Top 10 Casinos in Macau 2024 China. The Best 5 Casinos In The World 2024 Challenge Macau China

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Hello and welcome to 22 Seconds Travel. My Name is Mario and in this week's we are in Macau the capital of gambling China, and if you cannot believe that only the last year revenue for Makau was. fifty-seven point 1 billion dollars Las Vegas 6 and 1/2 which is nothing compared to this so the challenge today well we're gonna take 1,000 Hong Kong, dollars and we're gonna spend on gambling so we're gonna go to five different casinos and we're gonna spend 200 Hong Kong dollars in each casino and, to make sure we're responsible with gambling, because this is really, important we only gonna spend those 200 Hong Kong dollars and we're not gonna, spend any money that we win if we of course win anything so are you ready, because I am ready as never before so excited so let's go to number 5 on our. list: Galaxy casino and Before let's enjoy the diamond show Wow so excited Its just about to start the show, the diamond show, in the area of the galaxy casino so let's enjoy the show okay so we just been inside the casino and we tried to play roulette and fruit machine and just to remind you this is the first time ever for myself in the casino so I had to learn the rules first and we spent 100 Hong Kong dollars on roulette and 100 Hong Kong dollars on, food machine and guess what? We won it how much is one thousand seventy nine point nine Hong Kong dollars out of two hundred Hong Kong dollars so happy days first time lucky I guess right? you can see how amazing is it this is, the view from the Ritz hotel from the 51st floor so I would definitely, recommend to come here for coffee like a cocktail or a drink let's go to the next one so far so good Number four on the list is Parisian, casino so well in not in Paris you feel like you are in Paris but in fact you are, in Macau. Parisian casino was built in 2016 so just recently and the Eiffel, Tower is approximately half of the size of the original Eiffel Tower and looks, like every 10-15 minutes there is a light and music show on the Eiffel Tower, so also if you really want to enjoy the view from the higher deck you can go on, the 7th or 37 floor so I'm so excited to go inside the casino to have a bit of the gambling so same rule apply $200 HOng Kong Dollars in this casino only spend those $200 if. I win anything I keep the money I not spending them so let's go and see if we can win anything or just have fun We have been into the Parisian casino and the deal was to spend 200 HK$ that's how much we put in. And listen to that, we have won it 213.7 HK$ So we are up 13.7 HK$, which is just about 1euro but it's all about fun right so let's go to the next one Number three on the list is Venetian, Casino this is the biggest casino in the world you cannot say that you visited. Macau if you haven't visited this, so we are inside the shopping center of.

Venetian and you can see actually the lake we We are on the second floor in the shopping center and they managed made a fake lake in the middle of shopping center and, do you even have a gondola. it's after 10:00 p.m. already so you can actually, have a go on the gondola and when you look on the ceiling it looks like is a daytime but again this is a fake sky it's not real days, there is like 3rd, 4th, 5th and even six floors in the shopping center so you cannot actually say whether is a daytime or nighttime right now We just finish spending time in that Venetian Casino we put in $200 HK$ and we managed to win in total, two hundred fifty five point eight I think as far as I can remember. yeah about that two hundred fifty five point eight so we spend hundred thousand. dollars for roulette and we lost everything and then another hundred HK dollars for fruit machine and we. actually WON all the money on this one so well done Number two on the list is Wynn Palace casino and look at this cable car that goes around the lake. that is on the front of the palace this is so cool, so the same rule apply two hundred dollars we only gonna spend money out of, this 200 Hong Kong dollars and anything we win we're gonna keep it to, see if we can actually win oh just actually have fun and lost all money Each casino have something different and this one have a cable car that take you around the lake and it's free which is absolutely amazing so before we, go to the casino we try one of this but so far we visit three casinos and we. always managed to actually get more out of the casinos that to live there so let's carry on let's go inside the casino so exited okay well what we can say you not, always win so we put in 200 Hong Kong dollars and we managed to take out, eighty six point seven HK dollars so we lost just over one hundred ten. thousand dollars but oh well it's all about fun right look at that, this is fun. So that's it for today we is social in the casinos we lost you lost track of time and that's what's happened is 25 past midnight we've got one more, casino to do bad I think it's gonna have to wait till tomorrow all right And finally number one on the list is Grand Lisboa - such a beautiful building it's actually looks like lotus flower looks, like a lotus flower and it's amazing it's got a height of 258 meters and it, was opened in 2007 so I actually so excited to go inside, and have a bit of gamble and bit of fun and see if we can win something oh maybe, just have fun so let's go same rule apply 200 HK$. no more than that anything we win we keep it right see you up there. We're going to discover a bit of a Grand Lisboa Hotel and Casino this.

building looks absolutely amazing look around just look on the ceiling and oh by the way the casino is on four different letters or even five so there is -1. groudn one two three we've been on the fourth one and on the fifth one is a restaurant its crazy busy here so we just finished a grand lisboa. casino and guess what this time we managed to win it four hundred sixty four point seven HK dollars out of two hundred so that's the profit of two hundred sixty four point seven well done to us right so this time. we make a loss on truth machine and all the profits we make on the roulette this, one very important tip so if you arrive here by the plane free shutter bus to the casino so you can get to Grand Lisboa for free to Venetian, Parisian That's it for today. In total total we visited five different casinos and before we tell you how bad or how good we did well it's actually time to. say a bit of information about Macau so there 41 casinos in the whole Macau as per data from 2018 which means this is only our our top five list so there's. plenty to discover if you've got time and money please feel free to do that so. let's go to our list so the first casino we visit was galaxy, casino and over there we've done amazing profit of eight hundred seventy. nine point nine Hong Kong dollars so that was the best out of five casinos. actually made it and then number four this Parisian casino so over there we, made a profit of 13.7 Hong Kong dollar so not too bad it's all about fun number three is Venetian Casino and over there we also made a profit so 55.8 Hong Kong. dollars over there not too bad and then we went to number two is Wynn casino and over there is a win we haven't won anything we actually lost hundreds twelve. point three Hong Kong dollars we lost oh well you not always win right so this was the case this time and number one we went to Grand Lisboa which is over there so the Grand Lisboa we made a profit of two hundred sixty, four point seven Hong Kong dollars over there so not too bad so in total we made. the profit of 1,118.8 Hong Kong dollars and if we exchange that to. Euro that give us a profit of one hundred twenty nine point forty nine, euro happy days so we just made money well we can party now right? time to leave Macau, these tiny streets and tiny colorful houses so that's it for today we hope you, enjoyed this program we hope you enjoyed a little challenge. please remember to be responsible when gambling and please also make sure you like subscribe and hit the Bell button to don't miss any new uploads also. please follow us on Instagram at 22 Seconds Travels thanks for watching and, goodbye from busy Macau good bye from China,

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