Hello everyone good day and welcome to . hyperologicfx.com home of the ipro MX5 so this demonstration again similar to the other , demonstrations that we have on our Channel as well as our website is for informational purposes only . it is not intended to say that we guarantee that this will work for you every single spin but and . I say but it is based on a lot of feedback from previous and current customers who are using . it and making huge profits every day well over a hundred dollars an hour now there's a setup , before this if you look on our channel that has a nine number similar setup and of course there's , other videos of other strategies that we're using that we are not necessarily advising or suggesting , but it's based on the feedback of customers you can use this product in a hundred different ways to be able to make profits every single day now for this specific demonstration we're going to use a 12 number set up with an increase on one which means we're going to set . this at two losses you're going to do nothing but on each win it's going to add two units okay , so you're going to have drawdown but we're going to change this up we're going to make this a setup , where it's two losses this is set at default so we're going to set up a two losses with one when , it's going to add one unit with 12 numbers okay so you're gonna see that when we get set up in the actual app and you know you'll be able to make you know very decent profit I must say within a short period of time so without further Ado let's go okay so as you can see we're starting , with a bankroll of a thousand units now it's recommended to have at least 2 000 units that's correct you should have had at least have two thousand units it doesn't mean it has . to be 2 000 if you're playing with 50 cents two thousand units do the math is a thousand . dollars if you're playing with you know um 10 cents or or 25 cents just think whatever 2 , 000 amounts to when you multiply by 10 cents or 25 cents or 50 cents that's what you should have is just treat this as a business okay greets can always be the one thing that's going to screw you up and you don't want to play with scared money okay needs can always be met greed will never be . satisfied don't play with scared money have the proper bankroll treat this as a business and you . will be surprised to see how well you do and how many thousands of dollars you make per month so . let's set this up it's on two losses do nothing on one win it will increase by one now we'll show . you how powerful this actually is the first thing we have to do is get the numbers so what we're going to do is we're going to get about six or seven or eight numbers we're going to pump them , in as you can see once we pump them in it is now going to generate you know whatever the predicted . numbers are you are not going to get new numbers you're going to keep the numbers until you are ahead from what you started with then you will get new numbers okay so let's get these numbers .
so we can save some time on this video and you'll see what we're talking about Okay so we've , inputted you know we've input these numbers so far and we still haven't gotten a predictions , yet should be any minute now any second now okay so here we go so if a zero is not added . you're going to add to zero okay so we're going to put these numbers in the 179 12 14 18 20 22 29 28 31 and 33. and again this is all about not only you winning but it's also all about drawdown . okay because there's nothing out there that's not going to miss any program even on your own you're . going to miss and sometimes you're going to miss you know two three four five spins that's just , natural but what we're trying to do is allow you to be able to recover that see this is about . recovery and be able to make your profits so we're going to start off here let's put this up let's . put a bankroll of a thousand so we know we want to be ahead more than a thousand before we change um new numbers okay so let's go that's our first spin okay so you had a Miss that's okay you're gonna put into three we want to see misses okay because we want you to see how you're going to recover . and actually make so you're at a thousand and ten that makes sense what I'm trying to get to is a thousand and fifty okay now because you were ahead from what you started now you can actually , put this number down you hit on your Second Spin get new numbers okay so let's plug these , new numbers in Okay so we've plugged in all the numbers including the zero and we're at a . thousand and ten as you can see let's keep going okay so you had the Miss we'll put in the 17. . now remember what we need to do is we need to put this thing down okay you were at a thousand and ten when we had a reset okay so you need to get past 1010 I'm trying to get to 1050. now you . see the drawdown don't worry about it that's what we're showing you okay and you will see when , it changes over after a win it will increase Okay add one it will just automatically increase , but you need to have the two misses okay so 15 go and it will increase only with the win . see you're not betting any more numbers so you don't have to worry I'm looking , to miss so you can see the drawdown because if you don't you wouldn't understand how . this you know this setup actually works in your favor okay see you're 981 you're not going to change your numbers because you're down you're supposed to be at 10 10 or more look what it says . now increase by one because you had the hit see so you're going to increase by one okay no fair let's see how long it takes you to get 50 bucks I mean if you can make fifty dollars in a half hour you're making a hundred dollars an hour folks five hours of play is five hundred dollars , a day fifteen thousand a month almost a hundred and fifty thousand well not almost but more than a hundred and fifty thousand a year okay do you have a job that's giving you a hundred and fifty , thousand plus a year it's actually gonna you know and be a lot more than that okay so you just need .
to do what it says okay and have the bankroll treat this as a business okay don't go into a war you know with uh a paper towel okay so in this case you had this hit it was eleven . okay now you notice it increased to three you're not at 110 yet okay so you , continue moving forward so you see you recovered and you will continue to , recover and be able to make that profit okay there you go you're in 1070. I was just trying to get to 1050. let's do the math now okay here one zero five zero let's do the time , okay in three minutes I've made fifty dollars three minutes profit okay so we'll put that down three minutes profit of fifty dollars well guess what I want to go after a hundred so . now I am above 1070. so what am I going to do I'm obviously going to put this in and I'm going to get new numbers I could reset my app and start again but I'm going to get new numbers okay so I'm going to put this in and let's go from there okay I've added all of these numbers that you see here . including the zero and now I'm going to start the clock again I'm at one zero seven zero okay this , actually is I'm wrong I've made seventy dollars in three minutes okay seventy dollars in . three minutes can I make a hundred dollars an hour this only took me three minutes okay so , we'll put the time in let's go from here okay well I'm at 93 now so obviously in this . case what I'm going to do is I am one shot one hit I'm gonna get new numbers because I'm . ahead okay so I'll put the one zero nine three okay and I'm going to get my new numbers so which is 158 11 14. 10 16. 2023 24 30 and 33. here we go well that was easy I'm at 11 16. I'm done now if you figure I'm done at 11 16. if I start at you know 11 53 at 11 58 I was already at 10 70. you're . talking about less than 10 minutes okay I'm at 116 ahead it's very simple okay all you need to do is remember one thing once you've made let's say 50 units or more take a break come back once you . have a hit if you are not ahead you will continue to leave the numbers if you do get a hint and you . are ahead you will get new numbers always remember to put the zero the zero is still considered . a hit even though it's not one of the chosen numbers okay now once you're done just remember , to hit reset app and this you can always change okay you can make it 13 numbers you can make it 10 numbers nine numbers you can make this 14 or 15 numbers you can change this to add two if you , have a win you know um and so forth okay this can all be whatever you want to set it at okay but . these are the two setups that I have we have given you in the last two videos and hopefully you are going to heed the lesson being learned okay once again ipro MX5 get it iprologicfx.com , thanks for taking the time to watch this video,