- I wanted to open a free bank, so I did what any logical person does. I rented a real bank,, grabbed a ton of money, hired all of my friends as tellers, and then bought a billboard, and paid Chandler to flip a sign. And here's what happened. I asked the bank for a billion, dollars and they said no. - What?, - What? - So, I made a graph. - It says we made a graph.. - Yeah. - And regardless, we're opening a free bank to put them out of business! - Let's go. - Yeah! - Go give away money! - Yeah!. - Yeah! - Okay, yeah, just go give away money. - Hey! Right here, what do you? Guys. Oh, hey, hey, hey.. - It's Mark! - Oh, we got somebody, we. got somebody we got somebody. - So, Chandler stood out there with the sign, and we got a lot of people. I'm gonna let them in. We'll see what happens. Hey, hey, welcome, come on in. - We're gonna have you, guys go up to the tellers. - Okay. - What do you guys want for Christmas? - Just a stick figure? - A thousand dollars, that would be nice. (both laughing) Yes! - What do you want for Christmas? - Art stuff. - Art stuff, and how much does that cost? - A thousand. (both laughing) - And here's a thousand dollars. - Yay! - Oh! - Congratulations. - Thank you. - Hey, come on in here. - I'm Jerry. - Well, if you could fill out the first four pages. What is four plus four? It might be right, I'll have to check that. All right, this is our final number, what do you think? You okay with that?, (cash register chimes) - Yeah, I'm okay with man. - He's okay with that. - Follow me, sir., - Um, security- - Hey, follow me, sir. - Another day, another huh. - How you doing? - I gave a six-year-old. a thousand dollars. - Okay, I'll let more in., - All right. - Chandler, before, we let the next wave in, how'd it go? - Great. People like me. They like my face. - Welcome to Banks Banks. If you'd like a loan, we. have a loan office back here. And for clarification,, these aren't actually loans, like, we're legit just giving them money. I don't want it back. (people indistinct) - Have you been here before? - First time, I don't- - Okay, good. Draw me a picture. Wow, a seasonal picture, I like it. - Show it to him, do we have a deal? 5,000?. (cash register chimes) We have a deal? - Deal. - Watch your eyes, we have a deal. (piggy bank cracking) - Holy! - That's a deal, I need a- - A deal! - What has just happened? - What is this? - It's a llama. - Here you go, sir. You have a great day, thank, you for coming to Banks Banks. - Is this, are you serious? - Yeah, Bank Banks. - Oh my gosh, that, are you kidding me? Dude, this is, you telling me this is real? - Enjoy your day. - I will, man! - It's what we do here at Banks Banks. - To make sure. things didn't get too crazy, we only let a few people in at a time to make sure they were properly attended to by our staff. - Yes, money, money, money, what? - Aw! (laughing) What? - And all these people, that's how you do it. - Uh-oh, there you go. (bearded man laughs) There you go. Hey!. - Hi! - Come on in! What are you looking for, a withdrawal or a loan? - Both! - Okay, I like the way you think. (woman laughs) This is our loan manager,. his name's Chandler, go on in his office. - Nice to greet you! - She's looking for a loan. - For what? - I need to go home, my home is Hawaii. I have not been home in 30 years. - Okay, let's make it happen. How much do you think a ticket to Hawaii costs? (abrupt music sting) 3,500? - Okay. - That seems like a good loan. - Please draw a dollar sign. - . There you go. Now, just take this slip to the tellers, and they'll give you the money. - Are you serious? Oh my gosh. - Are you sure we shouldn't just do that as well? - So, now we're at 3,700. - Oh my God. I get to go home. Oh my God, I get to go home. Oh my, I get to go home. now, oh my! (laughing) - I think we should, spend a little bit more. - Jake, you drive a hard bargain. Here you go. - A little bit more. - Give her that, whatever it is. So now, it's $4,501. - Oh my gosh! - Now it's $4,502. If you were to ever go to a bank again in the future, which bank would you pick? - Bank Banks. Beast! - Yes, banks, banks, thank you. This is why we do this, boys! - Yeah! - We are gonna put the,
other banks out of business. - Do it, do it, do it-, - Hey. - Whoo! - Hey! - Hey, hey, hey, hey!, - Thank you! - You make it rain? - Oh yeah! - Make it rain, please! Tilly, make it rain, rain, rain! You won it all, and you won it all! Whoo, ah! Oh, whoa! (people laughing) - So, the tellers need more money, so, we're grabbing some more out of our briefcases. - You know, where you keep your money. - Jake, here's some more funds. - All right.. - Here you go. Marcus, here you go. This is Ty, we were struggling with all the traffic, so we got another teller. Here you go, Ty. I want all this money gone. - Gone? - Do your best. - Go up to one of, those guys having an argument, and tell them you need a thousand dollars. She needs money!, - Hey, I need a thousand dollars! - She needs a thousand dollars! Come use the money box, it'll be easier. - Oh, the money! - Shove it all in there. - It's taking you longer to give away this money! - Shove it all in there. - There, right there. - Congratulations., - Thank you. - What are you gonna, do with all this money, ma'am? - Buy a bar., - Buy a car, that's right. - Uh, Jim? - Yeah? - The 10 grand got put in the money box. - 10 grand? You put 10 grand on the money box? - I did! - Good job, yay! (clapping hands) - Hey yo, hay, hey! - Welcome to Banks Banks. And we have this man over here, Marcus, who will aid you with your withdrawal. - Hey Marcus, what's up? - We'll need a signature. from the two of you guys. - Okay, she might. wanna go to the loan department. - Okay, you can go to the loan department, that's fine. - Okay, I'm going. - Come on in, ma'am. This gentleman right here is Chandler, he's the head of our loan department. - Hi Chandler, how are you? - He will help you secure a loan. - I have something for you to fill out. Do we have money? - Based off that information, what type of loan are you, gonna approve her for? Yes, that works. $7,000 loan, is that okay with you, ma'am? - That's the best, that's fine. - This is your ticket. If you just take it to the tellers, they will supply you with the cash. Thank you for your business, ma'am. - Thank you. - Got one. - Wait, what's in the pile? As this is a stack of 10 grand,, so let's just take that off, and that's probably seven grand. - Here you go. - There you go, Banks Banks is easy. - Thank you, Banks Banks.. - Thank you. - Y'all don't know the month that we've had. (sniffles) My husband had a heart, attack about a month ago. He died the next day, and they shocked him back the life. And we've been trying to make, ends meet, and pay the bills. And take care of our kids. - Wow, that's, wow, I don't, even know what to say. - What you guys do is just a blessing, and I never thought in the million years that, you know, I would get that opportunity, but I'm so, so grateful. - Aw. - We really are, thank you.. - We're happy to help. - You guys did a good job. Keep giving away my money. I'd rather not have money and see things like that. - Me too. (group clapping hands) - Back to your stations! - I'm not good at math, but one, two- (man mmhmms) - You're good. - 11, 12. - Oh God. - I'm not good at math, but- (money smacks) (guys laughing) I'm not good at math, but- (dramatic clunk) - Do you know why I called this company meeting? - No!. - No! - What is this? - Money!. - Money! - Yeah. Now, why do we still have this? - Because. - We're trying our best, okay? - It's Ty's fault! - And- - We have only given away $55,000. - That's a lot. - Only 55,000. - Oh yeah, that's not a lot, never mind, no, we've been bad boys, somebody spank me. Never mind. - I'm gonna give you guys one more chance. And if we have another meeting, we're less than a hundred thousand dollars given away. I'm gonna have to make some fire. - Who wants eight grand? - Please don't fire me, Jimmy. - Now get your butts outta my office, and give away some money! (upbeat electronic music) Come on in. Welcome to Banks Banks. Chandler, come here. I'm gonna let shoe handle them. - Hi!, - Hey Chandler! - How you doing?, - Good! - Good to meetcha. - Good to meet you too. - Minimum 800. - 400? - Why do we just have people crowding around, making decisions? I make the decisions here, a thousand. - You said a thousand? - I hear a thousand, do I hear 2,0000? Do I hear 2,000? - I'll take the thousand, I mean- - What are we auctioning? 2,0000- - I hear 2,200, do we have 2,200? - I put 2,500. - I have 2,500. - Wait, I have 3,000. What is going on? 3,000! - $3,000, sold! - Sold for 3,000!, - 3,000! (group applauding) - How you feeling? - I'm feeling great, I am feeling great. - What are you guys. gonna do with all that money? - I've been blessed, so I'mma bless somebody else with something. - That's what we gonna do-.
- That's right. - We are blessing someone else. - SO, to generate more revenue, we're gonna place an ATM. out front of the building. You look- - It's so funny. - Okay, rock, paper, scissors. - Okay. Rock, paper, scissors- - Rock, paper, scissors, shoot., - Shoot. - Hey., - That's pretty neat. - Congratulations! - Thank you. - Thank you, thank you. I'm 80 years olds, I'm behind on my car payment. So, Lord have mercy. - Our ATM's facing the wrong way. (Chandler knocking) - Looks like our ATM's on break. Aw, here you go., - Oh. - Here's $200. - What was that? You didn't give him the money. - Are you broken, what the hell? (intense rock music). (cardboard box clunking) - Now it gives away money. - Hey., - So, if you kick the ATM, you get money. (Jimmy laughs) - Oh! - That's one, three,. look at that, look at that. - Whoo, thank you, Lord,, thank you, aw, yes! - Congratulations, again, congratulations. - Thank you, MrBeast.. - I don't know about- - After we gave, someone a large sum of money, I sent some of my friends to follow them to the store, and just record what they bought. - I'm here at the car lot with Frank and Diamond. And we're here to pick out a car for their son. - Hi baby., - Hey mom. - So, I went to this bank today, 'cause they were giving out loans. And so, I wanted to make your birthday wish come true. So, see that little light green car? Happy birthday, merry Christmas. - No way, aw! (Diamond laughing) Mom, I love you so much. - I love you, baby. (smooches) He's about to cry. (laughs) - Just to see that smile, man. - That's the best feeling in the world. When you do something for your child. (hands clap) - So, what would you. like to get here today? - Laptops. - Laptops, so, we got the two. laptops, and the headphones, is there anything else? Your son, what are you planning on doing with the rest of the money for him? I plan on putting him in, through college with it. (tense string music) - Jake, what, happened to all your money? - I've got plenty of my. money right here, man, we're- - That's only like a thousand dollars. - Yeah, no we're fine. - Marcus, where's all your money? - I'm like-. - Here we go, how are you doing? I'll take the money out. - I gave it all away! - Ty. - I'll take the money out, oh, what's up? - Dude, you're looking a little short on money. Check the vault check the vault! (tense worried music). This isn't good, this isn't good, this isn't good. - What's going on?. - We're running low on money. - What, what do you mean? - I don't know, just find more. (siren blares) (coins clink) - Where's the money?. - Where's the money? - There's no money! There's some money. Oh, go, go give it to the cashews. This is not gonna even last one custom. Did Chris hide some in the dice? That sounds like something, Chris would do, check the dice. (dice clicking) - Ow.. - Ow. (Jimmy laughs) Maybe it's in the calculator. (calculator clunking) Unless it's- - It's not in! - You can't be serious, we're bank! - We're- - I thought banks had. - We broke the bank. - I thought banks had unlimited money. - Don't cry, Jimmy, don't cry. - WHere's all the money? Dude, I don't like this. - We're done. - Company meeting, come here. (chair clunks) Don't worry, guys, (phone dialtone buzzing) I have a solution. - Hello? - Hey, can I have another $200,000 loan? - Jimmy, you haven't, paid back the first one. - Yeah, that's why I. said I need another one. (phone beeps) What? He hung up. - What? - I guess this is why banks make people pay back loans. (wastebasket clunking) Get outta here, you're all fired. - Me too? - I don't have any money. - Oh, that's fair. - What do you want me to do? ♪ MrBeast6000, oh ♪ ♪ MrBeast6000, yeah, you know his name ♪ ♪ He changed it once or twice ♪ ♪ But I think it's here to stay ♪ (explosion booming).