline of at least three years. The government prioritises addressing current threats along the occupation line with Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

Abkhazia’s de facto leader confirmed an agreement with Russia for a permanent naval base in Ochamchire. Reports suggest that dredging work in Ochamchire could accommodate larger cargo ships, raising concerns that it might serve as a safe harbour for Russia’s Black Sea Fleet.

Ukraine’s intelligence claims the dredging aims to facilitate military vessels, potentially dragging Georgia into a conflict. Analysts warn that if Russia uses Ochamchire in a conflict with Ukraine, Georgia could become involuntarily involved.

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Beyond security concerns, the planned naval base poses a threat to Georgia’s mega-infrastructure project, the Anaklia deep-sea port, crucial for the Middle Corridor trade route between Asia and Europe. The World Bank estimates the corridor could halve travel times and triple trade volumes by 2030.

Despite Georgia’s pro-EU stance, its government has a complex relationship with Moscow. In 2020, the Georgian government cancelled a contract for the Anaklia port, leading to accusations of serving Russian interests. The government claims the project will be revived, but critics argue it was derailed to appease Moscow.

While Georgia awaits a decision on EU candidate status, concerns persist that Russia is using Ochamchire to pressure Georgia against EU integration.

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