Mum’s miracle survival after she’s ‘beheaded’ by husband in front of kids

A woman is lucky to be alive after she was nearly beheaded in a brutal attack by her husband.

Aida Suvanova, 35, was rushed to hospital after her partner came over in a fit of rage and savagely attacked her, sawing through three-quarters of her neck with a kitchen knife. She said the attack was like something from a horror film and said only the sight of her three children during the vicious onslaught kept her fighting for her life.

Aida, from Perm in central Russia, says she remembers "a fountain of blood gushing out of my neck" as her kids screamed in terror. She was saved when her brave 11-year-old daughter pulled the knife out and called her mum's sister, who alerted police and paramedics.

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She woke from a coma in hospital three days later after an gruelling eight-hour operation to sew her neck back together. Gruesome post-op pictures show a deep scar running from the back of her neck around her throat. Suvanova also required a number of stitches.

As she lay gushing blood on the floor of her family home Aida says she was convinced her children aged 11, eight and just 19 months would "now be orphans". She told local media: "[Doctors] explained it was a miracle I had survived. If the ambulance had not arrived in time, I would not have had a chance. Now I can only sit up on the bed through sheer willpower, I sleep in fits and starts – I am not able to turn my neck."

Aida said her 40-year-old husband, who has not been named, attacked her after she accused him of pawning off her jewellery and threatened to leave him. She explained: "I told him that I was tired of all this, that I would file for divorce, and demanded that he leave home. Then he grabbed the knife from the table.

"If it weren’t for my 11-year-old daughter, who pulled the knife out of my throat and called my sister, I wouldn’t be here now.”

Suvanova's husband has since been arrested and is being held in a pre-trial detention centre. Her lawyer, Oksana Ivchenko, said she will be able to claim compensation from her husband and he will likely to be tried for attempted murder.

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