No Bust Blackjack Strategy: Does it Work?

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In the game of blackjack if you bust you. lose even if it turns out that the. dealer had an awful hand and they would have busted - so what if you use a. strategy where you never hit a hand that could bust is that the magic secret to being the game of blackjack I'm calling from blackjack. apprenticeship and we've trained more. successful card counters than anyone and in this video I'm going to explain the, math behind the no bust blackjack strategy. hey I'm calling from blackjack oppressor. I'm here with my good friend David aka, Loudoun often and David you know the. feeling when you have an awful hand and. so what do you do here I'm terrified I want to take a hit but I don't want to, bust okay so let's say you take a hit, but then you bust you lose your $10 and then the dealer shows that they had a, terrible hand if you would have stayed. the dealer would have busted and you'd, be $20 richer then busting and losing. that $10 what if you just never hit a hand that can bust and we've been. training blackjack players for a long. time we do these things called blackjack, boot camps that we hold in Vegas and I. remember a guy coming to me it was on. day two of the boot camp so day one, we're explaining the fundamentals of. beating blackjack day two he says : I. watched this guy play and he just, couldn't lose he was winning and so I. asked him what are you doing to win so much he says well if I have a hand that could bust, I just never hit that hand I let the. dealer bust and he says : is is it that, simple well is it that simple no.

unfortunately no here's the problem if, the dealer is showing a seven or higher, then the average hand is that they're, gonna make is actually an eighteen point. four if you stay on 12 through 16 if you, stay on one of these hands that you say well I don't want to bust I won't let. them bust your actually saying yourself. up to lose much more often than if you were to take the risk of hitting your. hand so so why don't people want to hit 12 through 16 they don't want to but like psychologically it's more painful, to feel like you were a part of you. losing your hand than to just be the innocent bystander of the dealer beating you but the the math is astonishing if. you follow this no bus strategy it gives, the casino about a 4% edge over you as a. player if you follow basic strategy, which says to hit 12 through 16 against. the dealer's 7 or higher then you're. gonna have about a point five percent. disadvantage so that means but you're gonna lose eight times more money by, following the no bust strategy than by. following proper basic strategy think of it this way if you follow basic strategy at blackjack, and paying $25 a hand at the end of an, hour your expected loss as far as the math of the game is you're gonna lose about 12 or 13 dollars per hour just. betting $25 and following the basic, strategy chart if you say well I don't want to bust so I'm gonna follow this no bus strategy you're gonna expect to lose about $100 per hour. so 12 $13 an hour of negative, expectation or $100 an hour of negative expectation I don't know about you but I. don't want to lose eight times more to, the casino no even though it feels it,

hurts in your heart to hit this hand and, bust what do you gotta do it's the right decision so how do you know it's the. right decision because you know that. more cards will help you then hurt you, over time and is there somewhere you can learn this proper decision for every, hand well you start with basic strategy so what's this basic strategy David, hands like 12 13 14 15 16 are gonna hit against the dealer's face card yeah so, basic strategy is a chart you can. download it from our website for free, and mathematical simulations were run to, show the proper way to play every hand of blackjack the mathematically proper that doesn't mean you're going to win every time you hit a 13 against the dealer's 10 but it gives you the best, odds over the long haul and the problem, is some of these hands they're they're a losing hand what that means is you're. gonna lose it's negative expectation whether you hit or stand but you're. gonna lose more money if you follow this. no bus strategy than if you follow basic, strategy basic strategy basic strategy, isn't just enough to get you over the edge it's enough to lose less but. there's more that's right if you want actually beat the game of blackjack you need more than basic strategy you. definitely need more than the no bus. strategy so take the time if you want to, be the casino to learn card counting to, legally gain the edge which is what, we've done for millions of dollars and. what we've trained hundreds of other people to do if you just want to enjoy. our video subscribe below and you can. get car cane tips and updates and stories and learn how to beat the casinos,

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