Kim ramps up nuclear weapons production to face USA in ‘new cold war’

Kim Jong Un is ramping up nuclear weapon production in what his state media says is a bid to play a larger role in confronting the United States in a “new Cold War”.

It comes just days after North Korea claimed it was on the brink of nuclear war with South Korea – and the UN’s Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, called on nations to end the “madness” of the nuclear arms race.

The UN chief’s words have clearly fallen on deaf ears in Pyongyang, where Kim has called for an exponential increase in the production of nuclear weapons. The North Korean leader has now amended his nation’s constitution to include his policy to expand the country’s military nuclear program.

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The Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) added that he called on his nation to play a larger role in a collective of nations confronting the United States in a “new Cold War”. As per KCNA, Kim commented during a two-day session of North Korea’s rubber-stamp parliament in which he amended the constitution.

The assembly gave unanimous approval to a new clause in the constitution to “ensure the country’s right to existence and development, deter war and protect regional and global peace by rapidly developing nuclear weapons to a higher level”.

Kim said at the assembly that North Korea’s “nuclear force-building policy has been made permanent as the basic law of the state, which no one is allowed to flout with anything”.

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The North Korean leader added his nation needs to “push ahead with the work for exponentially boosting the production of nuclear weapons and diversifying the nuclear strike means”. Kim went on to accuse the United States, South Korea, and Japan of combining to create a threat equivalent to the “Asian version of NATO” which he described as “the root cause of war and aggression”.

It echoes the rhetoric coming from out of Beijing and Moscow. Earlier this week, the Kremlin accused the United States of using NATO to destabilise the Asia-Pacific region and ‘target’ China.

Kim said: “This is just the worst actual threat, not threatening rhetoric or an imaginary entity.” The North Korean leader urged his diplomats to “further promote solidarity with the nations standing against the U.S. and the West’s strategy for hegemony”.

The Supreme People’s Assembly meetings came after in the wake of Kim’s visit to Russia earlier this month. The trip sparked concerns in the West on a possible arms alliance between the two rogue nations, prompting fears North Korea would provide Russia with munitions for its war on Ukraine in exchange for advanced weapons technologies.

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