Slots meta win withdrawal problem | slots meta win withdraw failed Problem | slots meta withdrawal

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Friends, in today's video we are going to talk about Stalls Meta Application Withdrawal Problem. Many people must have got their money stuck in this application. Gas, my money is also stuck, so you can see here, I had raised ₹ 200 which After that I have failed, I have rebelled again for ₹ 200 but it will still wait and show on here. I had withdrawn ₹ 200, it was my field, after that again ₹ 200, I have just drawn it, it is in waiting, you can check the gas now from the customer service, as we are talking here, you can check if it is related to the rebellion. Here , let me send some messages to the customer service team. Please write a message like the one I am sending here and send it to you. After that let's see whether the customer service responds here or not. Guys, the team. Please help me withdrawal, I have written the problem like this, after that I will send this message. Friends, I will click on send in the customer service and you can see that the message has been sent here too. Friends, you people can see that I have also sent the message. I have done that, that too is being shown in the processing itself. The Paisa Vidroh that I have done is also being shown here after waiting, so this type of program will come in this application, so further, I will tell you all what all. If there is a problem, you can see it here. Let me show you all one more thing, how to talk to the customer service here. I will also tell you all this related to the problem in the application in the stores. Customer Service Reply here. In today's video, I am going to tell you all about whether it does or not. As soon as you click on the sport button above, you will get an interface like this. Here, there is a message option at the bottom, you can see the gas. You have to click on it. As soon as you click on the message option, we will go to the customer service option. You can see that after clicking, an interface like this will come. If you have to wait a little here, then let's wait . Let's do it for a second or two and here something like loading is happening, you can see that customer service has come here and it is written here, Hello brother, need help recharge, you are right here and they get the bill back, listen to them . Can there be an option like this, gas, I have sent a message, after doing the game withdrawal problem, now let's see here how much time these people take to reply to this message, gas, you can see right now, I have just sent this message. Done, let's wait for a few minutes, 25 to 30 seconds had passed, after that I had skipped the video a bit, gas, two minutes have now completed, send the message, after that I would have skipped the video again. I am here for a few minutes, after that again I will see you all, after that you can watch it here, again I had skipped this video, after that it has been 3 minutes but no reply has come, you can watch it here. I have a game vital problem, I had sent a message, till now is there anyone in this application, customer service, we have not received any reply to solve this problem, till now you can see, the name of the application is Stalls Meta Stalls Triple Seven, so this is The name of the application is, you can see it here. Again, I am going to go to the message option here and show you all that the gas price of ₹ 200 that I had just shown is being shown in waiting only. Yes, let me show it to all of you, you can see ₹ 200, it is showing in waiting only, you can see the gas, talked to the customer service, there is no reply even in the customer service, then this kind of problem is going on in this application. The name of this application is Stolls Triple Seven or Stolls Meta, so that's all for today friends, see you in the next video, I am not suggesting you all because in this up, if you accidentally watch the video program, there are going to be a lot of customer service. Gas will not help you, so I would suggest you do not invest money in this application, do not install this application, see you in the next video

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