, it feels so it fills him sometimes last seconds. it's like you know a lot of people are asking you something like how old are, you uh are you married uh like what do. you do for a living concern and son and when I'm asking the same questions bad. they never reply. that's why never tickets you like. multiplayer okay I'm 25 this is this is, true. , ask me what I want what what or what you, want what I oh come on sorry time during. the session I I want a crazy time and we got it boom, yeah why is happening, look I mean so crazy time good, it's been a while okay wait we were here like five minutes ago but here we are. again trying to get nice and a decent, Multiplex you can see them all around the wheel there is even a triple Sigma, so there is a possibility to uh multiply, every single segments and it will buy free but first things first choose your. team green blue yellow which one, and actually looks like time's up 200x . let's see what happens now let's go 100x 15 and 50. the two right there more. rounds to come I wish you all the best, people oh I don't play in bed on all. available, so it wouldn't pass down to your next. Generation however now there's, there's perhaps some particularities, though thanks that might pass down to a generation for, example there is. when there has been a famine in one generation the next one will have, differences there you go it's not dope I, mean rushing crazy time difference is in. the glucose metabolism of the Next. Generation however there you go burners nice there you go back in. still we have returned for you make it happen all right well you didn't have to do. anything green blue yellow flapper just allow autopitch. around 35 or so we're going for blue and. 27 or so for green the rest of the yellow, 100. other next to maximum Point F1. power, every flapper oh bam he already my, fingers are gonna send the power 200 extension enjoy money aventon is almost probably maybe possibly, gonna be here oh oh look at that the green flapper
keep it on Bring It Outside. Coppell two doubles that's 400x. potentially doesn't that make that, radiator is excited 400x let's go, . thank you, there you go that's another double. 800x now y'all feel it you feel that potential of money indeed our brain does feel that let's pass down the money to the Next Generation let's get that inheritance. from your grandparents and get that. money well wait well anyways good luck. thousand six hundred next year potentially, you see that you do see that my brain indeed sees that let's make so much, money we have our whole bloodline in short 1600x. 240x that is the big bright still good. still good ladies and gentlemen 2870 of you Transformers , good luck guys 284 wins in total, be fair like you're being happy deep inside for a long Space Cowboys but be. fair then why am I not smiling . all five extra cash on come on that could be big we had a 3X maybe we can be, you know maybe we can be, cash on specialists. maybe we can be cash on specialists, thank you be fair see what see see what. we see cash on with the 5x that's what, we see that's how we do it occasionally, we do that please give us a 500 likes, somewhere harder I'm seeing 100 75 on, top sometimes five exits wait at least 25x at least 25 will be, the minimum that you can hit guys biggest 25 from 25 to 100., because their conscious is activated who's gonna do I have a conscience. who are they someone tell me aliens or, aliens or something guys make your, choice please I will actually, participate uh I like a bit of rabbits I don't know I actually want to try rabbit meat so, the sharp corner there you know the top, the happy top. right let's see I'm curious, oh no decided the 500 of you decided no way no way 439 people turn the clock when you streak 814 winners in total Jonathan. flag has new money man congratulations. on your winning bands are now open everyone lights are bad and of course oh we got another chance another chance. for cash on look at that gastron with the seven eggs catch him please, oh
oh come on come on come on come on, with the 7x guys let's go all righty well this is our. second Cash Out Mr Tom saw the first one, was 3x not this is the 7x just like the. Pachinko that we had, alrighty well look at that amazing seven, eggs, and Max multipliers 700 eggs guys let's shovel it up and let's go hunting for, that seven to be honest anywhere I think, where you would like hit now it's like automatically like a pretty good win but of course we all want to get as high, as possible so best of luck I see you like I said you either you can think about it you cannot think about it just, guess wherever you want to all right I can't wait I can't wait to see the, results guys. in the in the you know the winners all right that's the uh that's the board, right there for you guys and congratulations to us, come on it's amazing victories. and it's showing that bad one that was a, double trouble for your dad right I know. let's uh bring more outcomes like this, , well it's crazy time we just had a lot, of crazy jumps really, it wasn't a press you want to do yes I. was sure the better luck of course let's keep going like this we can make it happen. they freeze Africa cash home for the. Forex, hello are you ready it's time to go for cash hunt let's get some cash get my makeup.com X multiplier so that's going to be a wonderful. is 400 let's bring it on we're turning where is 400 I already lost it all right. it's time for us to look for it right, you have only one chance to find that, 400x but come on it's real possible we can make a pattern decision time starts. from now on your time is ticking time, mistaking choose your prize I will go, with that bunny over there yes that's my back, let's see if it's gonna oh if I can win. this 400.. and I got six yeah but 400 of us were, actually six players wow this was a, gorgeous one amazing, congratulations this was a gorgeous Victory access sweetheart 3 000 Victory keep it online I told you. your lucky charm is back I know you. missed me let's see how it's gonna get. up with this one though, foreign.