Come on I had a lot of good feelings on. you a lot of good feelings there might be a reason why no one's playing, these you've made it back to Lady Luck HQ and today we have such an exciting. video for you I can't wait for you to see it amazing okay so I have a $2,000 ticket and I found a new game a brand. new Buffalo wheel it's got wheels I have, no idea how this game played but it's got three magical Wheels with Buffalo so we're going to you're the Buffalo Queen, let's go Buffalo you're the Buffalo queen and the King you the king and the queen yes you are the Royal Court of, Buffalo ah so it looks like Max Ben is. 15 okay. interesting that's perfectly fine but we got to figure out how. wow we win these. wheels there's so many. wheels so I'm going to assume it's going to be three of the coins yeah that' be a safe, assumption 36 wheel it's called wheel of reward do. you see that up there whe over oh itop got it oh oh come on come on don't do that to. me literally right , there two times. multiplier huh I got. this oh the J's the fuse and the, buffalo buffalo. 866. . no oh that's how you get it get it right. here that's to be the wheel wheel, coin oh so it's another coin maybe you. have to get the bonus already I think, it's in the bonus round I mean we could read the rules but, that's like always really Bing that's. . lame oh my God beautiful Buffalo come, on there's all these wheels and all, these ways to win and I'm not seeing any, of them come. on Wow how about we do 10 fasps what do, you think let's do it. count them out okay one ooh two ah three ooh four five that was close 6 7. 8 9 10 of course man well at least we. got all the bad spins out of the way yes, we. did Buffalo come on H, get it one more one more boop got it Boop got it speaker's broken you think yeah you want to hear it I mean I hear it it does kind of sound like it's away, and far away in the distance all right I'll, try let's see if my touch is better than, yours always, . is. beautiful, Buffalo but another 10 fasps another 10, all right go, one 2. 3 4 5 6 7 8. 9. ooh, we didn't even come close to sniffing a. bonus on, that they're really going hard tonight with these chair massages no waitresses but chair massages all over the place, but no no cocktail wees, huh, huh we could always switch, games like this one oh wait did that guy leave money in that no you could go to that one on the. edge we trying to steal as dollars no no. I just I wasn't trying to steal anything, I I was just trying to get all three of, these. games like this like. this just figured maybe this one would be the luckier one cuz he left it on a bonus, yeah just a lot a lot of activity see, here maximum. volume all right I have a good feeling, about.
this right. here get it let's go. Buffalo wow . come on I had a lot of good feelings on. you a lot of good feeling there might be. a reason why no one's playing, these had to talk. had to talk some, nonsense eight free games okay so two or, more gets that free game Wheel. all right so we finally got the bonus, game on this brand new Buffalo game we. are halfway through our bankroll and we, got eight fre games but if we get two with the blue we get a wheel feature if, we get one of those we get another wheel, feature or we get more wheels so a goal here is to get all of the wheels let's, go all right let's. go oh we got a oh we got to get wait what's going on. we got a four times multiplier but I don't think anything will lined up no, wait something did line, up and it's four yeah and then it. multiplies that oh wow wait that's 1200 bucks that's a massive win oh someone was talking so much smack about Buffalo, wow that's amazing that's got some crazy, upside that's more than 12 that's almost, 2,000 yeah right. yeah, okay okay I got it all right let's do it again Buffalo oh we still collect them twoo okay three don't stop here we need more, Wheels oo what does that mean we got three of them so that's more games right and we get more games oh oh this is going to oh my God 10 more, 10 games oh my. goodness let's go, Buffalo you almost had the other one the more ways yeah I have I have so many. good, feelings there it is now do I get the, spinny thing or do I need to get at. least two of them two of them okay get, another one yes yes yes yes yes so now, now we're going to get more games 10 okay six fine I'm in for that. all right fine does that do anything yeah if you, get the normal Co okay, okay oh more way waet more way oh my. goodness we got three more ways more ways okay we got all these ways, now times. two all right let's go. Buffalo let's go Buffalo all, right oh it just does it for that one time I thought it was going to stay forever get it again you're not even paying attention no I was looking at the, camera it's being weird why's being. weird it's not. anymore what was it, doing it's, fine come, on get it yes so now we just the regular, five games okay that's. awesome come on all right, Buffalo, it's a fun setup and you were giving it. Dison, it I like it a lot this is a great, , game come on, Buffalo let's get another multiplier. come on no dead. spins a that would have been the great. one how are you I see you on Tik Tok thank I, see you thank you thank you appreciate, it yes she brought us the luck she, brought us the luck yes she, did get, it oh come. on more ways more more chili wait do we. get so that only gives us the more ways it doesn't actually give us more bonus games even though we got them together correct, baby, okay that one's only good if you get the. other stuff yep all right let's get a. multiplier two,
times but, we're going to need some more games, buffo more. games I know you want to you need the. buffalos and you need the multipliers the weird ones yeah. Buffalo come on I'm going to need some, more games oh a great hit 240 no no no no no no incredible BL spin magic incredible, I'm not going to touch it okay all right last spin magic let's get more, spins oo that was needed that last spin, magic indeed all right come, on oh wait we got it and we got a multiplier time. four what keeps happening with the, camera You See It Go really light, nothing it's fine no it's it's it's just uh it's just the screen my love oh okay the screen is quite, bright come on beautiful Buffalo o more way oh and the Buffalo do it now oh be a multiplier be a multiplier be a, multiplier um a multiplier off I meant to say a sunset that's what I, meant you knew what I meant you knew, what I meant oh you're the best . sunset time three all last spin it needs to make not going to be last spin last spin magic. last spin. Magic. o it was magic the , okay that was incredible on a $15 back. I'm SC look at that nice. work. Buffalo let's go Buffalo let's. go, wowow all right wheel wheel of rewards so many rewards and we got every. single, wheel on your. music that music's. fancy fancy, music was on a fast pin too what that I'm going to have to rewatch that, F ooh, oo I like this more all these way oh you. almost had. it oh come on all right we're fast tapping our way, into a championship close close very. close, you 160 nice, that oh little, Buffalo lucky. lucky giving it those, RS oh let's talk some more nonsense to it this, is a horrible game I don't even know why we're playing, it it'll never give us the bonus game. yeah who makes. us what okay but for real if nothing. happens by 3,000 we are moving on we got a boss man okay no more fast TS you're like twitching I I hate the. fast Taps I don't mind if it goes faster but the fast Taps just driv me. nuts was that a yawn huh or were you just stretching your mouth stretching my mouth get, it 120. oh we have five on a fast tap watch that, would be. incredible getting down to the wire getting down to the wire my. dear right here Bron you're doing so good I did pick this game and I did say. I wanted to move so you did. thanks only credit goes to you all right that was that was a fun, session on this brand new Buffalo game, Wheel of rewards look at those little guys look at them run they're running they're running for, me I hope you all enjoyed today's video and I really appreciate you watching it, make sure to leave me a comment smash that thumbs up and I'll catch you in the next one until then have a great evening, bye, everyone,