PatangBaazi | BakLol Video

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Batra's son, how are you? Are you coming on your terrace to fly kite? Are you giving me an open challenge? Have you forgotten? How did I cut your kite last year? As the chef chop the vegetables. I cut your kite as like this. Just shut up. And don't challenge your father. Disconnect the call. I'll see you on the terrace. He will challenge me for the kite. Where is the TV remote? Oh, here it is. Thank You. What an amazing song? This is the problem of today's generation. They play this type of music in the morning. Did you know anything about our country? Our country got independence today. Instead of watching Parades, You are watching these songs. Bastard. Don't give me any lectures in the morning. I know that today is... Independence Day. Even you can't pronounce it properly. Just give me the remote. I didn't let you watch these songs today. I didn't want to listen to any hymns today. Let me listen to songs. A live Parade is going on today. Open that channel quickly. No, I'll listen to this song. I want to listen to the songs. Just give me the remote. The dog's son bites me. Wait a minute. It means I'm the dog. Listen to me. Let him listen to the songs. What happened? Keep quiet. I always take his side. Then how could he learn, About our country's culture? Please agree. Keep quiet. He deteriorated because of your love. Do you know that at our age, In the morning of 15th of August. After getting ready. We used to sit to watch the Parade. Put the Parade held on 26th of January. The Parade. Held on the 26th of January? Yes, I'm trying to tell you. So that your respect didn't ruin in front of him. But you always ruin your respect. Father, at your age. On which channel does, The Parade hold on the 15th of August? I think they repeat it on the 15th of August. Shut up. See, how did he is arguing with me? At least, we didn't, Listen to these obscene songs. We used to go on the terrace. To fly kites. Did you fly the kites? That's enough, father. There is a limit to lying. I'll throw you out of this house. And out the kite flying ground too. You just keep tying the kites. And your father will cut 25 kites. Father? Now, it's too much. Just told me whatever you wanna say. But don't talk about my kites. I'm a champion of my area. Yes, which have only 2 memebers. I.e. you, and your friend. Batra's son, who only holds the winch. Father. I'll challenge you for kite flying right away. Yes, I accepted your challenge. If I will be unable to cut you and your kite. Then, my name is not even Murari Lal. Okay then. Let's meet at 11 AM. On the terrace. Okay. Father? Give me some money to buy some kites. I'll definitely win the challenge. Do likes for me. So that I'll win the challenge. And watch the video till the end. And subscribe to our channel. Do like the video for me. Okay. Do like the video. Let's see who will win? Get the kites from here. You didn't get these types of kites. Even not in India, China, America, You didn't get these types of kites on Mars. Get the kites from here. Get the kites from here. Why did you come with me? Believe in your son. Or I had already stolen the money if I want. I can believe in you in the case of money. But, challenge. I didn't believe in you regarding the challenge. Even you didn't have, Any knowledge about the kites. How to buy the kites and Manjha? Do you know anything? Yes, I know everything. Start selecting your favorite kites. The Kite Flying Champion visited our shop. Just inform me and I'll come to your home. Why do you come here? What are you saying, Ballu? Both the things are the same. Just handle your customers, And I'll come back in a few minutes. Okay, brother. So, what would you want? Pack 1kg of Jalebi. Jalebi? If you have a kite shop. Then we come here to buy kites. You are asking this question, As you have a shopping mall. Keep quiet. Brother, pack some kites. And show me some amazing Manhas. And pack 100 kites. 100 Kites? Are you fine? Does the money grow on trees? 100 Kites? Don't act like this. If you don't have the guts to complete the challenge. Then why do you accept the challenge? Just give up and go to your home. Just go back home. Okay. Buy 100 kites. But you will use the old Manjha. Unravel it first. Then use the new Manjha. That Majha is feeble. Shut up and follow my orders. Show me some kites and Manjha. See this. Take this and keep the change. Get the kites from here. Only a few kites are left. All the kites have been sold out. Get the kites from here. 5 for Rs. 10. Earlier, the offer was 4 for Rs. 10. Get the kites from here. Oh shit. Father has bought chinese Manjha for him. And left me with this manjha. How could I unravel it? Let's do a thing. Unravel it at any cost. And then I'll rub glass on it. And then it will become sharp. And then I'll cut his kite easily. Let me unravel it quickly. Six Hours Later. Oh shit. Is this Manjha? It is not unraveling. I wasted 6 hours on it. Let's do a thing. Let me call Batra's son. He will help me. Hey, Batra's Son. Come to my terrace quickly. I have work for you. Yes, come quickly. Will have fun. What type of work is this? It's very good work to do. Unravel it quickly. How to unravel it? There will be a competition Between me and my father. And I must win it. 7 Hours Later. Finally, we unravel the Manjha. Now, wait and watch. How did I cut my father's kite? So, let's go to your home. Let me start the competition. Okay, best of luck. Father. Welcome, all of you to the competition. So, our first challenge is, A government office, Panku's father. And our second contestant, Who spends his father's money. A lazy man. Who failed 2 times in the 11th standard. I.e. my son, Pankaj. Mom. It was important to reveal my failure? Forgot about it, and let's go. Wait a minute. Before proceeding. Let's have this water. Be the winner. She has wished me. No, she has wished me. No, she has wished me. Get out. Oh god. My father's kit is flying higher. But my kite is unable to fly. Father's kite is flying in the right direction. But my kite is flying in the wrong direction. Mummy? Help me. What happened, my son? Have you given up? You have covered the right area. And the wind is not flowing in my area. That's why I'm asking for help. Mom, help me. 1. 2. 3. Yes, the kite has flown. Now, I'm going into the room. Carry on. Where are you going? Let's start the challenge. I'll cut your kite right away. You are going away again. My kite is flying away because of the wind. Otherwise, I didn't afraid of you. I'll cut your kite easily. So, if you will cut my kite in this way. Then why are you running away? Okay, then, I'm coming closer to you. Stay away from me. Don't come closer to me. Hey. Why are getting scared? Focus on your kite. Otherwise, someone other will cut your kite. I'm coming closer to you. No. See, you are running away. Yes, don't worry. Yes. Batra's son. The kite is flying properly. Don't worry. Yes, see my flying kite from your terrace. My kite is flying 3.5 Crore Km away. And I'm flying it with a finger only. That's great. Okay, bye. You couldn't win the competition. You are eating tobacco in front of me? And without me. Sorry. Have this too. But, wait a minute. Do you chew tobacco? Stay away from my kite. Hey. I caught it. Stay away. Father, stay away. Oh god, they are flying kites for 3 hours. But the competition is not going to be over. They had become sunflowers in the sunlight. And they are hungry too. I have to do something. Idea. Hello. I cut it. Oh, our kites? I cut 2 kites together. Thank you, baby. They are lovers? It means they cut our kites? Yes, I already know that. Both of you are flutters. It will take only 2 min to distract your mind. That's why I have already, Called the professional kite flyer, Billu. To Teach you a lesson. You bastard. Now, you have grown older. But you still flutter with a girl? Oh, father. Don't lie. She was like your daughter. Keep quiet. I was selecting her for you. Really? Now, both of you stay here. I'm going into the room for taking lunch. And ask that girl to open the door. To whom you were staring. No, just listen to me. Mom, please open the door. Mom, I'm very hungry. Mom, just open the door. I'm starving. You bastard. It happened because of you. What did I have done? Shut up. Hey guys. If you like the video. Then do like the video. Do share. And write down your comments too. And please subscribe to our channel. Hit the red button. And Happy Independence Day. Bye, love you and take care.

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