Greetings to everyone who watches my channel. And today we will conduct a ceremony and ritual with a magical meaning to attract good luck. This is good luck in work, good luck in love, good luck in your personal life, improving your health, both mental and physical, renewing your strength, renewing your energies, looking at water things with a more cheerful look. How do we perform the ritual? Today you make yourself comfortable, so that no one disturbs you, so that no one distracts you. You turn on your video player, tune in to the candles, the candle flame, and concentrate on the sign that stands between the candles. This is a magical sign and will attract good luck. I will perform a ritual, I will cast spells, you visualize, imagine yourself that you are next to me, that you are in the magic circle, hearing and feeling the spells that I am casting. If you feel that you need to repeat after me, then repeat, and the magical ritual will have a positive charge for you. The main thing is to believe in him, tune in to him. There must be a connection between the ritual and you for it to have an effect on you. If anything is unclear, you can leave your questions in the comments. So let's begin. We end the ritual with words of gratitude that everything will be accomplished.