Keir Starmer speech thrown into chaos as protester storms stage

Labour: Protestor throws glitter on Keir Starmer

Sir Keir Starmer’s keynote speech at the Labour conference was disrupted by a protester.

The man ran onto the stage moments before the Labour leader began his address to the packed main hall at the gathering in Liverpool.

He threw glitter at Sir Keir and shouted: “True democracy is citizen led!”

The man was prompted bundled off the stage by security and continued to shout as he was taken to a police van.

Sir Keir removed his jacket before starting his speech with glitter on the shoulders of his white shirt.

The Labour leader said: “If he thinks that bothers me he doesn’t know me.”

Sir Keir, who has repeatedly sought to emphasize how he has shifted the party since Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership, added: “Protest not power, that is why we changed our party conference.”

Continuing his address following the disruption, Sir Keir said Labour would “fix tomorrow’s challenges, today”.

The Labour leader said: “Today we turn the page, answer the question ‘Why Labour?’ with a plan for a Britain built to last.

“With higher growth, safer streets, cheap British power in your home, more opportunity in your community, the NHS off its knees. A Britain with its future back.

“It will require an entirely new approach to politics – Mission Government, new priorities, totally focused on the interests of working people, five national missions all fixed on a single-minded purpose to govern for the long-term.

“End the Tory disease of ‘sticking plaster politics’ with a simple Labour philosophy that together we fix tomorrow’s challenges, today.”

Sir Keir was introduced by Marie Tidball, Labour’s parliamentary candidate for Penistone and Stocksbridge.

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