🎹Chord & Lyrics, The Same Thing, William Bolcom, Synthesia Piano

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They all want the same My moth er'd been through it She told me to re mem ber They all want the same thing. My fa ther left her She had to raise me by her self Af ter go ing out a few times She gave up on re place Look a round you Look at your sis ter Where did she find that guy? Some day soon he'll leave her. Just like your fa ther He went to Cal i for nia He did n't e ven leave me For some oth er wom an. I came to the ci ty To get a way from moth er Some of you oth ers Are here for the same rea son. Worked as a file clerk Met a man and fell in love He told me he was mar ried I thought it did n't mat ter. We took an a part ment Lived there for near ly half a year He said he'd di vorce his wife I could n't tell my moth er. One night I left him Left him in that a part ment All my books and re cords Well, I sup pose they're still there. Up town Found a place with two room mates We all work in of fi ces I found a new boy friend Some week ends He takes me to the coun try Where he gives his wild par ties Those nights I sleep a lone. And I'm wea ry Tir ed of turn ing on With so man y peo ple With noth ing in their fa ces. From Cal i for nia To Mis sis sip pi Ev 'ry bod y's look ing For just the same thing.

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