I'm telling you man, some people say that we were very bad they were not impressed by my gameplay i know i know it is weird. oh that's a lot of wiles nice is that a full line mile, wow look at that i think that's. wow even more is that a line oh, please please please look at that wow, this one's poppin please stay wow that's almost. look at that how many lines is that i have no idea, timing i have no idea 3405 look at that is what is popping last spring coming. out here, look at that it's gonna be even better, than demon. 11 946. that's more than a thousand, x is it live . he's waiting for me. , oh nice look at that look at that. look at that that's so that's huge, that's huge what is that look at that wow look at that. 20 200 250.. . that's what we do that's what we do full weight jacks open your saddles and can you believe that you thought, jay's, stream was, oh my god okay dog is doing pretty good. today oh another one i'm not a full line i'm not a fool line i'm not a polite. oh we got six minutes remaining we're, all the way down to six thousand. five hundred and sixty five spins remaining the full line there with the. jacks 800 clean 7 360 running on here with four spins
remaining and that's a full line with the colors. there and that's 2562 added we're up to. 9922, three spins remaining and that's not a. full line there either, 11 635 with two spins remaining not a single dog to be seen, and not a full line there either 11 910 with one spin remaining and that's a, full line there with the callers there. with a total win of, 14 560 coming up here with the house, and that's a full line there with aces with a total win. of 21 335. please be my guest and open up your, goddamn. golden set, here we go, whoa whoa what the hell was that, . what the hell was that what the. what was that. , oh what was that, and the orange is 32 multiplied 15 oranges 32.. not even a high not even the highest bull what what did what just happened i would. have to see that, clip that clip the hat. . what is that. oh hey, 32 000 on a 10 euro, bet, oh . . i think yeah all right so. yeah we're gonna i don't i don't even know. how good this symbols are i don't even, know is i assume orange is the second best symbol here,
i know the strawberries are the best one, i assume look at that it's still popping. i assume the oranges are the second best, symbol let's look at 33 526 jumping up your, satchels that i'm in shock what is, . oh wow got still five fish remaining and, we got. four of five well i don't know i get mr cymbals. we need the last one now that's gonna be a full screen never had five. i never never had five never seen five so there's a full line there, as well with that one there that's 2200 clean moving up here please let's get the last one, , oh oh it's these bad symbols but there's a full line there as well, the two spins remaining still. . first time we got four scatters and that, confirms that we do get oh look at that one here please. let's get that pharaoh. no not the worst bullet beast, that's i think that's good pretty good. right what is that what's 5 000. the last thing coming on here now please let's get five oh we've got doggos coming out here as well and oh we got helmets. we got helmets look at that we got, helmets and full line with the helmet as well that's huge wow whoa i didn't even know it was that good. oh i didn't even know it was that much i didn't even know it was that much. look at that 53 thousand 10,