But let's official Elon Musk has just introduced a smart and portable yet. robust that's the home for affordable. living, just like other Tesla products that has the home is filled with some of the. coolest features ever Welcome Back to Future lab your friendly and most reliable source of technology, news the latest gadgets and anything, related to the tech world stay tuned and be the first one to explore this insane house the CEO and. founder of Tesla recently showcased a ten thousand dollar home that is set to transform the surrounding real estate market, the size of this brand new home is, unimaginable for its service and. features. this Elon Musk himself but says one well I welcome you to learn more about Elon musk's 10 000 house in this video which, has become quite increasingly popular. musk launched a number of Ventures before his Housing Industry his goal was to improve the quality of. life on Earth. even wants to go far beyond Earth and. create a multi-planetary society like that of Mars, in addition to helping mankind the boring company which he recently launched with the intention of reducing. traffic through Channel Construction Services in America will help people who suffer from heavy traffic or congestion, as a matter of fact since Bitcoin a. digital currency requires a lot of processing power that is also generated. by burning fossil fuels musk actually stopped all Tesla payments made using, this currency, musk claims that fossil fuels are by far the worst man-made idea for producing, energy ever as a result Tesla withdrew, all Bitcoin payments in accordance with. its core principles, he is definitely a guy who lives up to his words so it is not hard to believe that he, chose to use the boxable firm to. introduce a sustainable residential, concept the way we think about houses May soon, change as a result of them because they. are so drastically different from. conventional homes, boxable Works to address the issues of, low-income people and others who need a cheap but a quality luxury house, given that it is not frequently featured. among musk's most well-known Enterprises, you may be unfamiliar with this one. despite being a component of Tesla the good news is that you are informed now the tiramani Father and Son the current CEO and co-founder jointly, created the brand, founded in 2017 the two Founders aimed, for sustainability in the housing that. they produce by offering an improved. more affordable and quicker way to build, homes by integrating construction with, automated assembly large-scale. Manufacturing. musk's addition to the boxable theme resulted in much greater innovations, that elevated the value of service numerous limited and less creative efforts to build sustainable homes had, also been made before boxable was founded but the concept of creating folding, houses was first proposed by Paulo tiramadi he constructed a home utilizing, pre-fabricated room modules to do this however you ran into a lot of issues with exporting the houses the dwellings were very enormous to conform to the. roadway. the majority of other prefab houses have. failed to succeed due to the same exact, issues. however shipping is a major difficulty. because it involves more backup vehicles. and constrained schedules and travel. periods, due to the House's ability to fall down. from a massive 20-foot house to a small. eight-foot Highway acceptable package
boxable has finally found a solution to, the issue this has accelerated the. large-scale production of homes, manufactured in factories you'll be shocked to learn that musk the richest man in the world apparently sold. all of his property and now resides in a fifty thousand dollar little modular. housing in Texas stating in a tweet that, he holds his house to work on, sustainable energy for Earth, he has written statements like this. before musk previously stated that he. will sell all his material goods and. simply stop to be a homeowner. so he definitely tries his best to live. a simple and sustainable life, even with his big family he is still delighted to live in his modular house. in light of this he considers his modest home to be more comfortable than his. former home but what exactly does a boxable house, provide. it features a variety of rooms as do, other modern homes a complete kitchen. with a window a refrigerator a, dishwasher an oven and well-fitted, cupboards are all included the bathrooms. come equipped with a spacious counter under mount sinks and a lighted mirror a sliding door surrounds the bathroom's doors bringing it a nice Finishing Touch. the normal size of the sitting room is about 20 by 20 feet, and to keep the warmth in throughout the. cold season the floor is covered in Broad smooth composite flooring, the 9.6 foot ceilings are equipped with the most up-to-date heating and air. conditioning. as a result you won't need to bother about the seasons it even has a washing machine and a dryer with an integrated ironing board Additionally the enormous, eight foot windows indoors guarantee. optimal lighting oh wait there's more it. is hard to imagine that this small box home can have so many features. the walls of the ready-made home are, constructed from reliable and simplest materials, they have undergone testing to demonstrate their resilience under. extreme weather. snowy circumstances especially the load, of snow can be tolerated and the rooftop especially. boxable is typically constructed from. known strong materials in the. construction industry that take a while, to break down such as steel concrete and. expanded polystyrene foam compared with the standard. infrastructure the ready-made roof floor and walls are made of laminated panels which make this house stronger than the. rest the layout and the structure set of, these viable houses comply with the. construction regulations in the act one, of which is the capability of the house. to resist terrible winds another cool. thing about this is that boxable is a. mold-free house folds can be a cause of. headaches during humid and flood. situations usual numbers and sheetrocks are out say. hello to boxables materials that will, securely leave your house and its. premium State an additional Advantage is that all the necessary electrical components are just quickly handled by. connecting them to The house's Edge, point. you see hiring electricians would not be, a problem anymore on the contrary fires. are not totally preventable on this one nevertheless the company made its materials fire resistant this is all possible by manufacturing. the inner and outer materials in, combustible wildfires and their products won't worry you anymore, take a seat and enjoy more interest things about this house boxable aims for Quality Construction by, making residents self-sufficient and power distribution consumption this is, done through the availability of six. solar panels installed on the rooftops,
to operate the house the panels are said to generate more than sufficient. electricity to power all of the, residential Electronics the residence, generates two kilowatt photovoltaic, panels these are supplemented by Tesla, power walls which are mounted on the, outside of the buildings to conserve. power both during the morning and at, night time. energy levels can be monitored and controlled through the Tesla application, musk said that the power it generates is. enough in cases of emergency and is. intended for usage in ordinary household settings does this automotive batteries are the main inspiration for its solar, panels they intend to harvest and store. electricity in the case of power outages, caused by natural disasters, how does it work well the direct current. is produced by sunlight striking through. the roofing Charles which then is, captured and stored, it contains a solar inverter this. inverter is responsible for converting, direct current to alternating current. that can make your appliances work, it comes with Incredible benefits. the power in excess is sent to an electricity grid what about it well the success energy can lower your EV. charging costs by enabling it to power your electric automobiles. boxable homeowners can conserve energy, by opting for solar energy when power. consumption is needed the most they can also opt for using electricity when. power consumption is not needed the most. all in all 92 percent of their energy. expenditure is saved boxable homes are designed to work. across most solar setting devices this. implies lower construction costs and more flexibility during times of low, sunlight in addition to the house being, environmentally friendly it reassures, that the components are as robust as, possible by developing on samples for. extended periods of time, demonstrate the house can last long term. the company implied polyurethane and, plywood materials for its insulation, the aesthetic aspects of the house are, not compromised the products are, manufactured of non-reactive or toxic materials which is a respectable. exchange for environmentally friendly, house that is durable the cost of the, house or less boxable can be purchased, at ten thousand dollars shippings or, assembly fees are not included. assembling the house cost will depend on the difficulty level the price can be, more or less five thousand to fifty. thousand dollars on the other hand your location can be a, factor in the cost of the shipping fees. residents who live in Las Vegas are lucky as they live within the proximity of the factory thus costing them less. hundreds of global interested consumers. showed interest in the boxable. the company acquired around 40 000. orders across the globe due to high, demand several were put in the queue it takes time for the factory to, manufacture such massive pieces so they have to wait around the year before they can get ahead of these homes. financing may be an alternative for, people who are serious about purchasing the boxable home, various funding options are available. through a credit provider linked by The. Firm. aforementioned Financial Partners will, consult you to discuss credit options. even real estate brokers fee of this. house is the solution to our current housing problem and that is it for our video if you like. our content don't forget to hit the like subscribe and turn on the notification, Bell visit our channel for more amazing, Tech news and gadgets here on future LED, thank you for watching and we'll see you in our next video