Donald Trump is America’s favourite pick for next Speaker: bombshell poll

Basham explains why Trump/RFK is the dream ticket

A clear majority Americans have said they want Donald Trump to be the next Speaker of the House of Representatives as the former president has hinted he’s open to the idea.

After the GOP’s Kevin McCarthy made history by being the first Speaker to be deposed, an exclusive poll for the Daily Express US has revealed that Americans want Trump to be named as his successor.

The former president, who is the frontrunner in a bid to take back the White House from the Biden administration, has the backing of 47 percent to 46 percent to be the next Speaker according to the latest Democracy Institute/Express US poll.

Trump was nominated for the role because the Speaker does not have to be a sitting member of Congress. He has suggested he could take the role in the short term but wants to focus on winning the Republican presidential nomination.

The Washington based Democracy Institute’s monthly poll had even more good news for Trump.

The poll revealed that 58 percent think they were better off under Trump’s presidency while just 39 percent thought they were better off under Joe Biden.

Trump is also backed by 47 percent to 43 percent in a head-to-head contest with Biden ahead of the 2024 presidential election.

If Vice President Kamala Harris was the Democrat candidate instead of Biden, Trump would win by an even bigger margin of 52 percent to 41 percent.

He also has 61 percent support from Republicans to be their nominee next year.

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The Democracy Institute’s Patrick Basham said: “If Trump beats Joe Biden in their seemingly inevitable rematch, he will owe black men for his return to the Oval Office.

“For the past three years, these voters have been moving away from Biden and towards Trump in unprecedented numbers.

“Both Democracy Institute/ Express US polling and surveys by the leading independent pollster Richard Baris identified in 2020 the rising tide of black support for Trump’s reelection campaign.

“He ultimately secured more than one in eight black votes, a Republican candidate’s best showing since Richard Nixon in 1960.”

He added: “Crucially, they currently support Trump in greater numbers and with even greater enthusiasm than they did three years ago.

“There are more working class Trump voters today than in 2020 because the Coalition of Angry Voters is expanding rapidly.”

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