Street Food Market in china |Casino Gambling | Chinese sea Food Market| life in china|

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, there is a rolling pin in China too, there is roti in China too, now there is flour, in my opinion , see, the ladies are also eating, they are also keeping the money, take it in the middle, brother, in China, we have seen Gunner, the name is something else, but this is the complete Gunner. Gunner This also Gunner Hello everyone again welcome to a new blog, so today we will explore the local food market of China, before that see the battery rickshaw in front which is similar to the Indian battery rickshaw, just a slightly modified gate. There are factions, but it is the same, let's explore China's food market. Before that, whoever is new to the channel, do like, share and subscribe the channel. Brother, look at this scooty, it looks so good, friend, there is no effect in the rain or cold. Not only this, friends, you have seen garlands of flowers in India, but these are their food garlands, I don't know what they eat, they have made garlands of them, everything is there for us too to eat, see this brother, different types of eggs are sold . We are here now, we will not be able to understand what is the egg, red chilli, rajma dal, all this is available here, but oh muli, we are getting eight yuan's worth, maybe one kilo, this is what they have kept on the scooter, I think. It may not be available in these bids or it is sold separately but if I get such a Jugaad cheap then I will also take it to India or it looks very nice, what are you selling brother, Hello Meha Bhai Sahib, what do you eat, what is the leg of? So Fat Bhai Saheb, my hunger was feeling so strong. Seeing this thing, my hunger seems to be gone. I think I will eat something first, but see what, this is looking like a duck and look at this, such noodles are also available here. The bed is like a wire of mutton, we had seen this in Kyrgyzstan, look at what brother is making, it looks like some Lachcha Parantha to me, what has he made now, I am not able to understand with what he has made it, but look at that. The one in the middle seems to be complete. In India, we have Lachcha Paratha. Now Bhai, I am not able to understand what it is made from. Look, what kind of game is going on here. Just like our playing cards, some games are being played. These people are also here or maybe they are busy in money because there is a whole shop. Look at the lady. She is keeping the money also. She is walking with her brother or is walking with her. You are also seeing brother how the ladies are playing. Gents, there is a betting market here, I am not able to understand the drink here, it is a game, it is better to move ahead from here because everyone has glasses of liquor in their hands, when will anyone get angry, brother, we have seen the wagon in China, the name is something else but it is The whole sky, this sky, this sky too , look at this, see two gunners, that too is a gunner in China, the one who is fixing the vertical, this is also a gunner , but it is of Suzuki, but below it has some other name, its name in China is some other, its name is Gagan . Yesterday we had memorized such a cycle, so see friends, this scooty is standing, they have attached it separately on the top of the scooter, they have attached it with an iron rod here and attached it at the back and then it becomes like this from the top, in the rain. No problem, no problem in cold, no problem in wind, it is very safe, if it folds into a small size and is available cheap, I will take it to India, let's see where we find Meha, or hey, where is this dog going? Brother, they will cut and eat you. Run away from here. Brother, I am coming to China to see why everything is so big, this green chilli, see how long it is, such a long, long green chilli, this thick green chilli, such a long, thick one. And look at these tomatoes, they are so big, look at how long the brinjal is, look at the potatoes, how do they do farming, what seeds do they grow, look at the capsicum that are so thick, look at how thick the carrots are, look at this capsicum. Look at how thick the chillies are, how thick the brinjals are, it probably looks like coriander Some brother, there is a rolling pin in China too, there is roti in China too, now there is flour, I think brother, come to India, good roti. We will make it, they are using flour instead of flour, now what are they making What's the matter brother, have you prepared naan, how did you prepare the food? Brother, brother, I am facing a lot of difficulty in eating food here, so I have ordered fried rice again. And if you take chilli along with it then it will do the trick. I got this plate of fried rice in Kunming for 20 yuan, maybe they scammed me and here I got it for 10 yuan, so simple. There is a difference of half the youth, friends, like we got a battery bank in the train or a power bank in the train, its charge was $ for an hour, like this, you will see such power banks at mostly every shop in China, these last only for a few hours . For the users, take it from here, two dollars for two hours or not or one dollar in this, I don't know, it may be expensive in the train or it may be cheap. Chinese people use their mobiles in such a way that they have no other work. No, all the people I saw in the train in the metro are so focused on their phones that they keep their eyes on their mobile Look at this, another scooty has arrived, friends, this is sugarcane lying around, I thought it was sugarcane juice. People are drinking but after cutting the sugarcane they take it to suck for eating. She is looking at it like this, she is cutting and the foil will be filled. Look at her brother, she will take the sugarcane now. Wow brother, is this blade sharp enough to peel sugarcane? Looks like a great thing, we in India take sugarcane with teeth, that madam is also taking sugarcane with these, this is how we remove the entire spill of sugarcane, this bladed jugaad is very good, some people are not able to peel sugarcane because of teeth, due to this they If you are not able to suck, then if we have such a blade in our homes in India, then it can be peeled easily and whoever wants to suck this sugarcane can easily suck it. Where the joint comes, he cuts it and throws it here. What's the matter brother? This thing was also seen in China and look how big and thick the sugarcanes are. Ever since I have entered China, I have not seen anyone riding a personal bicycle. Everyone is riding the same blue, yellow and green bicycle which is There is a tree which is a bicycle from a company, they scan its barcode and pick it up and park it in their location. These three might be different companies and they have complete dominance in the whole of China, so people buy their bicycles only. These Chinese buses are used by those who do not have the means to go here and there, prefer to sit outside and have dinner at night or when it is sunny during the day, they sit inside the shop and the night time table is posted outside . Look , there are low floor buses in Delhi, they are similar to the ones in Delhi, but they are smaller, look at this, you will see bicycles everywhere, someone picks you up from anywhere, parks you anywhere and later when you turn it off, the handle is locked. So friends, that's all in today's video, if you liked this video then like, share, subscribe and leave a lovely comment. Thank you so much for watching, see you in the next blog .

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