Judge Judy Drags Man for Being Late to Court! | Part 1

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Matter of Rodriguez vs. Ramirez, step forward. >> Announcer: 20-year-old Breanna Rodriguez is suing 22-year-old Jerry Ramirez for the unpaid balance on the Honda Civic she sold him. >> Judge Judy: Mr. Ramirez, how old are you, sir? >> I'm 22. >> Judge Judy: What do you do for a living? >> I work at a restaurant. I'm a server. >> Judge Judy: In what restaurant? >> Ramen by York. >> Judge Judy: Where is it located? >> In Highland Park. >> Judge Judy: What are your hours of employment, sir? >> I'm part-time right now. >> Judge Judy: What are your hours of employment? >> From 6:00 to 11:00. >> Judge Judy: 6:00 p.m.? >> Yes, to 11:00 p.m. >> Judge Judy: To 11:00 p.m. And what do you do all day? >> Just, um -- Well, I am starting school again. I just started school. >> Judge Judy: I don't care what you are doing soon. What do you do now during the day? >> I go to school. >> Judge Judy: Which school do you attend now? >> I do an online schooling. >> Judge Judy: So you don't go to school. You do online, which means you work out of your house? >> Yes. >> Judge Judy: And who do you live with? >> My parents. >> Judge Judy: And what do they do? >> Construction. >> Judge Judy: They both work? >> Yes. >> Judge Judy: Are they working today? >> No. >> Judge Judy: Where are they today? >> They have regular activities that they do throughout the day. They, um, take -- I have a little sister, so they take care of my sister. >> Judge Judy: What are they doing today? >> I have no idea. They're out doing their own thing. >> Judge Judy: But they're not working today? >> No, I don't think so. >> Judge Judy: And where is your little sister? >> With them. >> Judge Judy: Well, you don't think so. Does that mean that you were home today doing your online school? >> No. >> Judge Judy: What were you doing today? >> I had a family emergency today. >> Judge Judy: I want to hear what the emergency was. >> I had a - I had a family emergency -- >> Judge Judy: >> I had a family emergency with -- with my brother. He had -- He has a liver -- cirrhosis of the liver. So it was -- It was just -- It was out of nowhere, and we all went to the hospital. And I just got home. >> Judge Judy: Just a second. What hospital is he in? You just told -- Listen to me very carefully, Mr. Ramirez. You just told me a moment ago that your parents were out doing you don't know what today. They were out doing things -- regular things -- 'cause they weren't working. That's what you told me two minutes ago. You told my staff in the back that you had a family emergency, but just a moment ago, you said your parents were out doing their own thing. Now, all of a sudden, you have a family emergency, and everybody was in the hospital., listen toe very carefully, Mr. Ramirez. I'm going to explain something to you about time and other people's time. You purchased a car from Miss Rodriguez. You didn't know her before you purchased the car from her. Is that correct? >> Yes. >> Judge Judy: You purchased the car from because you saw the ad online, correct? >> Yes. >> Judge Judy: And you bought the car and you had an agreed-upon price. >> Yes. >> Judge Judy: I'm gonna get to the rest of the facts of the case, because you didn't finish paying for the car. >> Absolutely. >> Judge Judy: I'm going to get to the facts of the case in a minute. I'm not finished with you about other people's time. Now, I spent a lot of time in school preparing for what I do. All these people work. Do you know what I mean, "work"? Full-time, they work. They get up in the morning and they don't go to school online. If they went to school, they actually got out, put their behind in a car, drove to school or went to school. Do you understand? I'm here waiting for you because you couldn't get her on time. Byrd is here waiting for you 'cause you couldn't get here on time today. Most important, the lady that you stiffed on the car, that you didn't know, was here at 1:15, the same time you were supposed to be here. Do you understand? That is disrespectful. Stop tapping. That's disrespectful. It's disrespectful of other people's time when you're late. You see all these people sitting in the gallery? They could have been home 40 minutes ago if it wasn't for you. I could have been home 40 minutes ago and been on the treadmill if it wasn't for you. She could have been on her way home if it wasn't for you. Do you understand? That's respect for other people's time. And if you're 22 years old and you don't understand that yet, I'm prepared to give you a dress-down. Now we understand each other? >> Okay, but I had a family emergency, it so happened. >> Judge Judy: Listen to me. Listen to me. Mr. Ramirez, I understand your words "family emergency." You told me five minutes ago you didn't know where your parents were. They were out doing chores 'cause they weren't working today. And then, when you realized where I was going, you went back to your original rote, "I had a family emergency." Now, all of a sudden, your parents, who are out doing chores, were at a hospital with your brother who has cirrhosis of the liver? Is that what you're telling me? You forgot about that when I asked you first where your parents were? If I asked you, "Mr. Ramirez, where are your parents today?" and you said, "We were at the hospital with my brother," that I could understand. But when I asked you where they were -- Uncross your hands. You said to me, they were out doing their things 'cause they're not working today. Do you understand? >> Yes. >> Judge Judy: Perfect!

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