Dark magga. that is the new rebranding effort for. donald trump as he runs for president in 2024 he hasn't, officially announced it but we all know he's going to do it and so trump supporters want to rebrand him, they argue that he was just too polite. in 2020 and that things need to change a, little bit so they're going with this dark maga theme. because they're children and they think everything is a game specifically like a video game with superheroes so more of a meme than a political slogan dark magga is a, post-alt-right aesthetic that promotes an authoritarian version of trump in. dystopian terminator-like images dark, maga supporters are calling for a ruthless unforgiving version of trump, because you know he's so light and. fluffy now so light and fluffy. um to take revenge on his political, enemies at the 2024 election. so uh this has been popping up on. twitter lately with tens of thousands of. tweets who knows if it's going to catch. on and i want to be clear trump hasn't like accepted this yet he's. not taking this on but um one of the, things that they're using is like images. of trump with like laser eyes terminator-like eyes um they're. typically red black and blue here's another example there we go uh popular figures uh in the you know the. right have been you know edited to have those eyes whatever there's tucker carlson who cares so um in the, description of the dark maga. in the description of the dark maga
creator as uh described by the global. network on extremism and technology. dark maga represents napoleon being exiled and then rising or raising a f. effing army uh to attack europe and attack the elites you guys. trump, loves the elites trump can't get enough, of the elites trump is constantly on his. knees seeking approval from the elites that's who trump is, constantly trump plays golf with the elites trump vacations with the elites he has, his days spent at mar-a-lago where he's, hobnobbing with them like these people, are so oblivious to who they're like hero is who their daddy is when are you. guys gonna have that moment that most. people have you know the moment where. you grow up and you realize your parents aren't perfect and they aren't like the superheroes that you thought they were they're human beings that make all sorts, of mistakes in the case of donald trump he's the anticipa antithesis of what, they think he is yeah i remember a story. we covered once where trump uh was so. excited that steve wynn was going to. show up to one of his parties because. steve wins that actionable actual. billionaire casino owner uh and he kept. going around and telling people steve, wynn's gonna come steve wayne's gonna, come and he was so excited that one of the elites was gonna attend his party. okay, uh and uh let alone by the way the fact, that he palled around with jeffrey epstein for decades and went to those. parties as well okay so, um look there's the funny side of this.
and i i had seen those laser eyes and i, didn't know what the hell it was and now, at least i know what it is and they're, absurd and they're dorks and all that. stuff sure but there's a super dark side. to it too let me read you a graphic seven here from the newsweek article it's the realization that there is no. political solution beyond vengeance tweets another user. if you want to win if you don't want to, repeat the pass you have to get mean you, almost have to embrace the villain role, that they're bringing you with describes another supporter quoted by g-net so, they realize they're the villains they know they're the bad guys. but they've kind of taken it on and they're like oh okay. uh i'm tired of trying to, reason things out we're wrong. and it's kind of annoying constantly being wrong so i'm just going. to own it and say yeah i'm the bad guy i, just want to have power over you yeah and i want to abuse that power so i want trump to basically turn into, darth vader and i want to be a stormtrooper that's what dark matter is, about. well thank you for at least admitting it. i just think it's super like you grow up. like you don't see women playing with barbies and stuff these days right like they grow up they grow out of it but these guys it's like they're in this perpetual state of immaturity where. everything's a video game like just grow. up video games are fun don't turn, politics into a video game