All right so we've made it onto the huff and the mor puff and we are doing a. rematch challenge me and lovey doy AKA D, Delux 23 now the last time we did this. he cheated M so this is the rematch and I picked my machine with the better, major jackpot so I can go to get those bragging rights when I win it what you, guys didn't see on camera is Lady Luck, came to me and said hey I really want to. impress my. audience um so by impressing my audience, I really want a bigger win so can you, please let me have a bigger win I said. I'm a gentleman I said I'll allow it. and uh here we are here here we. are7 we both put in $1,000 into the machine we're going to do 3750 spins, let's hit aut 3 two 1 let's go first spin off you had it yeah we're going to get it right. here so far I'm winning come on buddy get it three more three more three more ooh oo almost had it ll's got a different confidence about her today in this, machine yeah I'm going to win out for. blood yeah I'm going to win oh that's twice now6 major is crazy. come on oh that's three times now with. five hats everyone we need six hat slot, machine we need six hats one more. hat oh my, goodness L to the seriously it's building for. something massive you're the queen over, there of five, hats this game right now right, here was not, zoomed get. it wow that was a great. hit I'm going to just let it count out 337 I'm winning thank you for, now let me know when you want me to. start playing uh-huh well you can't, change the but we're at 3750 there's no, cheating allowed just tell me when you, want me to start playing for real uh-huh. you are playing for, real all right starting now I'm going to play for real watch this, uhhuh get it I can't believe either one of us haven't smacked out a bonus yet it's going to happen right. here oh oh don't do this to, me right. here are you out of money no because I'm, about to win right now 15 hats let's see let's see what you. . get all right I'm going to see what I. can, do but this if you don't turn it into, anything anything then it's a time you got to do it again no we'll go into the, bonus, round over time yeah overtime I got to, get into a bonus game come on hopf and mor puff don't fail me get it one more, you, me remember that double bonus that we saw yeah I forgot what YouTube channel. had it but it was pretty damn. cool it does exist the double bonus does, exist and huff and even more puff will have the super Mansion feature I can't wait to play that like I'm so excited to play that I know 2 days and counting and counting come on, get me into a bonus game get me into a, bonus game a bonus would secure the bag, a layia pig a bonus would secure the bag. right here yes no oh oh come, on you, really. oh right. here I'm still alive for a.
reason got lucky CH spin wager saver give me the bonus on this wager. saver oo bonus bonus hair of your chin. chin chin, yeah really so now we got got to go to. the bonus rounds right yeah we got to both do ,000 more. dollars do you want instead of 3750 is. we we bump it to 75 with 1,000 a piece. and see what we can do or we keep it at. 3750 I think 3750 you're chicken I get . it we're going to try to land something crazy all right we both got them rolling Franny all right we added in $11,000 here and $11,000 there may the best. woman win yeah, classic all right think we're good all appropriate line are we still doing 3750. 3750 1,000 bucks let's go one of those, . TR the challenge tell me if you want me. to try my volume isn't all the way up. why do you want me to try this time try. okay all right you heard that you just, gave him an out what do you mean an out going to tell everybody he wasn't trying, last game he was trying come on now that I know you want. me to. try ooh you dirty girl get. it are you cheating no the machine pressed the wrong button you're, cheating trying to give you a head start a little bit you. know come on right. there wow. I feel like they turn these games, off Staying Alive over there winning, uh-huh leader right here ooh come on let's get that bonus we're going to get the Mansion it's, going to be, glorious really, that is so incredibly mean oh someone's smacking the out, of the machine you hear that I hear. it six beautiful hats I know you want to do it oh my God you got, , one um just don't knock the cameras, over, uh-huh so I'll make a prediction uh-huh we're, about to get the Mansion . feature don't you Mega hat Mega hat Mega. hat stay away from that. , mini all right Mega Scott says honk if, you're horny honk if you're horny oh. that's hilarious what 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10. right, there okay that's a good start uhhuh oh that look on her face. . trigger . oh oh I got a ton of wood right now hey, hey you know all about. that come on oh you got a gold thing. over here yep yeah behind yeah there you, go come on get. it more hats wood. wow twoes that's that's I would like, four. mansions oh yeah oh ask and you shall . receive wow okay. okay how about six Mansions wow I wow it's right that's a. lot that's almost so it's five if I win the grand that would be,
nuts that would be fre 10% and then, juice is getting his nipples pierced. both of. them 100 Grand over 100 , Grand that's what I'm saying if I win. the grand you're going to win over Grand, no no no it's 76 or nothing. okay all right let's go now forever hold. your pece 100 Grand even no, yep didn't abide by our rules he's not, he's going to miss out on 10% wow it's a lot of Min a lot of Min Lady Luck lost again no you still have a, , chance you're such a, , dick I beat you so many times though on the Buffalo and on the dragon link so. she told me not to try in the last one. obviously I didn't you guys heard it and, then she said please try give me a hungry chicken you are a. hungry chicken. uh-huh uh-huh let's see if I can get into a, bonus I'm getting into a bonus right. here oh right here we're getting into the. bonus if you need any help spinning it let me know go away I got. this ooh that's in. embarrassing shut. , up people don't think poorly, ever you are being such a brat just making fun of you should, should we play a little bit more maybe, you should do a couple backup spins I, have no more to back up yeah no no yeah. you're out you didn't, win here's this uhhuh, let's just see what 75, does just to see how it feels just for a. second tickle the twine tickle the twine I can feel it I can feel it as juice one said what does tickle the twine even, mean oh you don't want to know so I'm, sure everybody out there on YouTube will, probably fill me in but I have no idea. what that means basketball when you would make a shot that's so a net used. to be made a twine back in the day so, when you make a shot you tickled the CL. what the say a basketball thing tickle. three. , more all right I'm colecting Lady Luck, Was Defeated again can you show, everybody well there's nothing for me to show because I have nothing in my. machine look what the number, is 27 that's my if you guys didn't know, 217 is my lucky. number Winner. winner winner you won this round sure, you won this round she's so salty look at her I would be to if I lose every. single time no but it's not every single. time I actually think your mom beat you, one time I actually whooped his ass on a dragon League which I haven't released, that video as of yet and I also whooped. his ass over there on the Buffalo so I, have beat him twice and he's beaten me, twice sure unless there's video we don't. know about it we we have it all on video, smash that thumbs up I'll catch you guys in the next one bye I hope you all, enjoyed today's video and I really appreciate you watching it make sure to leave me a comment smash that thumbs up, and I'll catch you in the next one until then have a great evening bye, everyone