Day 7 ♠ OH MY GOODNESS! Cockroach Road + STAR Betting Strategy | STAR SURVIVAL Baccarat Series

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What is going on everybody welcome back . to the channel this is day number seven   of our star survival baccarat series the . star betting strategy has been going well   for us so far let's see if we can continue . our winning sessions the bets i placed today   i will be looking at one of the derived roads , specifically the cockroach road in order for you   not to be confused by my bet selection you , have to know how to read the derived roads   i've made plenty of videos on all three derived . roads big eye boy small road and cockroach road   video links will be down in the description so  make sure to go check those out i will be playing   the no mirror on the cockroach road continuously  our original unit size is a hundred dollars so we   will start stage one bets at 25 dollar units shoot , is ready to go let's see what the burn card is a two okay i am going to take some free hands until i see the  first column complete on the cockroach road and   then i'll start playing the no mirror continuously . okay so let's get through some free hands here okay guys our column is complete on the . cockroach road take a look at our excel sheet   for the red and blue slashes i've put b for . blue and r for red okay so we're not looking   at banker and player we're looking on the  cockroach road at the red and blue slashes   okay guys so i'm betting against the blue slash . for our first bet which means i'm betting on the   red slash okay so i'm gonna place my bet on banker  here and again go watch my video on how to read   the cockroach road in case you're confused on ,

my bet placements okay so here we go first bet banker wins red slash produces a win for us okay so collect and press i'm playing it continuously . okay guys so i'm betting against red slash this   time so i'm looking for blue i'm gonna switch it  over to player player wins we do get a blue slash   and we win the parlayed bet , perfect let's get paid here win range goal is still the , same okay three to five units okay 25 on player player wins blue slash let's get paid here i'm gonna move my parlayed bet over to banker banker wins perfect i forgot to record the last win   apologize i'll update that now here  we go so we are up 150 at the moment   okay so far so good i'm betting on the red  slash this time so i'm going to bound player banker wins that is our first loss of the day okay minus 25. natural eight banker wins okay so we lose that bet remember our highest , profit level was 150 we're keeping track of that all right next column here going for the blue slash so , i'm going to bet on player perfect player wins we do get the blue  slash plus 25 okay i'm gonna parlay my   bet looking for the red slash so i'm going , to keep it and switch it over to banker banker wins perfect that is a parlayed  win okay we are up 175 new profit level okay let's collect this and go back to 25  units looking for the red slash so banker player wins -25 okay we lose that next bat is on player natural nine perfect player wins i get my red , slash here and a win let's collect this and press okay i'm looking for the red slash so . i'm going to keep it on player here player wins we do get our red slash that is a new profit level 225 we're already , close to our win range goal okay so let's   see here looking for the blue slash now so  that would be a player bet going back to 25. player does win we get a blue slash plus 25 okay pick up a win here i'm gonna move this .

down for you guys okay so you can see i just want you guys to see the bets okay we're   betting on the red slash here for our  parlayed bet so i'll keep it on player banker wins blue slash instead it's , okay we're going to keep going minus 50. blue slash so i'm looking for banker here natural eight for the player minus 25 okay lose that and keep my bet on banker for the red slash banker does win all right let's go ahead and parlay our bet   remember our max profit was 225 , always keeping track of that   super important i'm looking for the blue slash , here so i'm going to switch it over to player player does win parlayed bet okay plus 50. , new profit level 250 almost at our wind target   okay let's go for a blue slash now natural nine player wins okay plus 25 275 is our new profit level   okay let's parlay our bet on the red slash . so i'm going to keep it on player here player does win we get our red slash   plus 50. and take a look we are  at 325. wow that was super quick   i love using the derived roads super powerful wind , range gold was three to five units we are at 325   so you know what we're gonna stop and lock in a  three unit profit on day number seven wow that was   our quickest session yet you can see why i love . using the derived roads especially the cockroach   road i know some of you guys are a huge fan of , the derived roads let me know in the comments   what you thought of this session do you use the , derived roads yourself and if so which strategies   do you combine it with i would love to hear your . thoughts so put them in the comments below and as   always don't forget to destroy the like button . if you're enjoying the series so far subscribe   to my channel turn on bell notifications check  out my website that is it i'm gonna   go enjoy this beautiful weather after this quick  session i will catch you guys in the next one ciao.

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