Hello guys in this video we will learn how , we can clone any website using command line now suppose that's my website that is hosted on , the server now i want to copy that whole content and the whole pages of that website that's the one . page and you can see whenever i click on the blog this will redirect me to another page like dot . com slash blog dot html it means this website have multiple pages so i want to copy the everything , it means the images the tag or all pages of that website in my local host so i can host that whole . content or i can change something in my html code and then publish that website in the another host with the another domain so you can do that make sure don't misuse that trick okay so now how we can copy that whole website data so first of all open the terminal this is the terminal if you are using windows so you can open your terminal using the windows command and just type terminal now after opening the terminal you just need to put cd and just say suppose desktop and press tab and then enter now you are in the desktop okay now we have to save our website that live website this one live website in our desktop so how we can do that so first of all check that you have installed . w cat or not so just type w get and enter here you can see the missing url uses option and url it means this one w get is installed on my macbook but if you are using windows or if you don't have wget or this will say that we can't recognize wget in the windows so what you need to do you . need to download that wget so how we can do that so it's simple you need to open that website or . just search on google download w get for windows and then enter and you will find that website i , will give you that website link in the description open that website now we need to download that file so we need to download that exe file after downloading that exe file you need to run that file and then we need to move that exe file in the go to the local c disk
windows local c okay first of all go to the local c drive in the windows okay and go to the windows , folder after a windows folder you will find the system32 open that folder and then you have . to paste that wgat.txt file in the system32 cool and then whenever you try , the a w guide in the terminal so you will not get the error now that is the , process of installing the wget in the windows now we need to fetch the whole website data so first of all we just need to type wgat then dash dash then m-i-r-o-r mirror space dash dash then convert dash links then space then dash dash weight equal to so mirror this is . this will deep into your website and this will fetch all the css html and everything okay and , then this will convert our all links and this will for our server response time now we just need to . enter a url so go to the url here and we know that our url is that one is website now we need to copy . that website url so that is my url tcb site dot zero zero webhost app.com copy that url go to . the terminal here and paste that url like this cool now we need to click on enter and this , will connect it yes connected and waiting for response is zero zero two okay and this , will take sometimes five minutes sometimes three minutes depend on your internet speed and depend on website data because this will fetch the whole website data it means this will fetch . this will download that image that content and all these images all these product images . and everything it does that this will copy the css file also so wait some seconds and . let's see what's the output in our local host so you can see that is file is completed , converted links in 14 files in 0.3 seconds the whole website is completed that's the log now . let's move to the desktop you can see that we have we are in desktop okay now go to the desktop . and you will find tcb site 005 host app.com open that folder and you will get all files here .
you can see the portfolio details details.html index.html blog.html and blogsingle.html and you will get the assets open that asset css he can see the images you will get all images he can see all images js files and vendors now let me just open that so i will open that index.html in my chrome browser you can see the localhost users or of desktop website and the website . let's seem like that i have hosted here cool it means you can copy any website whole website in some seconds or minute i want to change some content so we can see we are creative agency okay so i want to change that because this one is in my localhost so i , can't change that my server because i don't have a credential of that but i have a data of that , whole website so how can i change that so we just need to copy that we are creative agency open the folder and we need to open that index file with my vs code you can open this with any text text editor open this and that's the html code just find that text where is this this one is here now we just need to change it to like the coding bus the coding bus and then save this and , now let's open this and refresh it and see the coding bus cool so that is a totally , our own website you can go to the blog blog.html an entire page and everything every . images is we have everything so this is the really very simple process to clone any website if you need any help on that so just comment on the . video i'll try my best to solve your problems thank you so much for watching this video please subscribe my channel like this video and share this video this video is just for learning , purpose have a nice day be safe bye.