Today I am going to share some good stuff with . you about the breathing exercises and root chakra meditation so this is the basic meditation you . can also do but don't do much you need to see my full video if you want to do and according , to that you have to follow every step when you are going to learn through the video I never , recommend it I make the videos for informations because the teacher need in our life so they , can correct us the video cannot correct you if you're practicing through the video so you need . a teacher in your life experienced teacher it's also mentioned in our Kundalini Tantra book and other Tantra practices book it's mentioned there even in yoga it's mentioned you need a teacher , for your Advanced practices if you are practicing breathing exercises so first what we need to start you need to do your yoga I already made two videos part one part two you can do practice with that , and after that you can use these breath exercises so these four exercises I will share in , this video keep watch and I will share the different variations in bastrika we can use . variations I already share some variations with in my past videos so in this video I am going to share four breathing exercises retention internal retention and chanting with the lamb Mantra the root chakra Mantra Islam so we will , meditate that so first we will do the bastrika take your hand like this use . the force of your breath and the motion and why we do this this is only pleasing . with exercise we just need to open our right and left nostril so we can breath well . this is only listening exercise you need to do 20 to 50 times and now this is the variation you need to use the force when you're doing , it your motion your force of the breath spine straight and only motion only movement of this . hands inhale up exhale down inhale exhale inhale exhale use this Force to open your body with that and open your nostril this is the second variation of the masterika the third variation , you need to do 30 30 times every variation the third variation I already mentioned in the . last video 30 times you need to repeat inhale turn your hand and exhale inhale exhale you need to use the force of your body when you're doing this this is the third variation of 30 times and the fourth , variation the downward 30 times again it means 120 times you need to repeat the all the vastrica variation like this foreign focus on my hand straight up turn around follow like this you have to use this . variation also 30 times it means 120 times all for variation of the bastrika now the kapalbhati first sit straight 30 times only with the force you need to use the force inside an exhalation sit straight h IPS I done that many times I have a practice . that why I can do fast and forcefully this pattern that I'm doing the variation that I'm teaching in this video only for healthy peoples if you are suffering from any kind of a high . blood pressure cardiac heart problem blockages so then don't do fast the same variation do , slowly slowly you need to take a pose for a second then you can do that so this is the first variation of the Kabal bhati the second variation do the Vishnu mudra and the Gyan mudra in your , hand the Vishnu mudra block your left nozzle with your left hand block the left with your thumb . and do the kapal body with your right nostril h h right you can do 30 times the same pattern change . the mudra in your left hand Grand mudra in your left hand the Vishnu mudra and then do it ,
like this okay the first mudra that you have done and then the other mudra block it again . mudra and then left right blockage and then here also you need to repeat , the 30 times the first 30 times like this then block like this then block from the left 30 times now alternatively 30 times . the fourth variation of the Gan mudra like this thank you one by one one by one one by one you need practice to do this variation it's difficult but with the practice do slowly slowly so you can do that carry time also means 120 times the same variation the Vishnu mudra two fingers down two fingers up one thumb up this is Vishnu , mudra what's this and repeat right the posture should be straight and when you're doing this now . the third exercise this is called breath exercise means alternate breathing this exercise is Miracle exercise I can tell you but if you following the rules miracle any problem in your body any disease . any toxic any I'm not giving you the one by one all the decision name any this is in your body if you're doing this practice 15 to 30 minutes every day with the right method no sound no jerking no , Force naturally inhale deep belly breathing then exhale alternatively then inhale exhale inhale . exhale inhale exhale deep and long without forcing if you can do 15 to 30 minutes every day . any disease in your body and toxins will go out and after this I will let you know the , miracle combination with the retention of the unknown below you will not see anywhere I am just sharing it this video with you guys straight relax your body and straight relax in the posture with the body connected so you can get a support for a long time and then , block your right nozzle with your ring finger and then inhale very slowly no sound no jerking no Force deep belly breath increase the belly the diaphragm . loss of people say it's a diaphragmatic breath exercise deep belly breathing exercise and . alarm below whatever you like with the method is on Long below and deep belly breathing the combination of two the diaphragmatic bathing and along Willam the alternate dressing with . that the combination of two breath exercise then you need to inhale then exhale . with this if you add one more thing it will create miracle in your life but with , the practice with the concentration it will come in your life it's a secret of Himalayan Masters very deep secret that I'm going to share in this when you're inhaling in your mind when you inhaling slowly in your mind you need to chant one Mantra . so then exhale um so um silently in your mind just like you need to believe in inhaling so um so um so it become Trinity Trinity of the bathing . exercise first alone the alternate bathing second the deep belly breathing third the combination of . the Mantra the fuel of your soul the fuel of your energetical glories if you can merge this and can , you do 15 to 30 minutes you will see in a 10 days only in a 10 days you will see loss of Miracle , changes in your mind in your body Miracle changes I'm talking about but you need to follow the right rule no sound no jerking no force it should be very smooth and deep very naturally inhaling and , exhaling just like without doing anything it's happening again I'm telling you inhale from , the left with the sore sound in your mind so um so long exhalation deep inhalation long exhalation . deep inhalation always keep in your mind long exhalation deep inhalation that's why yogis use pattern of numerological pattern three six nine two four seven like this kind of a pattern they .
use so if you're following that I am giving you the simple method that I learned from my masters and you can change your life naturally you have to follow good diet also with that no junk food , no oily food good healthy food you have to take and you will see incredible changes you don't need medicine in your life after that inhale head straight spine straight not bending down the posture is very important the posture should be straightened so then , your spine can exhale and inhale inhale exhale hum with the inside not just like I'm just trying to teaching you that's why I'm telling you inhale with the soul exhale with the hum in hell with the soul exhale with the hum 15 to 30 minutes if you don't have much time minimum repeat this 30 times minimum every day you need to get time for yourself . don't be lazy don't give excuse to your mind 50 to 30 minutes if you want to change your life if you want to cure yourself naturally and otherwise 30 times you have to repeat one side 30 times other side 30 times long exhalation deep inhalation with the so hum so hum so hum so hum , exhalation with the hum inhalation with the soul now the fourth the same exercise fourth variation very powerful with the root chakra the fourth variation is the same method just like we have , done in a long velom the Deep inhalation inhale hold the breath five second and how , you will count you will count with the Lum second by second five second hold . inhalation deep inhalation hold and then exhale in your mind only focus on the root nothing else just inhalation exhalation no imagination no visualization nothing automatically . experience will come no visualization inhale deep inhale increase your . diaphragm hold your breath and then exhale again inhale hold the kumbaka retention and then again Miracle I'm telling you this word miracle means , Miracle can happen in your life with your hard work 15 to 30 minutes even you can do this you will see the power inside you and you can attract loss of material and spiritual things in your life , material and spiritual things understand if you're doing this you have to give time to yourself you . have to give time no sound no jerking no Force 15 to 30 minutes otherwise 30 times inhale hold Lum . Lum Lum slowly in a one second one in a one second exhale long exhale to take your belly , inside again inhale slowly slowly then again hold the breath and then again if you can do these four exercises only because this is exercise with the meditation also means first you have to do yoga or you can do sun salutation if you know then you need to this , practice these four exercises empty stomach you need to perform empty stomach and then after that don't instant take a bath and don't instant wake up just relax after that do two mudras at the , end of the breathing in this meditation changing meditation with the breathing and do the mudra . Ashwini mudra and sajoli mudra for the women's for the men's you need to pelvic nerve you need , to squeeze that is called vajroli mudra and anus area you need to squeeze that is called Ashwini . mudra tight release tight release tight release 11 11 times only and after that just relax for . a five minutes don't touch to anyone because you are in your body able to absorb the energy . and don't take instant bath give time 30 minutes after 30 minutes take a bath so enjoy this practice and keep follow the right method on Kali