Wada Badshah Hussain Sk _ Shafaqat ali _ New Qasida Mola hussain as || 2019 II Subtitle

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Wada Badshah Hussain Wada Shahshah Hussain Wada Badshah Hussain Wada Shahshah Hussain Fitrus Jhede Welle Prato Nawazian Fitrus Jhede Welle Prato Nawazian Flaka Kanch Oorda Hoya O Iqda Gaya From Ghazi's Lhad even today From Gazi's Lhad even today this sound Hoor Lord gave Namaz Hoor. The Lord gave the prayer and read the new one. The Lord gave the prayer and read the new one. Adam and Jesus went away with a broken heart, the throne and the light women will be surprised. Because of Kufa and Syria, Kufa and Syria, Kufa and Syria, and Drubam, the oppression of Hussain and the people of Syria. Zahra da Lal Bialian een na sare jajat my bawe kraj Rawe don't be saved your self is invalid Da who made such a love with me yesterday God didn't see him and gave the pleasure, got up and prostrated and gave the pleasure. God did not do the Prophets

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