SNP MP reprimanded by Speaker Lindsay Hoyle over foul-mouthed swipe at PMQs

SNP MP Chris Law gets a told off by Sir Lindsay Hoyle over language

An SNP MP was reprimanded by Commons Speaker Sir Lindsay Hoyle at PMQs today after making a foul-mouthed swipe at the Tories and Labour.

SNP politician Chris Law claimed the two parties were “two sides of the same a***” as he made a fresh demand for Scottish independence.

But the Commons Speaker intervened and urged the nationalist to “think about language”.

The SNP MP said: “Every year the SNP Scottish Government mitigates against the cruellest of Westminster policies by spending £84 million supporting hard-working families against the brutal bedroom tax and over £6.2 million covering the two-child benefit cap.

“Astonishingly Mr Speaker, we have learnt over the summer the Leader of the Opposition is an enthusiastic supporter of these Tory cruel welfare policies, with U-turn after U-turn from the Labour Party.

“So given that the Tories and Labour are two cheeks of the same a**e, offering no change, no vision, no hope, does the PM agree that the only way Scottish voters can rid themselves…”

But Sir Lindsay interrupted Mr Law, saying: “Let’s think about language.

“Let’s be more temperant and let’s make sure that this Parliament can be proud. The pride of this Parliament will shine through but certainly not using language.”

Mr Law said he was “happy to change the offending word with bottom”.

He went on: “Given that the Tories and Labour are two cheeks of the same bottom, offering no change, no vision, no hope, does the Prime Minister agree that the only way for Scottish voters can rid themselves of these heinous policies is to vote SNP to leave Westminster forever?”

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Responding to Mr Law’s question, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said: “Obviously not.

“I think the thrust of that question was directed at the Leader of the Opposition rather than me, I don’t want to get in the middle of that.

“But what I can say is we want to ensure a welfare system that is compassionate and looks after the most vulnerable in our society while supporting those who can into work to do so because that’s also fair for everyone else and British taxpayers.

“I believe that is the system we are achieving and right now we’re providing thousands of pounds of support to help with energy bills and everything else for people in Scotland and we will continue to do so.”

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