Conspiracy theorists claimed Emergency Alert will turn vaccinated to ‘zombies’

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    An emergency broadcast was going to make everyone who has had a Covid jab turn into zombies unhinged conspiracy theorists claimed, but they've now been left with egg on their faces.

    Based in the US, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) tested its Emergency Alert System on Wednesday (October 4). It checked its ability to deliver the recognisable and rather alarming beeping sound to Americans across the country.

    The test included what are known as Emergency Alert System and Wireless Emergency Alerts, with the former being sent to radios and TVs and the latter buzzing through on mobile phones. On phones, a message read: “THIS IS A TEST of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System. No action is needed.”

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    Emergency alerts can be unsettling and even though it is always clear when they are a test, they can still momentarily create a sense of unease. The aim of them, of course, is to keep people safe and in the know but this doesn’t stop the mind from wandering.

    While emergency alerts can be used for a number of things from extreme weather to a nuclear attack, a particular group of conspiracy theorists reckoned they have worked out the true aim of the recent test. To turn the vaccinated into zombies.

    A number of posts online claim that the alert would activate graphene oxide in the Covid-19 vaccine, TheIndependentreports. They bizarrely claimed this would transform regular folk into brain-dead, predatory zombies.

    As the next day begins (October 5), it appears that the US hasn't turned into a zombie-infested hellscape. At the time of writing, no reports have come in about brain-eating monsters.

    One small issue with the theory is that there isn’t graphene oxide in the Covid-19 vaccine. Others claimed that those with vaccines will have a dormant Marburg virus activated.

    The theorists told people to wrap their phones in tinfoil, or even turn them off, while others suggested lobbing them in the microwave. Glenn Beck, a US-based right-wing social media character, reckoned that it was in fact not covid that was the focus on Wednesday, but rather nuclear war.

    He wrote on the social media platform known as X: "FEMA is conducting a nationwide emergency alert system test on Wednesday. Russia is also conducting emergency tests this week to prepare for nuclear blasts. That’s JUST a coincidence though, right? Nothing to worry about, right???"

    However, the press secretary for FEMA, Jeremy Edwards, toldThe Dispatch:“The sole purpose of the test is to ensure that the systems continue to be an effective means of warning the public about emergencies, particularly those on the national level," he said. “FEMA is not aware of any adverse health effects caused by the audio signal."

    Online, a number of posts have appeared in response to the conspiracy theorists, including people pretending to be taking a seminar from videos posted by people fearful of the tests. Others have produced cartoons eating flesh-eating zombies avoiding people who are anti-vaccine. Others posted memes hoping to be turned into zombies as it meant they didn't have to go to work the following day.

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    • Russia
    • Conspiracy theories
    • United States

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