Gorillas, genocide and red-light district STIs โ€“ Rwandas good, bad and ugly

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    Gorillas, a red light district crippled by deadly STI fears and the harrowing remains of genocide appear to be awaiting thousands migrants to the UK โ€“ whether they like it or not.

    Under some ever so slightly controversial circumstances, it's looking like the landlocked Central African country of Rwanda can be expecting some new residents in the not so distant future.

    Naturally then, we at the Daily Star think it's only right we provide something of a sneak peak into what awaits those fleeing to Britain by boat without an invitation.

    READ MORE: Inside UK's Rwanda asylum seeker hotel with gift shop, volleyball and free cigarettes

    We don't do much politics but we can offer you animal stories in abundance right here

    From the good, the bad and the ugly here's the only guide one could ever need before setting sail across the English Channel, thanks to a policy blasted by Amnesty International for stripping the desperate of their human rights.

    Hulking beasts

    Surely Rwanda's biggest pull is its hulking, majestic beasts that can be found roam freely among the wilderness of the Volcanoes National Park. Be sure not to p*ss them off as they're at least six times stronger than humans, but trekking tours can be booked to get up close and personal with mountain gorillas.

    Barring the miraculous discovery of a British bigfoot, the most exciting wildlife we can offer newcomers to the UK are New Forest ponies. Not quite the same…

    Rwanda takes this one.

    Red-light district

    Kigali, the nation's capital city has built itself a reputation for offering a pretty lively nightlife. Forking out for a romp is far from everybody's idea of a good night out but if one happens to be interested in that sort of thing then Rwanda boasts a notorious red-light district. Some 5,890miles south of Amsterdam, however, fear of the HIV/ AIDS among sex workers is rife, according to Rwanda Today, with clients refusing to wrap up.

    A prostitute told the news outlet โ€œOne night, I had decided to go home with a man who was to give me Rwf30,000 when he uses a condom. When I arrived home, I pulled it out from my bag and he was surprised. I reminded him of a deal we had but he added more money and we decided not to use it.โ€

    Visitors more interested in a boozy one on the tiles can rejoice at the numerous clubs, bars and lounges in Remera. "Pub-crawling in the area can be fun if you donโ€™t expect a red-carpet treatment," House in Rwanda advises.

    It still rains…but not as much

    Okay, this is where Rwanda really steals the march on old Blighty โ€“ if you don't like it cold or too hot either for that matter.

    Due to its altitude, you're unlikely to ever find yourself sweating buckets without putting in a shift of gruelling exercise. Instead expect to wake up most mornings to temperatures rarely fluctuating from around 20C. Not bad huh?

    Unfortunately, though, while being too hot or cold shouldn't be much of a concern, getting a tad wet should be with Rwanda's rainy seasons lasting from March to May and another October to November. But just think about the rest of the year knowing you're all but guaranteed dry skies every day.

    Britain could never.

    Dark past

    There's no hiding from Rwanda's bleak recent history to which museums and memorials are dedicated to. The Kigali Genocide Memorial is one such place that serves as a reminder of how more than one million people were killed in 1994. Extremists within Rwandaโ€™s majority Hutu decided to wipe out the minority Tutsi population and all other opposition.

    Remains of the executed are on display at the Murambi Genocide Memorial Centre as a harrowing reminder of the sickening 100 day-long persecution. Last year King Charles and Camilla were photographed looking upon the skulls preserved at the Nyamata Church Genocide Memorial.

    Whether one finds themselves on a plane to Rwanda by choice or under the orders of Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, they're sure to experience life unlike any in the UK โ€“ for better and for worse.

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