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Yo this is big that's the biggest, billboard in Las Vegas I've played Vegas. before but this time it's different I'm. about to start the biggest residency of, my career Wow Let's get into the episode let's go into the. club wow. W so right now it's. Thursday and the first show is on Saturday so we came into Vegas early and, I'm going to to the club every day until the show because I just want to feel like so ready so familiar I've been, getting music ready already I've made a. special intro for Vegas I'm going to, show you that and just getting my set. ready cuz I just want it to be, in town cuz this is where I'm going to. be for the next two years so yeah I I will take you uh we'll go to. my apartment tomorrow and I'll play like, all of the all the bits of music that. I'm preparing and stuff and then we'll. be back here tomorrow night for another sound check sound check part two it's, like it's like a dream for ran is it. transition let me think what I was going. to say um oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yo I'm tired as um I feel like. since we got to Vegas the jet lag's just. been hitting me and it's weird cuz we've been in the USA for a couple of weeks but um that. extra extension of time zone cuz Vegas is a little a little bit behind everywhere else I went to bed at like. halfast 3 and I was awake at 700 like by, myself it's kind of hard to sleep here as well cuz where this apartment is, right next to all the lights so I have, to wear a sleep mask but then I always wake up without a sleep mask at some. point in the night I'm just taking it off subconsciously um anyway we're going to um back to zuk shortly, because I don't really know why we're. going but well I do so I want to run, through like the first bit of my set with the visuals team there to make sure that we are like in sync before it. actually comes to the night of the show so yeah I'm going to go down there. tonight and DJ for like half an hour just so that they can see how I play um. I've made a special intro for the zuk, show and I think I'm going to use it for, all of the zuk shows so basically a few months ago, I made this live remix of Ferrari and I. put it on my Instagram and everyone, loved it and then I just forgot all about, , it I was trying to find a way to get, Ferrari into my intro for zuk without playing the whole of Ferrari because I. still want to be able to play Ferrari in. my set in its proper form so I was.

playing around with loads of synths and, stuff use a little bit of the vocal use the synth and then I had this brain wave I was like oh why don't I make this, remix like properly so that's what it did I up on my. body you still make my heart beat fast , Ferrari I want your hands up the subtitles will show atmospheric sounds make my heart. Ferrari I still want your hands on my , body you still make my heart beat, fast I still hands up. on Las Vegas Put Your Hands. Up James James Jam. bitam. if it sounds good on these in this. room you you've cracked it mate so, yeah what started as me trying to make an intro turned into me making a whole. ass remix but yeah that's going to be. the intro for the zuk shows. um so I I tested that out last night in the when we did a little sound check there sounds good cuz when I'm working. in this studio I can't really trust what, I'm hearing in cuz I'm in a glass room on a glass, table with a little pair of monitors on. the table um and a loud air conditioner, as well not ideal working environment but yeah it sounded pretty good uh other. than that I've been preparing the set so I made this really cool edit with the. Timber and tune I got all the classic James hyp Vegas bits . throw some real old James typ stuff in, as well cuz it's so perfect for, Vegas I'm going to finish planning the set tomorrow but for now I'm going to, plan like the first 30 minutes and then. run it through with the team in there. tonight so yeah let's get back to zuk, trying to avoid my face along the way I, don't think we're going to. money, , yo we're in the club um James is about to do like a run through for the production team so they can program all. these lights um Ben and I are going to. show you kind of what they look like and. uh try and make it look cool let's do. it . I played to about 20 people and they're. all staff so they have to like it um but, this is going to be a fun Club to play. in I can already tell it's like the position of the booth the sound the. decks are all,

perfect, um one more day to get ready it's going to be a good for show does it look good it looks crazy the thing I, don't although come come look at this so this is turned off right now but that's a monitor so I can see what's. actually uh happening while I'm playing. which is pretty cool but uh yeah we're, going to get out of here, transition you ready you're ready you're, ready I can see my breath the let's, do this I still want your hands up on my. body you still make my heart beat fast. Ferrari I still. your, body make my, heart I still want your hands up on my, body you. still James James James, , James , , are, . this. , out like a light like a light like a light like a light like a light like a, light I have a 13 hours till. . , iy , , . all right so said we're going straight. from the club to seek out after party I, don't know where it is but we're, in a casino so stay with, me is that secr, door 10 is that it day 10. 10 10 I got nothing more to say I'm really, tired it was very hot in there can't sick what what a place, um just go on the uh go on the zuk, website check what dates I'm playing book it now see. . lat a,

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