Most Embarrassing Gambling Streamer Fails Ever

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Making mistakes and losing your cool. playing casino games is a low moment and something we've all done at one time or another at least we can take comfort, knowing no one saw us utterly fail in. the privacy of our own homes that's not. so true for streamers however in this, latest top five we'll take a look at the gambling streamers who failed to keep, their composure and left us with some of. the most embarrassing moments ever on. stream soda Poppin loses £5,000 soda Poppin is a popular streamer who likes to bet big at the online. blackjack tables and usually comes out on top with his impressive Blackjack skills but we all know the classic rule what goes up must come down and when Soda fails to pull off his big risks he does so in style congratulations to The, Ruck. fizzle hooks accidental double down ever had that annoying moment where you realize you added two it to your. Amazon basket instead of one what the multiply those feelings by a few thousand and you might start to come. close to how fizzle hook felt when he, accidentally doubled down on a 32 Grand, bet oh no I've just done it again oh,

jez oh no I'm just done, 32 oh, no oh please, oh no that confirmation is so troll that conf is so troll no no man that is the most trolling in the world oh my, God mistfire Takes a Tumble Swedish streamer mistfire is a little known streamer but left a big, impact with, us it's not his gambling skills that, impressed us but more our confusion at how you managed to fall forward on a. chair either way he made it onto our, list with that Olympic level flip hyper Brody unmasked by roulette hyper Brody's whole Persona is. that he's unhinged unless you couldn't. tell by the rambling and the stains on, his shirt show the entire see. they don't show it right see they don't. show it by their this bitch's belly but. we think we saw a glimpse of the real Brody when he placed 20 bets on the, roulette table only for the final result to miss every single one of them oh four.

15 that's mine 15 is mine 19 is are you, . serious are you kidding, me than the one I don't pick I pick everything, off, you Phantom Lord loses hard sh Phantom Lord makes the wise move, of wagering on a 100 Grand pot of CSG go. loot in this completely unregulated game. of chance it's shocking that his. brilliantly calculated move doesn't pay. off tell him to wait and check oh here we go oh what the. no what the , dude oh God he reacts in the expected. way and we would feel bad for him but since he felt wealthy enough to smash up his phone in post lost his appointment we think he'll be all right we hope you, enjoyed our top five list and we'll check in with us again for more great lists of the best worst and most, ridiculous things happening in the gambling world give us a like if you. like the video subscribe if you really liked it and check out our other videos if you can't wait for more

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