One Important Cause of Anxiety Disorder | Sadhguru

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Toddlers have diaper issues adolescents. have hormonal issues middle-aged people have crisis, voltage. sold Pharmaceuticals there are many many dimensions to this all these things will. work against you your own intelligence. will work against you and Adolescence. means. they are malting literally from one, stage to another one simple thing is, this for the adolescents. this has to be brought forth, . adolescence means Springtime of life if you're having trouble with spring I. can imagine how you'll handle your, Winters. hello. huh it's a spring time of life. when everything is high energy your body. that you're at its best if you're having trouble dealing with, that part of your life I can imagine the rest of your life how you will handle. this is not any one age maybe studies are being done on specific. people but toddlers have diaper issues now this adolescents have hormonal issues middle-aged people have crisis, voltage, soul to Pharmaceuticals, when you are young, you bought drugs off the back street. when you're older it's over the counter . nothing much has changed it's just become legal everything is becoming, legal you know. hello. a lot of things which were not legal are. becoming legal isn't it. so, this is not to make a joke out of. somebody's suffering but you need to understand what's happening, there are many many dimensions to this I. don't think I can cover all of them in this few minutes. but to just put some perspective to you, see there are five sources of. receptivity for you from the outside, world there are five openings your, vision your hearing your smell your taste and your touch the simplest aspect of life is this. essentially your eyes are designed to. take 12 hours of light 12 hours of Darkness Starlight Moonlight okay now. literally every waking moment of your. life light is penetrating no room. sounds, just imagine suppose you lived in the same place it is still here like this, if you stay in the ashram it's still. quiet, if you lived here, once in a way once in a way Some Noise happened, otherwise, generally quiet little bit of insects making noise this that that's about it now 24 hours something is going on Autumn Mills are going on in United. States everywhere there is some machine. buzzing all the time it's it's like you know if I travel here for six weeks eight weeks, it becomes like boom something is going on in any building you sit something is, going on, when I go back to ashram in India if I, sit there it's still like that, absolutely still, the impact that it has on your system is, tremendous. but this buzzing that's going on see. what's going on even here, I am still holding my ground I don't, know without telling me they might have, already installed I said no air conditioners in the ashram in the Cottages why I am saying this is,

you you come to a Yoga Center because. you want to. bring your system to a certain level of. stability balance because without. balance doesn't matter what talents you have what intelligence you have what, capabilities you have without balance you are no good, all these things will work against you. your own intelligence will work against, you, so all the time there is sound and. vibrations going on as if that's not enough people are wearing headphones and. all the time Dang Dang Dang Dang they call it music but the musician doesn't even bother to play it it's just a machine banging in your ears all the time well maybe that's maybe better than. listening to people around you. maybe you think it's better than the, automobile noises that surround you, but Non-Stop. impact of sound non-stop impact of light. non-stop impact of various other inputs, this affects everybody, and Adolescence means they are malting, literally from one stage to another. quickly this is the time, when there should have been a very stable atmosphere. most people don't have such a stable. atmosphere uh one thing is because of various. things that I already mentioned, family situations are not stable parents, are also screaming hello, yes they are, because every movie every television show everything is showing in the house, if you're angry you must shout you must, punch the door if not somebody at least. you must punch something you must break, something this is becoming the normal. everybody thinks that's a way to handle, your emotion, hello. it is examples are being said people. think that's the way to handle your emotion no if your emotion going out of control shut up close your eyes and just sit on in one position yes that's a way to handle your emotion if, your emotion is going out of control just shut your mouth close your eyes sit down in one place don't mess with the, rest of the world, hello. . foreign, this much responsibility you must have. when you are messed up. you don't mess the world. keep it to yourself your mess that much. you must have isn't it. Now everywhere people are demonstrating that if you are emotional you have to kick something you have to break, something you have to throw something at, somebody or at least at the wall. so all this and tell me. Suppose there was no television and. there was no Cinema. how many times in your life would you, have witnessed somebody being shot, but now that you're watching your Cinema. and television how many shootings have. you seen, hundreds thousands probably isn't it. you think it has no impact not only that from the age of five all the learning. shooting shooting shooting, maybe just on the screen but, sometimes they have to come off the, screen and do the real thing, yes or no. and now like this I can go on endless, number of things we are doing in the. name of so-called Modern Life, which is a way of messing life every, life is messed not just adolescence. because adolescents are still on your hands. you're complaining parents are.

complaining because they're still on their hands once they go out their. husbands and wives are complaining nobody listens to them. hello the same brats have gone out and married, and made children and everything hello. you should know, maybe with age if they become less little less energetic or at least in the. evening they drink on they're in hibernation, either they're out somewhere earning, their living when they come home they're. in hibernation, that way everybody's safe, it's not the way to conduct life. even if you're exuberantly alive, you should not be damaging to any life, around you that's life hello the only way. to see that you are not dangerous is, that you're sedated, that's not a good life hello, now this is a face of life when changes are, happening so rapidly. all the impacts which are on every life on the planet not just human life every life on the. planet maybe place up a little more in the Adolescent. or maybe it's just the same as you, it is just that you thought that your little Sweetie Pie's, now they are showing. genetic qualities, thank you if a smaller version of you is like that. you must look one simple thing is this if every human being knows simply how to sit still just a few minutes a day. no great spiritual sadhana nothing. simply sitting still. if this can happen world will change in. many ways but still we have to handle. these inputs, these inputs are too many, in your homes you can do this where I live. most of the time I will never turn on the lights unless I want to read, something or whatever you will see your eyes will adjust and. you are able to move out everything is. fine or if you need something a couple of, lamps, will take care of that little bit of light that you need to move around all the time bright lights on it is telling on your system, the input is too much, for your eyes for your ears you must. bring down the input. now many may see if you had to see colors, you have to wait for the sunset sit. there and wait then one spectacular. color arose but if you're looking at, your phone it went away. , going on and on and on endlessly all this has immense impact light sound. color if you lower the input into your life and your child's life one, way or the other, do whatever you have to do you will see they will grow up in a much more, balanced way, it's the simple thing you can do, for The Adolescents this has to be brought forth little bit of yoga most of them will go through this phase of their life effortlessly foreign. . , everything,

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