Structured Sober Living AND A Halfway House. What is the difference?

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What is the difference between. structured sober living home and a halfway house what is the difference, between a structured sober living home, and a halfway house. there are negative connotations, associated with the term halfway house, and they're they're. they're they're kind of they're both. group homes that are set up to help. people that are struggling with, substance use disorders and transition from halfway house used to be called a, halfway house it's from jail to living on your own and a sober living home i. would say is more like from treatment to living on your own so from rehab to living on your own and but a halfway house can also be somebody that's not coming not court ordered not coming from jail, and so the the the rules the structure the accountability is set up differently the structure is set up differently a, halfway house versus a structured sober living home typically a structured sober. living home is going to have full-time, w-2 employees. as the members of the staff. as the team members and. when you have the house managers being full-time w-2 employees meaning it's not just a senior resident that gets free rent to be the house manager, when. a senior resident. gets free rent to be the house manager many times they're they've been sober, for less than 30 days that means that they have another job so, they're not really around and they're they haven't been clean and sober that, long and maybe they don't even have very, oversight or training to be in the position that they're in whereas with a structured sober living home the house, managers are full-time w-2 employees. there's a. training program set up they don't have. another full-time job their full-time. job is to be the house manager at a structured sober living home. there's going to be random drug testing. two times per week and it's two times, per week every single week it's not just. when the house manager thinks that you. might be high or thinks that you might be drunk it's random because drug. testing in a sober living environment is. preventative the reason why we drug test is because you know that. you're getting drug tested not because. we think you're drunk not because we. think you're high and if you know you're, getting drug tested then the next time the opportunity to get drunk or high. comes your way you're not going to do it. because you know you're going to get. caught and you know you're going to get discharged. curfew. typically there's curfew set up at a, structured sober living home and there. can be more rules like out of bed by, eight o'clock beds made chores done no,

tv from 9 a.m to 4 30 p.m, technology assisted care is is something. that is that that is seen or that, happens that is utilized at a structured. sober living home and technology assisted care along with gps, tracking along with activity tracking. along with communication with the house. manager or any other support staff. that might be a team member of the sober, living home food many times at a structured sober living home is included. which when food's included it's good because it promotes the community one of. the biggest, fights that happened at a sober living. home or, a halfway house is, it's because people are stealing food so. anytime you have a group home. environment if the community if if food, is provided by the group home. it makes it easier it promotes the, community because all of the home all, the food in the house belongs to. everybody in the home. 12 requirement or work in a recovery program is a requirement at a structured sober living home whereas with the, halfway house it might not be a. requirement or even if it is a. requirement maybe it's more like a. suggestion because even if it is a, requirement if there's, if there's not staff. on site that's that's paid to facilitate recovery and hold the clients. accountable to the rules of the program, it's it's not as likely to happen. self-care, being a requirement that that would be, something that you would see in a. structured sober living environment or a structured sober living home program. gym memberships many times are also included. neighborhood location so, a structure a nice luxury sober living home is going to be in a nicer, neighborhood. with that that is more, i don't know if i want to say conducive, to recovery but it's not. it's it's more of a family neighborhood where, you're not going to see the drugs and the drug dealers and the. needles and and so forth in that type of a neighborhood halfway house, clients many times are court ordered so halfway house many times when people go to jail they're court ordered to go to a halfway house for a period of time after they leave jail that's part of their probation it's part of their parole whereas you're not gonna see that in a in a sober living home environment not to say that it hasn't ever happened. typically. the. residents at a structured sober living home are coming from a treatment center,

as opposed to coming from coming from jail or an institution. or not an institution but jail. also sober living homes because of the. way they're set up and because of the w-2 staff and because the staff is, trained and supported many times they're able to accommodate, not just drugs and alcohol so halfway, houses are typically just just substance, use, disorders. structured sober living homes that have the accountability and the support and, the structure set up correctly, can handle people with substance use. disorders and also process addictions, like. gambling, sex addiction. and mental illnesses not severe mental. illnesses, but mental illnesses the cost of a structured sober living. home is many times going to be much higher so halfway house might be one or. two hundred dollars a week whereas a structured sober living home can be anywhere from, two thousand dollars a month five. thousand dollars a month ten thousand dollars a month i've seen, i've seen fifty thousand dollars a month in some places like new york and la, but um, in arizona uh a good high quality, structured sober living home is. typically gonna be. anywhere from, three or four thousand dollars a month. up to like eight to ten thousand dollars, per month depending on which type of a house and depending on if you have a, private room a luxury suite or just a, bedroom with a bed in a shared room, and many times a structured sober living, home is going to require a longer a, longer time commitment so, a three you know a one a monthly commitment at the very least and sometimes a two-month commitment. sometimes a 90-day commitment, so you're going to see that in a structured sober living home environment, whereas with a halfway house many times, it's just weekly it's weekly again one, to two hundred dollars per week so there are huge differences between a halfway house and a sober living home. program one's a program one's going to be more like a weekly, pay as you go, and, many times people at the halfway house. model don't necessarily want to be clean, and sober again they're court-ordered so, they they're there because they have to. be there whereas with a structured sober, living home environment where somebody's. paying for. one or two or three or even six months up front they typically want to be there. they want to be clean and sober so my, experience structured sober living home environment is much more conducive for. somebody that wants to be clean and. sober

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