How to avoid loss and earn consistently in the stock market|Trading For Beginners #ProfitableTraders

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Hi guys i am deepak banger i am founder of . profitabletraders i am a swing and positional   trader i trade stocks for living and today in , this video we are going to discuss what are the   three important things that a beginner should . keep in mind if they are about to start their   journey in the stock market let it be investing or . trading if you are coming here for the first time   on this youtube channel i suggest you subscribe to . my channel and hit that bell icon so that you will   get notified whenever i am uploading the useful , content on this channel this channel is all about   providing you with the right education the . right mindset and the right skills which are   required to get those consistency consistent , and peaceful profits from the stock market   even if you are absolute beginner so let's start . with the today's video first important point you   should keep in mind is learn what doesn't work , in the market learn the factors which make people   lose money in the market see we are here to make . money in the stock market right we are here to   make profits but the hardcore reality is 90 of the  people who start their journey in the markets they   actually end up making losses in the markets and . it is very important that you study those reasons   first the reason why you should do it because if  you avoid those common mistakes you are already   won the half battle towards profitability so in , this channel i am going to make a series where you   know i am going to discuss based on my experience  of or my observations of last eight years why   people lose money in the stock market just avoid , those things and you have already halfway through   your battle for profitability that's the first  thing second important thing is about uh you know   getting into the right kind of education  which actually works in the market   see stock market trading is a learnable . skill no one is born trader you learn it   by doing it by practicing it and this is a process , that everyone has to go through whenever and it's   similar to you know acquiring any other skill  for that matter but what is important here is   a word of question that i would like to give is .

learn this skill from someone who is already a   trader who has done it for himself and who is  demonstrated the profitability by teaching his   the methods that he teaches actually are . profitable so that person has to demonstrate that   so you should learn from a trader there are lots . of information today available on social media   books new channels and lots of advisories let . it be our tips as we uh proudly call it as   tips so there are lots of people who can . give you tips but if at all you have to make   long term profits from the stock market tips , don't work you have to do your own research   and that's why you will be able to do that only  when you are learning the right things from the   right person there is something else required  actually to you know develop this as a skill   that's why i suggest learn from a trader who is , teaching what he practices and which is proven   to be a successful process anyone can read a , book learn a strategy and teach it but has he   has he got the courage to implement the strategy , in his own trading account and is that actually   profitable across different market conditions this . is what is important and you should definitely   give it a thought learn from a trader this is . uh i would say if at all you have to take this   one thing away from today's video this is this . learn from a trader who has done it successfully   third important thing is start working on your , mindset mindset is properly the most underrated   thing but in my view it is probably the most  important thing which is responsible for your   success analyze what are your beliefs about money . in general are do you have this scarcity mindset   do you have the wrong notions about stock market  which are you know from the childhood we have been   the upbringing that we have received most . of the stories that we have heard about   the big losses how stock markets ruin people's , lives how stock market is like gambling or etc   we haven't been taught to treat stock market  as a business and it can be done okay but start   analyzing these things what are your concepts  or your beliefs about stock market and money in   general this is important because unless and until ,

you raise yourself to the vibrations of prosperity   the right kind of beliefs about stock market and  money the success in trading is next to impossible   another thing with respect to , mindset i would like to mention here   is are you having realistic expectations from  stock market let me tell you from my experience   stock market is not a get rich quick scheme in  fact it's the fastest way to lose money if you   don't do the right things in the stock market  so have some realistic expectations it's not   a place for people who are in the mindset  of doubling their money every few months   their money will be gone that's the one thing , which is sure so have realistic expectation treat   it as a business do you have those core qualities , which are required for being a successful trader   for example patience discipline or do . you believe in yourself okay so these   are these are different things which i am going , to discuss in the next videos which are you know   i personally feel that these are extremely  critical for your success in the stock market   so what are you doing to improve those mindset . related issues what you have the kind of mindset   that is required for stock market success is , different than what is required in uh otherwise   the professional life or academic life or our , other careers this is different mindset that   we need to you know acquire so these three . important things first just to summarize   start learning what doesn't work what are , the causes of failure or losses to most of   the people second thing learn from a trader who , is profitable over there at least for one year   and third thing start working on your mindset  have that money abundance and prosperity mindset   with the right kind of notions realistic . expectations about stock market so i hope   you found this information useful if you find this  useful just hit that like button and subscribe to   my channel for getting the next update i thank you  for your time and i'll see you in the next video,

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