Turnin 4 BBs into a MILLION DOLLAR CASH at the WSOP with Femi Fashakin EP 12

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What do you think keeps you going with the ups and downs I think the hope that we'll you know take it down soon Well... Done on to the next P's and Q's with Femi Fashakin How ya doin pretty good you feel good yeh yeh I'm tired tho tired from all that winning huh no busted out of the 888 today that's okay why don't you introduce yourself for the camera Femi Fashakin I'm originally from Lagos Nigeria been living in the US almost 18 years I'm a software and I also play poker so do you consider yourself a part-time poker player I'll say yeah more less part-time. recreational player but out you plus my but you just won the Big 50 that's true I did, Femi just one the big 50 you guys that is a huge accomplishment we are all extraordinarily proud of you you're We were rooting for you thank you oh my gosh so is this is the largest accomplishment of your poker career thus far by far by far by far going into it. how did you feel did you know you were going to come out on top, did you meditate like how did you get in your zone where do you want me to start from the beginning day 1 I want to start from the beginning Day 1 let's see. So day 1. I played pretty well I got on the little heater towards the last 4. levels and I was playing well I was picking up stacks that were pushing all in. and I try to avoid a lot of flips but my hands also held a lot when I was ahead, I managed I finished with like 350K stack which wasn't too bad on day 1, I could have done more but I had some coolers towards the end but that's ok So day 2 I had a guy on my table with a massive big stack I think about a million or something and. I kind of was worried I was aware of his presence it was a older gentleman maybe a little tighter so I started playing that and I got into some spots where I make some big bluffs and if I woke up to a monster so I lost, like 50% my stack and then the blinds went up and went to like went down to 18, big blinds so at that point I had to tighten up my game, luckily for me I was able to pick up some hands and I was able to double up, then I also got a good score when a guy that I play with he plays in Hollywood at the Hard Rock his name is IDO I three bet shoved cause he was short stack from the small blind with Ace Jack and he had Queens and my Ace Jack held up and I was like whoa because I spiked the ace on the flop so that was a little sigh okay I think I'm running good right, I just cracked queens with ace Jack suited I can't remember how the rest went by, but I finished 950k that day Day 2 and I was probably above average stack so that was good Day 3 was very good cuz I was able to figure out the players of my table and I exploited some of them there were some loose aggressive so i watched them for a bit so I give them several all, three bets and got lucky didn't really getting in trouble let me fast-forward it I went to another table when they broke us up and then things. to get it all I don't know I think I was just calling shoves and I was just running good was that because you had such a good read on your table that you were calling the shoves really no it wasn't really the read per, se it was more I had a decent stack was like the bubble pressure at some point so I put a lot of bubble pressure you know raising jam re showed and I was picking up the stacks So I did go into a table that was crazy and it was that the table captain was this woman from Alaska she was like, super aggressive and she was fearless I had way more stack than she had like she was like putting pressure so I tighten up I think I chipped up at that table and the final table I went to on day 3 I've got into, a situation that I got a good gift we're already in the money and it was like a 5K bubble like it five thousand pay job and then I was still. joking about like hey guy's you gotta fold because there's a pay jump. right a couple of them so I looked down on my hand I had black aces okay. perfect timing and I normally min raise 2.2 raise I think I have like 12 million at this time'll or thirteen blinds must have be like was probably 75K or 80K somethin like I made it like 170K something like that okay and then this gentleman older gentleman big blind defends and then. flop comes as a ten high like 4 3 he has eight million effective stack right

and he checks to me I c bet 200K and he rips the whole 8 million. to me I thought about it not for too long because obviously I have to see does he have sets in his range all those but you know sets never gonna shove. so I made a call and he had a King ten we hold and we go to 20 million. We bag, 22 million Day 4 was pretty good it was I I did okay I ran up to like 30 million in ran into some spots went down then I made a huge mistake some kid some, guy actually final table with me he'd just lost full house over full house on the river so I thought he was probably on tilt right I counted his stack I thought I, did but I counted like 6 million after that hand I played he shoved the next day hand he got and I had ace seven diamonds and it wasn't typically my game to make calls that light because now I have like maybe 22 million chips I thought he had 6 million. and when he shoved I called and I really found out he had like 9 million and he shoed pocket 9's we got crushed we got down 11 million. so it was a big mental disappointment so had to regroup because that can be really challenging because yeah you might start beating yourself up or, feeling like down so I have my go to like music and kind of like helps me by. I just turned her life it's a group called oh my those families are older album that you have that listen to that I there's some things like the next, today I feel it's a loose-fish you know this softer and it keeps its own and I. also have like a five minute rule where I can beat myself up about average in, any situation and five minutes yeah yeah I can think about it you know whatever. whatever she reason why I was before there was now my stack was 11 million I. can't remember what the blinds were but I know he was going to I so fast he might have been like maybe 300k and basically I was woods like less than 30. big blinds so and now I can't really think the game each was to put a lot of, pressure and snacks were getting deeper I think somebody was going to like be. sixty billion so but I can't even like exact details wife on some other spots, cheap table and then I went up to like there's several media like no I had like. 50 big blinds and I was able to play then we just ran it up right up like swans and bananas I like 10% of the stack or more to say it was like twin. several ones left Wow and then from there just crying it out so we finished being for good seven of us left and at some point too I went, down in stacks but I doubled up with the last to be hands to the end you know I, bet the last ends last three hands like again Chicken Little was only seven players correct that was being I was exhausted that day is we back I think it was a stop here think you might be like six or seven hours exactly sure and what. point did you know like you know what I'm speaking now actually I don't think I thought about it like that I just was trying to take it as it came one at a time because I wasn't sure of course when I was heads up I kind of need us with a minute it was a pretty interesting final teams there was a situation whereby one word for hand at four left. I was down to the public yeah the blades of lime juice

opportunity comedian Ida 80 medium and that was faulty one and the rest of you, guys of please wide and I would like to Al's each other luckily I befell 587. sooo that and then somebody called with h3 and L know they doubled up right after that because he's being so it again all the games those four five six. to that offices it's being held up and it from day I just never and then you can take it down for 1.14 I'm so proud of you Thank you very it's just an honor to be able to interview you number one you know you're. a brother and when I saw that picture I need well I was like okay I'm proud I was kind of my phone that means a lot to people of color coming into this. industry you know there aren't that many faces of us especially and final tables, like that so I know that inspired me so much as a as a woman and a woman of, color and I know I've talked to so many people who are like yo it made them want. to double down and make them one to like really commit to it and one question, that I get a lot that I'm gonna ask you is like why don't you study. who's your recreational clearly like you said you have your your other job that, you do what are you doing to amplify your game to get yourself to the level that you can do you can compete with the pros and take down an event that massive, that's a good point on so I got very fortunate might have some weak friends that like I learned a lot and I have a nature to, learn all the time so I there's a book I'm reading based on basically just how. to play the mental part of it it's not only just a part right to reaction to balance your emotions into the parts and making decisions getting over tilts, playing in the zone because that's actually looking back if you find in the. zone it means everything comes together all your knowledge your focus your, concentration profile and all your really games. the decision becomes very easy it's almost like you see their cards because, every position became exactly my studies alpha law but just in general I have a, group with some friends that what is your number one poker etiquette I say players being very rude to other players sorry you're an idiot just what sure that's three times maybe after they take your piece and they try, to really put out yes that's a good one hey don't be rude okay be nice it's okay to forget it forget it well I wanted to thank you for doing this interview with me with P's and Q's what is exciting and we're going to be on the lookout for more great things coming from traitor. amazing thank you guys so much for watching if, you enjoyed this episode please subscribe you can also find me on, instagram at peas and qs poker see you next time,

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