Moda is Istanbul’s Best Neighborhood

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Although our neighborhood of bayaglu had its charms we hated our Airbnb so we took any chance possible to venture. elsewhere we decided we wanted to explore the Moda neighborhood some more. so we decided to call Uber and get over. there with haste however once inside the. Uber the driver asked for additional cash once we didn't submit to the, Shakedown the driver deposited us on the. side of the road and we had to use. public transit to get to the ferries when we asked for a response from Uber's, CEO about this action this was his response, off you know you love Uber you know. you're never gonna stop using us, . foreign, this was way better than dealing with an inpatient and crooked Uber driver I couldn't imagine this as a morning can. eat but to get somewhere casually it. seemed Primo this didn't stop us from ragging on Uber some more however. foreign. try not to order, uh Uber, if you possibly do it if it's really, hard um we'll get asked for money on top of. what they offered um. price is uh, get one of these little babies and take the ferry we are on our way to category right now coming from we're staying over. closer to Jackson Square so, um. category as I just said. um it's best to just uh get one of these, little babies with your car for the bus, um just take public transit over to the, ferry I can't believe I had to cut the. house I mean on the apple, board. but I've never. never been asked for more money outside

this perhaps ever before. I mean. Uber Executives if you're listening, that's why I'm going down to get that. move it's very right but such a respite from the normal hustle and bustle istebo, moving about the city can be a household, whether it's being crowded in history as, a pedestrian dealing with the hustling, cabbies and never in traffic of the, roadways or being packed into public transportation with zero personal space, the ferry was an opportunity to sit back, and really drink in this beautiful in. this the credit City. but all things must come to the end and. it was time to get to Moda and most. importantly pizza now this city does pizza it even has its own version the, p-day but nothing can really top but the. tri-state area in the U.S produces. we ran into a proprietor of everyday. Pizza in New Jersey native who branded his slices were the best we would ever have we had to take him up an offer to. see if this was true , oh my God yeah. it's about enough about 32 pieces yeah how long do you let, it rest uh we do like a 48 hour. fermentation. well tonight it's like an hour but it just gets better and better like sex, first day second to third day, yes. Matt's lemonade here at everyday Pizza, it's so good best lemonade in this down. below waiting on our pizza. and I cannot wait definitely gotta go check out everything. pizza and Mac is also a puzzle Masters, , oh this is the best lemonade I've ever, had. it. it doesn't even have box on it I'm joking I'm joking I'm saying that. even without the lock buttons the best lemonade.

what's your secret, um jalapeno peppers on it sausage tomato, it is perfect, we have a really easy that's true, . we would actually we were just thinking, we just might get eaten, I'm not a medium no no okay all right, yeah, , you know. how many Matt told me on Saturday on Friday it, was the best pizza ever and I'm like no this is a normal New York City, I grew up in Chicago yes. , . I just can't believe how light an area, it is , we bounded out into the darkness seeking. rock and roll salvation we knew that, karga had slave trading playing so we thought that was perfect instead we ran into their opener with, Alia it had our minds blown foreign , . , . make it back upstairs to see the. headliner slave training, , we have been so concerned with sorting. out the mess with beggar that we forgot, to really enjoy the good things to happen such as this performance or even. a place that we didn't mention a great club called Kiki Silvers we may get more, into those later. but until next time taste the noise thank you.

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