Pressure ramped up on Hunt and Sunak over taxes

Figures including ex-Prime Minister Liz Truss and former Home Secretary Dame Priti Patel will urge the Government to pursue growth.

They have joined fellow MPs in signing a pledge to never again vote for an increase in overall taxes.

It comes after the respected Institute for Fiscal Studies reported that tax levels are now at their highest since records began some 70 years ago – and are unlikely to fall.

The Chancellor has pledged to bring an end to the “vicious circle of ever-rising taxes” through reform of benefits and getting to grips with the cost of public services.

Departments will be instructed to identify savings by scaling back routine tasks performed by staff such as doctors, teachers and
the police.

But Mr Sunak and Mr Hunt will face calls for urgent action at the Manchester conference.

READ MORE: Hunt under pressure to cut taxes as Brexit Britain soars past France and Germany

Dame Priti will tomorrow warn at a fringe event that Britain could “sleepwalk into a deeper, darker and more sinister version of socialism under Starmer and Labour”. Arguing that Government spending is “unsustainable”, she will say: “We must put an end to this socialist disease, and put a stop to the culture of more taxes, more spending and more borrowing.”

She argues that the next manifesto must offer “full-blooded Conservatism” and the prospect of a “radical tax-cutting” Government.

Meanwhile, Ms Truss will press for a cut to corporation tax and an end to a quarter of a century of “economic stagnation”. Ms Truss, who was Prime Minister at this time last year, will speak at a “Great British Growth Rally” and call for the Conservatives to be the “party of business again”.

She will point to drug giant AstraZeneca’s decision to build a new factory in low-tax Ireland as a reason why the UK should follow suit. “We must unleash British business by cutting corporation tax,” she will say.

“We can’t stand idly while companies like AstraZeneca move operations abroad because of our huge tax burden or small businesses shut up shop because they are drowning in red tape.”

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Ms Truss, whose conference last year was overshadowed by the decision to ditch plans to abolish the 45 per cent top rate of income tax, will outline the interventions she believes are needed to kick-start growth.She will say: “Ahead of this year’s Autumn Statement, we must make the Conservatives the party of business once again, by getting corporation tax back down to 19 per cent.”

Meanwhile, more than 30 MPs have signed a pledge not to “vote for or support any new taxes that increase the overall tax burden”.

Former Conservative chairman Sir Jake Berry said: “We all know we cannot tax our way to growth but for too long, ever-increasing tax rises have become an all too usual occurrence.

“The readers of the Sunday Express know how to spend their money far better than the Government does and I want to see them keep more of it,” he added.

“That is why we are making this stand now.”

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