Disabled bloke held hostage by wife and carer forced to listen to them have sex

A disabled man was kept prisoner by his wife and live-in carer, who bonked in the house with him there.

Brother of Holby City star Kate Somerset-How, Tom Somerset-How was forced to live a life of slavery and neglect.

He was made to listen to wife Sarah Somerset-How, 49, and George Webb, 50, having sex while he was shut away in a bedroom unable to move or even go to the toilet.

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They left him with no more to eat than crisps and when he was finally rescued was down to just six stone.

The sick duo would cut Tom off from his family, leaving him alone and isolated despite having cerebral palsy and needing 24-hour care.

Tom had been married to Sarah for four years when Webb was brought in as a carer in 2016, and it wasn’t long before he realised they were having sex.

According to MailOnline, he is understood to have been able to hear the pair bonking and they would take his benefit to spend it on themselves, including DJ equipment and football games.

He told the outlet: “There were several times when I asked if she was unhappy and told her we could amicably go our separate ways.

“But she always said, 'No, it's all OK'. Besides what they did to me, that's the worst thing — that she didn't just walk away."

The pair were found guilty at Portsmouth Crown Court of holding a person in slavery or servitude and were jailed for 11 years.

Tom explained the arrival of George was similar to previous carers he had had to start with, but things soon changed.

He said: “He was staying over at weekends and he and Sarah were going out for hours at a time, leaving me on my own. When I asked if a friend could visit, George refused.

“When I challenged Sarah, she said he 'had us over a barrel'. I had no idea what she meant.”

He heard them having sex, but when he confronted them about it they are understood to have just laughed, leaving him most of the time in his bed with the curtains closed.

“For four years I was in the dark, with just a bedside lamp,” and was unable to brush his teeth for a year and went five weeks without a shower at one point.

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