Demist car windscreen in minutes using a button found inside every vehicle

Drivers can demist their car windscreen in just a few minutes this autumn and winter by pressing a couple of car buttons located inside every vehicle on the road, according to experts at LeaseCar.UK.

Using a car’s heating system, climate controls or opening a window could all help clear condensation on cold mornings.

The warning comes as temperatures continue to fall across the UK with meteorologists at the Met Office predicting cooler weather by the end of the week.

Firstly, LeaseCar has encouraged road users to simply turn on their heating system before setting off.

They explained: “Warm air inside the car will absorb moisture from the windows and reduce the fog and condensation that has built up.

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“Turn on the heating a few minutes before setting off to ensure the windscreen is completely clear.”

Some newer vehicles are likely to be fitted with a modern climate control system with separate settings for demisting a windscreen.

This can usually be activated by pressing a button on the dashboard or moving a dial on the central console.

LeaseCar added: “Some cars will be fitted with a climate control system with a setting to demist the windscreen.

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“If your vehicle has this feature it’s worth making use of it to help efficiently remove mist and fog from the windows.”

However, those who don’t have access to these tools could still use more traditional techniques such as turning on their air conditioning.

The cool air can help dry out the moisture inside the vehicle and therefore remove fog on the screen.

However, simply opening a window before setting off is also likely to have the desired effect.

LeaseCar commented: “Opening up a window will bring dry air from outside to warm up and help absorb moisture from inside the car. This is also a good alternative to turning on the air-con.”

Specialists at LeaseCar have warned drivers that failing to follow the rules could result in dire consequences.

Road users must completely clear any condensation off their windscreen or risk being slapped with fines and penalty points.

Tim Alcock, spokesman of LeaseCar.UK said: “Drivers should always make sure to completely de-mist their windscreens before setting off or risk being slapped with a fine of up to £2,500 for breaking the Highway Code.

“Don’t be tempted to just leave a small gap to see what is directly in front, as you could still be fined for careless driving by not being able to see the full road view ahead.

“There are several things drivers can do to speed up the demisting to avoid driving with foggy windows.”

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