MC - Here he the first inventor!. Hi Danny, how are you?, D - Good morning, mr Magalli. MC - Well, Danny is not a kid playing with bricks. Er.. actually he is! D - I used to be! MC - But he brought the bricks, whose name we can't say, as it would be advertising, even if we all know very well what's this stuff.... D - We will respect the rules, and won't say the brand... MC - ...but he brought the bricks, I said, to a whole new level!, Because with these bricks he built a robot, actually many robots MC - What do they do? D - I brought various robots today. D - This is LEGONARDO. The automaton is named after Leonardo Da Vinci,. he is drawing a portrait, we will see the result later. D - I designed both the hardware and the software. D - When I take part at public events, he can draw live portraits. MC - Oh, so he can "see" people and then he takes the portrait... D - Besides being spectacular, this is a perfect way for me. (I am a teacher) to show that it's possible since a very young age to learn how to make robots in a simple way. MC - Simple... maybe for you!, D - Well. later I will show you simpler robots. MC - This should have a small computer inside.. D - Yes, there's a microcomputer that allows us to make it move MC - Don't lessen your own work!. D - No, I mean, this is objectively a very complex creation... MC - I believe that! D - I have something simpler to show you! I start it!. MC - It just takes the press of a button!, D - Well now... D - It stopped for some reason.... MC - What's going on? Is it building something? D - It's a robot made of bricks that can build with bricks!. MC - Amazing!
D - Watch out now! D - Hop! Here it is!. MC - It's a duckling! How cute! D - Let's consider this experiment.. If I give you these 6 bricks, how many ducks could you build? MC - Not even one! Well, maybe just one... D - If I give the same 6 pieces to each one of you,. we will end up with many ducks, all different from each other. D - It's interesting from the educational point of view. It shows that the creativity is different in each person, even with limited resources. MC - Incredible!. A robot made of bricks that can build things out of bricks!. Bravo, did you make all of these on your own? D - The idea is that the robot will be able to create original ducks autonomously! Do machines have creativity? MC - ...and the ducks will take over the world! D - No, these are too little!. MC - All Sci-Fi movies start like this: a machine builds. other machines, that then conquer the planet... D - This robot plays Tic Tac Toe! How about a game?, Blue is our color. Let's make a move. MC - The robot checks the board and decides how to react.. D - unless it fails to detect my ball... MC - it should avoid being screwed..., D - The machine never loses a match, we might end up tieing! D - This is an example of how we can employ, Artificial Intelligence even in a very simple robot., MC - Draw game, a good result however! D - This robot, although redesigned, is featured in one. of my books that teaches how to make robots that think. MC - Really nice! But what's that monster? D - We are dinosaur-themed.... MC - Ah, yeah... D - This robot is featured in my last book., Using toys, I teach how to build and program robots. D - This robot kinda dangerous, actually...
MC - Really? Ouch! It bites?! D - It's childproof, actually... Ok, now leave me! MC - It walks, bites, it turns... and can be remote controlled. D - Being RC'able is the minor part of the game., MC - ... to avoid it goes around the house on its own... D - The great thing is having autonomous robots! MC - The robot has finished a portrait which is striking, because, I don't know, it's another monster... MC - I have to say... Ah look, he even put a signature... "Danny" D - I added my own signature, MC - Good boy! MC - Congratulations, Danny!, There's a lot of technology but also a lot of creativity! D - The main idea behind all this, is that I can use these creations to inspire my students. I am an high school teacher in my city, Grosseto. D - I hope that one day my students will realize that they can have. a lot of fun applying what I try to teach them! MC - One can learn stuff while having fun., This applications can attract to deepen technical knowledge. MC - Congratulations again! See you later. MC - I suggest you to move aside because. a real monster is arriving right now... MC - Danny, come here! You too, with your dinosaur! D - Yes, but... Oh my... MC - Make them greet each other.... D - Ok, easy boy... MC - Who knows what might come out of these two... D - This is much more dangerous than mine! Ehy, don't..., MC - What might be born... MC - You two are amazing! The robotic creations by Daniele Benedettelli MC - The Baby T. by Stefano Bono. S - You will see the Baby T. live in the biggest. Italian Amusement Park D - Follow me on Twitter. It's the best thing! S - Magobolla greets you! MC - Thank you, Stefano! Thank you, Daniele!,