{"id":121594,"date":"2023-11-22T18:39:14","date_gmt":"2023-11-22T18:39:14","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/cottontailsonline.com\/?p=121594"},"modified":"2023-11-22T18:39:14","modified_gmt":"2023-11-22T18:39:14","slug":"china-launches-tidy-police-in-crackdown-on-people-failing-to-make-their-beds","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/cottontailsonline.com\/world-news\/china-launches-tidy-police-in-crackdown-on-people-failing-to-make-their-beds\/","title":{"rendered":"China launches \u2018Tidy Police\u2019 in crackdown on people failing to make their beds"},"content":{"rendered":"


Officials in a county government in China are reportedly planning to fine people who fail to make their beds or do the dishes.<\/p>\n

As part of new draconian policies, police will be sent round to issue penalties if citizens don\u2019t live up to standards of cleanliness, The South China Morning Post reports.<\/p>\n

Puge county in Sichuan province has said it will impose a fine of 10-yuan (\u00a31.12) on people who leave dishes unwashed or do not make their beds.<\/p>\n

Officials claimed the new policies are being brought in to enhance living conditions in the area.<\/p>\n


The new policy, which has been titled \u201cFine Standards for the New Countryside for Human Settlement Environment\u201d, currently identifies 14 categories of behaviour which are subject to fines.<\/p>\n

But the move has provoked fierce debate across China, as citizens begin to question whether the government should be allowed to intrude so much into their home lives.<\/p>\n

There is also a five-yuan (56p) fine for having intact spider webs anywhere on their property.<\/p>\n

Financial penalties also range in the region of three to 10-yuan (34p-\u00a31.12) depending on the severity of clutter or faeces people have in their back gardens.<\/p>\n

Officials have emphasised that repeat offenders will see fines doubled.<\/p>\n

The county\u2019s vice-director stated that the goal of the policy is to address the pervasive issue of \u201cdirty, messy, and disorderly living conditions\u201d.<\/p>\n

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He said the fines are still in the drafting stage, but that he intends for them to be used as a deterrent to aid the current issues facing rural homes.<\/p>\n

\u201cWhen you visit a farmer\u2019s home, the conditions are often far from presentable,\u201d he said.<\/p>\n

“The environment is filthy and messy, featuring spider webs, people dining on the ground, with numerous mosquitoes and dogs in close proximity.<\/p>\n

\u201cTo be honest, fines cannot effectively address these problems. We are using fines as a means of deterrence.”<\/p>\n

He added that it is the government\u2019s intention to reinvest the money collected from fines back into the community.<\/p>\n

\u201cFor instance, if a household is penalised three yuan, we will use that amount to purchase a broom for them,\u201d he said.<\/p>\n

“If the fine is 10 yuan, we will buy a basin for them. Our goal is to transform these detrimental habits, which is an extremely difficult task.”<\/p>\n

Another member of Puge county’s government told Dahe Daily that the county is not the first to impose fines of this kind and that poor living conditions contribute to the spread of disease.<\/p>\n

Puge county is under the administration of the Liangshan Yi autonomous province, one of the country\u2019s most impoverished regions.<\/p>\n

Efforts to enhance the economic development of the area is a common topic in Chinese state media.<\/p>\n