I DEFEATED the ONLY $500,000 Grand Jackpot Lion Link in The World!

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Back to. , back we have yet to see that bonus, game oh oh oh oh oh, oh you've made it back to Lady Luck HQ, and we have such an exciting video for you I can't wait for you to watch it all right so we've made it on toine link and. we're on the rooster version of this one, and this has a green jackpot of 500 $5,000 which is the biggest Grand jackpot in the country on this specific game which is crazy because it would be. so much fun to win almost a half a million dollars or you should say over a. half a million dollars the only one of, its kind in the US currently right now, with a half a million dollar Grand well, this one and the drag and this one right here these two together think we'll do a, coup's challenge on this one tomorrow yeah we, should couples challenge it up move this over that's the B oh, okay all right are you ready let's hit a. jackpot wait it's 50 Cent so this is 75 this is 3750 I'm going to switch between. the two oh get it Min is 500 that's a pretty decently sized mini all largy as you would say all largy oh that was mean we need five, of those right you need six are you sure it's six. yeah oh prosperous. rooster this is like money, link it is like money link I'm trying, cuz they don't always match up behind. the doors yeah I'm not a big fan of that oh, got it yes yes yes yes yes yes yes. all right here we go the, $515,000 grand we already got that mini. we just got to add to it let's, go get it I know you want to give me three I'm more to go oo save the day right here, save the day wow okay all. right still do what happened, is600, bucks oh do have get Jack music hold on it's the coin show I love it yeah there it is. . I love this jackpot music it is my favorite not on camera baby I know I. just don't know what it is right. do all. right LL just got a $1,600 handy it was, like three spins in Magic I got magic fingers on the, $515,000 grand all right let's do it again but bigger but, bigger okay was nice it was lot of excitement get it oh get it that was mean I felt right it did three, more oh okay. huh so three of that symbol right there. in the middle that little Bridge that's all their bonus game Bridge to, Terabithia the things you say, sometimes right here Paca. . doodle nothing okay fine right there peaches and cream. bag oh that was that was a dirty dog, that's what that was a dirty. dog that was, close my land something m. I'm, trying I'm going to I feel like it's close it keeps doing that like it's. not go away be. sick come on rooster okay that's it should have been something, else oh we got it yeah, yeah all right here we go 515,000 N More. To Go nine more to, go nine more to go yeah wow 500,

bucks come on more like that okay I'll, take it oh hey hey girl, hey come on fill them in cocka dooodle do Save the, Day ohow that was, incredible good job, Ella there it is congratulations. 380 I'm moreing all the activity. all right prosperous, , rooster this is my favorite jackp, music favorite jackpot music , ever all right my dear are you ready to do it again I am, oh that was nothing that should have, been something maybe I need your lucky. touch I think these buttons are broken, on. here, I just I just told you I didn't hear you, the buttons are broken on, , here. oh what the hell that was mean. BS 187 I should have been one. yeah. be three , . yes you guys got to see this little, lat got the bonus again we got the bonus. again this time it was your lucky touch that did it though I'm the best you're, something all right I'm the best you're, something all right the, goat the goat has done it again all the other bonuses I hit but. this one this one he hit I should flip. the camera on you uh-huh all right you ready let's go we're Landing that Mega. here we, goow oh wow there it is something offensively large. Mega okay I'll take it 400 a. piece, another 400 two more 400s two more 400s let's do it come, on Save the, Day wow what a hit i. h nice hit elal. thanks hi pretty lady M handsome so you handsome this one's doing good very nice 3400, wow all right P doodle do we got, it liing link coming in the , clutch, out wow okay all right lion l i see, you all right my dear that was you back to back yeah back to, . back we have yet to see that bonus game oh oh oh oh oh oh what is that what, in the world oh my gosh did that just happen he just laid a golden goose egg, play that golden egg play a golden egg. and he gave us the bonus it was awesome, it was like he he hatched him or I. should say she that's like two or three, spins after that one all right golden Goosen it up let's, go come on all right incredible Mega get, us that mega mega mega mega mega $38,000 mega mega okay make it right there oh it, does it like that did you know. that all right yes day has been saved, Mor 13 collected left we're going to get, the 515 let's go Bab, come on. mega save the. , day the golden it is a golden, not to be confused with the golden,

dragon okay. 18,820 congratulations you have won. You've Won it life you have, won oh no I have to, sneeze I have to sneeze, ow all right let's do that, again. come, on huh that wasn't even any of them, no lucky 75 it is yeah I feel like the. 75 has been lucky on this. one right here oh you dirty, girl mid game Lady Luck chasing the, 515,000 we're going to get it I can feel, it we're getting after it feel like that. should have been a little more than, that the prosperous, rooster as you call them the golden. the golden three more be it oh that was so. mean don't be like that do. it that should R more , uh-huh wow wow nice 2,000 orb big. ball, okay yes no that's five damn got so. excited that was mean are you still feeling this. one well now that you see like no no no. shall I take you think six or the next, jackpot or you think we should are you. still feeling lucky on this one I mean I I feel like it's been I won't go past six. , cool but I have been feeling. lucky oh that was mean like to see the free games I, know that was that was really close we, got, two just needed one more do we change the. denom oh that's nothing what why did it do all that activity so it can keep you, in the game, ah be three oh we got three we actually. needed four my M was slightly up I'm not, going past six so what did you want to. take it to this is all crooked baby it's okay, what do you think $1 Min is now with here let me just show this changed slightly we. definitely don't want any of. those what do you think we do 150 spino and don't go past six okay oh, C3. , okay right here B3 messed up all right last one right, here wow do you want to potentially go, until five yeah I kind of feel like, something's about to hit okay all right. maybe it's gas but I feel like, something's about to hit let's get it come on prosperous rooster let's, go, one right. here, one okay come on feel like that should have been, more do, it come. on right, here one at, 75 all right cashing out we're cashing. out and moving on that was an incredible. session wow lion link you have redeemed. yourself the last time we played you my. friend oh it sucks oh my gosh it was, horrible but this time you're very nice, well done I hope you all enjoy today's, video and thank you so much for watching, today make sure you're subscribed to the channel follow along on Facebook and. share this video with somebody that you, want to go to the casino with I'll catch. y'all in the next video Until then have, a great night bye everyone,

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