He Finds a Ring That Takes Him 57 Seconds Back in Time And Instantly Becomes a Millionaire

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In an airport, a plane is trying to take off while  the police open fire on it. Inside the plane,   Franklin knows that they’re about to crash and . sees his life flashing in front of his eyes. He’s   a tech blogger known as Remedy, and he writes , about achieving optimal health. Sitting next to   him is Sig, the owner of a pharmaceutical company . that released a medicine knowing it was highly   addictive and lethal, causing thousands of deaths. . This all started three months ago. Franklin gets a   job as a ticket taker at a special event because . he’s desperate to get an interview with Anton,   a health and tech guru who has been working on  finding a way to reach optimal health without   medicine. Unfortunately Franklin arrives late . and causes a bad impression, so he doesn’t get   the full explanation of how he must scan people’s  Tri-bands to check their tickets. When Franklin   makes a mistake while scanning and his boss scolds , him in a harsh way, his coworker Jala comes in his   defense and the two end up chatting. They really  hit it off and Franklin asks Jala out, but instead   of giving him her number, she sets up an alarm on , his phone for so he can come for her after he’s   done with the presentation. Afterward, Franklin , rushes to the bathroom and meets with Andy,   who has stolen and hacked a Tri-band from his boss  so Franklin can access the presentation because   he couldn’t afford the ticket. With this band,  Franklin manages to go past the guards on the   backstage door just in time to see Anton arrive  with the mysterious assistant Ingram. Franklin   tries hiding behind the curtains, but Anton finds  him anyway and asks “who and why”. He seems to be   talking to his assistant, and Franklin notices . Anton has a fancy ring on his finger. Anton also   guesses that Franklin’s Tri-band isn’t his, but , he tells him to stay and enjoy the show. Then   Anton goes to the stage to be received by a very . enthusiastic crowd except for Renee and Calvert,   who look very serious and out of place. Anton , begins the presentation by talking about the   Tri-band, which is his invention. It’s a bracelet . that people wear on their wrists and monitors   their physiology to then decode their DNA and make . a health plan unique to each user. It also sends   alerts with reminders on when and what to eat and  exercise. However Anton has a big announcement   today: he’s made the Tri-band Five, which is able , to make the user naturally enjoy doing things that   are good for health without the need of reminders.  It should also remove the need for medicine,   including the stuff used for diabetes, high blood  pressure, and even addiction. Meanwhile at the   backstage door, one of the guards knocks the other , out with a taser and then rushes toward the stage,   bumping into Franklin in the process. The guard  fires his gun in the air and says Anton’s company   is controlling everyone, but at that moment . Franklin hits him with a wheeled table and   gives the other guards the opportunity to arrest  the guy. Renee and Calvert aren’t happy with this   turn of events, but Anton is grateful for . Franklin’s help and tells him he’ll have   the interview later. Before leaving, Anton tells . Franklin to check his hand, which is bleeding.   Afterward Franklin gets his hand bandaged and . the head of security takes his Tri-band as part   of the evidence. The guy leaves and Franklin . suddenly notices Anton’s ring on the ground,   so he picks it up as his phone rings with Jala’s , alarm. Franklin takes a closer look at the ring   and when he touches the stone, he suddenly finds  himself repeating the last moment. The head of   security says the same words, Jala’s alarm . goes off, and Franklin finds the ring again.   Scared and nervous, Franklin covers the ring with . his bandage before leaving for the restaurant.   While waiting for Jala, he looks at the ring  again and when the waitress checks on him,   she touches the ring and the moment resets again. . Franklin checks the time on his phone to confirm   that the ring turns back time and tries to use it . again, but the stone has gone white and needs time   to recharge. When the waitress comes by again, he . keeps the ring away from her. Then he does another   test using his phone’s stopwatch and discovers the  ring can go back for exactly fifty-seven seconds.   At that moment Jala arrives and they decide to go , somewhere nice. They chat and bond during their   date, and Franklin learns Jala is an artist. , In return he tells her about his work writing   articles on how technology affects health, some of . them even got published in a newspaper. Suddenly   Jala kisses Franklin and they end up going to his , messy apartment. When they start getting frisky,   Jala notices a woman’s purse in his closet , and thinks he has a girlfriend, so she wants   to leave. Franklin immediately rewinds time and , closes the closet before Jala can see the purse,   however she next sees the picture of a woman and . tries to leave again. Using the ring, Franklin   resets the moment and hides both the purse and , the picture before bringing Jala to his bed. Now   that things are heating up, every time Jala makes  a naughty request, Franklin goes back and does the   thing before she even asks so he can look like an  amazing lover. The next morning, Renee and Calvert   go to see their boss, who turns out to be Sig. He , wonders if the attack had been just a publicity   stunt and orders Calvert to follow Franklin for , clues. Sig also asks Renee to dig up information   about the new Tri-ban and find a way to prove it . isn’t real because if it stops people from taking   medicine, he won’t make money anymore. Meanwhile . Franklin and Jala are having breakfast together   when suddenly Franklin’s car gets towed while ,

Calvert watches in secret. Franklin tries using   the ring to stop it, but he isn’t fast enough,  and now he has to get enough money to get his car   back. After seeing an ad on TV, Franklin gets an  idea: he visits a casino and starts using his ring   to win every time. Soon he’s making lots of money  and getting the attention of a crowd, including   Calvert who finds it very suspicious. Once he’s , got enough money, Franklin gets a beautiful new   car and decides he can keep making even more cash.  He returns to the casino and wins some more money,   but when he tries to leave, he’s attacked by the , casino staff. Franklin immediately rewinds time   and tries to sneak around, even deciding to leave . the money behind, but the guys always follow him   and beat him up in the parking lot. They think . that Franklin is cheating and try to make him   confess, but at that moment Calvert arrives and  calls them out, so the employees let Franklin go   after telling him to never come back. Afterward, , Calvert invites Franklin to lunch and tries to   make him confess how he did it, but Franklin . says he’s just lucky. Next Calvert invites him   to meet Sig, but Franklin turns him down because , knows Sig is behind that medicine that has been   killing thousands of people. Calvert decides  to give him his card anyway. Sometime later,   Jala visits Franklin and is surprised to see he’s . bought new furniture to make his apartment look   much nicer. When she uses Franklin’s computer,  she discovers a wallpaper of a woman, and Franklin   finally explains himself: that’s his twin sister,  who died of OD four years ago. She had been in a   car crash and was given Sig’s medicine, which made . her an addict. Franklin sells serious articles to   the newspaper with his real name, but on his blog, , he uses the nickname Remedy to talk against evil   companies like Sig’s. Jala calls him heroic and , promises to keep his secret, so Franklin reveals   he’s bought a bunch of painting supplies for her. , The couple is about to go for a ride in the new   car when Franklin gets a call from Anton, saying . he’s ready for the interview. In fact, Ingram is   already there to pick him up. When Franklin . makes it to the office, Anton gifts him two   Tri-bands for him and Jala. Then they talk about , Anton’s invention, and he explains he hopes to get   rid of medicine entirely. The idea isn’t only to  prevent illnesses but accidents as well, and Anton   plans to use a special substance containing , quantum particles to achieve it. He ends the   interview by telling Franklin to follow his sense , of justice. Later in the evening, Franklin wonders   if he should accept the meeting with Sig to try , to make him admit his crime, and Jala tells him   to go for it. The next day, Calvert introduces Sig  to Franklin, who immediately mentions his sister   and punches Sig in the face. Then he rewinds time . and pretends to respect Sig while they chat about   his work. Calvert has told Sig about Franklin’s . luck in the casino, so he wants to make a bet:   if Franklin can guess what will happen after  he whistles, he’ll pay him one hundred thousand   dollars for every article he writes praising , his company. If he fails, then he’ll write   five articles for half his current rate. Franklin  accepts and guesses a dog will come, but when Sig   whistles, one of his models comes to kiss him and , give him a massage. However Franklin rewinds time   and guesses correctly, so now he’s got a new job. , After Franklin leaves, Sig mentions Anton must be   behind this so he wants to keep Franklin close.  In the evening, Franklin meets with Jala, who   comments this job would be selling out. However  Franklin explains he just wants to earn Sig’s   trust to access his files and expose the company.  He promises to use the money for good things like   improving their lives and even dares to bring  out his sister’s ring to propose to Jala, who   quickly says yes. The next day, Franklin offers , Sig to plan a big event-style piece to rebrand the   company in a few months as a sneaky way to avoid . having to write a bunch of praising articles. Sig   likes the idea and Franklin is given his own , office in the house. When he’s left alone, one   of the models tries to hit on him, but Franklin , immediately turns her down saying he’s taken. This   frustrates Sig, who is spying on Franklin while . hoping to get blackmail material. He tells Renee   and Calvert to make a new plan to discover how , Franklin does his trick. Soon Franklin and Jala   move to a beautiful house to start a new life. . Sig invites them on a trip to Miami in his private   plane and makes them leave the Tri-bands behind , under the excuse of being company policy, but he   actually thinks Anton helps Franklin do the trick , through it. The group makes it to a casino and   Franklin starts winning again using the ring, but , neither Sig nor security can detect any foul play.   Renee befriends Jala to try to get information . out of her, but Jala knows nothing. Later while   Franklin and Jala are dancing, Franklin is shocked  to discover Ingram watching them, so he decides to   hide the ring in his pocket. Moments later, the  group is sharing some drinks when suddenly a man   approaches them and opens fire to make Sig pay for . the deaths he caused. Jala ends up shot as well,   so Franklin grabs his ring and immediately  rewinds time. When the man approaches them again,   Frankin stops him with a bottle to the head. When . they return home, Franklin discovers that news   outlets are calling him a hero, and Jala agrees.  She also reminds him of her upcoming art exhibit,   and Franklin promises he’ll be there. Suddenly the  newcast reveals the identity of the attacker and   Franklin realizes he knew him: the shooter’s wife  used to work for Sig and one day she just showed   up dead in the office, but there was no media 

coverage about it. The guy appears on the screen   saying they should investigate the company because , they’re blackmailing everyone. The next day,   Franklin asks Renee for the dead woman’s file, . claiming he’ll have to clean that story too.   Renee promises to look into it, but then she , rushes to warn Sig. Calvert also thinks Franklin   is dangerous because he thinks both attacks were . set up to make him look good. With a plan in mind,   Sig brings the file to Franklin, who discovers  it’s empty. Sig blames it on Renee’s incompetence   and offers Franklin another gift for helping , him discover all these problems in his company.   Moments later, the duo is at a bar out of town. . Sig shares some shots and gifts Franklin his car,   then he takes him upstairs where a bunch of women . are waiting. Franklin tries to say no, but at that   moment he realizes his drink has been spiked and . he can’t defend himself. The women drag him in   for some fun and Sig records the whole deal. By . the time Franklin wakes up, it’s the middle of   the night. He rushes back home in the new car and . discovers Anton is there, who apparently bought   all of Jala’s art. Anton teases Franklin for , working for Sig and leaves, so now Jala can snap   at Franklin for missing her event and coming back . smelling of alcohol. The two begin arguing over   the morals of Franklin’s job, and when Franklin , points out she’s enjoying the money he’s making,   she tries to leave. Franklin goes after her and in  the struggle they accidentally fall into the pool,   so he quickly rewinds time to fix it. When  they reappear inside the house, Jala can tell   that something weird has happened, and Franklin . realizes that people touching him when it happens   will also remember the rewind. Franklin explains . how it works and Jala realizes he used the ring on   her too, that’s what he always knew what to say or  do with her. Feeling like their relationship is a   lie, Jala leaves, so Franklin decides it’s time to . put an end to this. The next day, Franklin goes to   see Renee with a gun to demand the combination  of her safe. She immediately screams for help,   so Franklin rewinds and tries again, only to . accidentally touch an object on her desk that   hurts him and causes him to accidentally shoot . her. After another rewind, he covers her mouth   and makes her write the combination down, so he  resets again and tries the numbers on the safe,   only to discover it was a fake number. Frustrated,  Franklin does another rewind and puts a cushion   on Renee’s lap to shoot her leg and make her give , him the real combination. With yet another reset,   he tries the number and it works, so he rewinds  again and this time he just tells Renee that   he’ll be working in his office all afternoon.  Afterward, Franklin waits for Renee to leave   and opens the safe to steal all the evidence. . Then Franklin goes home and asks Andy to help   him post all the evidence of Sig’s crimes during  an important basketball game, but Andy is hesitant   because he may lose his job. However Franklin  sends a bunch of money to his account and Andy   instantly accepts. The next day, Franklin gets , ready to leave town while he keeps calling Jala   to no avail. When the game finally starts, Andy , plays the presentation Franklin made on the big   screens but it’s also reaching all news outlets.  The video shows security footage of Calvert   killing the shooter’s wife and how she was killed  because she knew the truth about Sig’s medicine.   While the world sees all this, Franklin tries to  leave his house, but he’s knocked out before he   can get in the car. Moments later, Franklin wakes , up in an airport, where the guards drag him toward   the private plane while Sig orders him to tell . the world his video was fake. Franklin refuses   to cooperate, but then Sig reveals he’s kidnapped . Jala too. As they’re pushed together, Jala tells   him she’s proud of what he did, and Franklin asks , her to use the ring. Jala touches the stone and   steps on the guard’s foot to escape, running , toward the now-arriving police cars. Franklin   is pushed into the plane and it takes off, flying , above the police who are opening fire on them. A   bullet causes the engine to start failing and  Calvert wants to land, but Sig tells him to   keep going. Franklin wonders what to do with the , ring and Sig suddenly touches him, causing time to   rewind. When Sig realizes what the ring can do, he . tries resetting a few times to stop the plane from   crashing, but fifty-seven seconds isn’t enough . to prevent the bullet from hitting the engine.   Franklin smiles, not caring about what happens  if it means Sig dies. A desperate Sig runs to   Calvert to make him turn back but it’s too late , and the plane crashes. Seconds later, the police   and Jala arrive at the crash site. Renee, Calvert, . and Franklin have managed to survive the accident,   but right after they move away, the plane explodes . with Sig inside. Soon Anton also shows up with   his assistant and reveals that Ingram let . Franklin have the ring on purpose because he   was the perfect candidate to test it. It turns . out the ring is made of the quantum crystals   Anton discovered, and now he wants Franklin  to work for him. However Franklin refuses,   saying the power of the ring is as addictive as . Sig’s medicine and therefore dangerous. Anton   wants the ring back then, but Franklin throws it  on the ground and destroys it. This causes Ingram   to do some calculations and Anton shockingly  says that the offer still stands because he needs   someone that can say no to him. Franklin says  no again and he gives Anton back the Tri-bands,   then he leaves with Jala to build a life  together without needing this weird technology.,

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