Cambly English Conversation #21 with lovely tutor from South Africa | Adrija Biswas

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Hello hello hi how are you i'm good andil , i'm very good thank you and my name is naomi   what is your name my name is adria it's so nice  to meet you very nice to meet you too adrian   and what would you like to talk about today um , we can just have a general chat okay very nice so   where are you from i'm from india and what about , you where are you from i'm from south africa but   not the capital no okay so where to live i live in  port elizabeth it's beautiful city it is near the   sea yes correct and so it's got a large port do . you know what a port is um yes where the ship's   ships just like stop for you know giving the goods , and all those yes yes exactly okay and do you live   near the seaside or inland totally inland i . wish i could live in the seaside unit because   i absolutely love sea but unfortunately  i lived in a totally landlocked place   ah okay and do you often try to travel to the , sea or it's very rare that you go to the seaside   um we do go but on a vacation like probably summer , vacation winter vacation because you know we need   a huge vacation coz sea is really far away from . us and we need to take a train so we need a big   question so i guess once in a year okay but i'm  sure it's worth it when you reach the seaside   okay and like are the beaches that you do go , to like very beautiful and clean generally   um yes there are a lot of beautiful beaches , in india if you come here like um there are   so many beautiful beaches in kerala then goa then  the entire of south india like is having really   beautiful beaches so yes they are really beautiful  i think you should come here one time yes actually   i have a friend who has visited and traveled . around india but unfortunately i never have   yet so one day so have you ever went to any other , country like except for south africa so when i   was too little to remember but i hope to travel . soon because with the covert pandemic almost over   now i have freedom to travel again yes i i was . also like locked in my home this entire two   years so now yes we are free and i did travel to  um i don't know i did travel to a a one seaside   place here it is known as puri um just uh uh , two months ago okay nice and did you enjoy it   yes i enjoyed it like after two years i'm again , visiting the sea so yes of course i enjoyed it   did you feel like you finally had some  freedom and you could just enjoy yourself   absolutely oh good and are there a lot of tourists  visiting india now um from foreign i haven't seen   many but in india actually there are many indians  visiting different places okay so everybody   is starting to travel again starting to explore  nice and yes some places are really becoming   crowdy like you know you will not be able to  understand that there was a thing known as   covet pandemic just a few months ago yeah over . so in some places and yes in some places they   are not even wearing the masks that is really bad , i have to say uh because now you have to wear the   marks you know until everyone is vaccinated and . everything so yes some are not wearing the mask   and it is too crowded in many places wow it sounds , similar to south africa to be honest a lot of   people still do wear the mask however i've noticed  recently more and more people are starting to take   their liberties and not wear the mask and go  to social gatherings and to crowded places   yeah i can yes same thing in india like the , days are passing and people are wearing this   mask list because you know it sometimes really  sucks to wear a mask like when i go to school   i can't just wear a mask all the time like for , the entire day it just it feels so uncomfortable   yes and but do you have air conditioning , in your school buildings or is it just   oh that's terrible trying to breathe and focus . that's terrible i know that is a problem so i   cannot wear the mask the entire day yes i do wear ,

a mask while traveling but after that when i go   to school everything i need to talk so that time i  just opened the mask so this is what is happening   everyone is opening and then there is no covert . yes i feel like it's about to come to a complete   end even the uk you can travel in a plane without . a mask which is surprising for me but it's good   i suppose that things are starting to become , normal again yes and have you taken vaccination   vaccination in south africa yet a lot of  people have been vaccinated in south africa   oh okay same in india too like um the child  especially i think adults mostly everyone is   vaccinated but right now and a vaccine came  for the children so yes i i took a vaccine   one month ago now i need to take the second , dose again okay so it's not the single dose   no there are two doses okay interesting because  each country has different vaccinations available   at some you only need one dose some it's , two doses three four it's interesting   very different yeah i think the . vaccination is different in your country   yes i think sir i think sir and it's nice to , just have a one dose cause again after one   month you need to go and again take another dose . for a vaccine oh like a continual process okay   and during this pandemic time have you started  any new hobbies started to learn something new   um yes i learned gardening i am really like , you know yes it is so nice to uh just you know   sit around the trees and everything so like i , don't have a garden i have my rooftop garden   my mom has so there are lots of potted plants  there and i extremely loved that place one of   my favorite places in my home so um i uh you know . gardening like watering the plants giving manual   to it and everything it's a really nice hobby  okay does it make you feel relaxed calm it does wow i also enjoy it i collect uh do you know what . succulents are yes i know um i have heard about   succulent plants because my mother was thinking . about buying some of succulent plants like there   are small small plants and the indoor they can . be kept indoor yes yes and also you don't need   a lot of water for them which is good . if you forget to water your plant   that is why she was thinking about buying some  succulents oh okay were all of her plants dying   so she needed succulents actually we had to go  to another place for two months and at that time   a lot of our plants died we had to like we had no , other options so a lot of our plants died and it   really it was so sad you know because uh entire . year one whole year my mom used to water them i   to me too sometimes so and then suddenly after two . months when you come home and see that they have   died so it really feels bad yeah now again . she has started uh planting new plants now   it is all right the plants are all red but at , that time the moment it was so bad so that time   she thought maybe succulent plants would be a , nice option they would at least not die yes they   could survive on their own for a time okay and , do succulents grow wild in india in nature or not   um i have i don't have really uh any idea about  this but probably uh i don't know because my mom   you know think thought about buying this in online  so you know they so i don't know where does it   grow because i have never seen it growing anywhere  okay because i know in south africa especially and   some other african countries it grows in the wild  you can go and collect it and put it in little   pots for your house and you can buy it or collect  it depends if you want the easy route or not   and that's great i have never seen any succulent , plants growing just anywhere here really yeah   what about aloe plants aloe vera oh yes i we , have two or three aloe vera plants in our home   and they're really nice for your skin you . know my mom used to put me in my skin and use   in her skin too and yes it is really nice yes ,

actually they even make those products some of   those face creams or like if you have sauce aloe . helps a lot so yeah very good natural things   do you like to try healthy options um i think so . you know just cutting that all over and putting it   is much better because we don't know what is there , in the cream that's true true okay so you'll enjoy   learning about natural alternatives yes i do oh  interesting same here i really enjoy it it's good   and what do you enjoy doing besides being  with plants in the garden what do you enjoy   a lot of things i especially like to stay  indoors so um i have this many hobbies like   um you know creating a youtube channel like , staying in front of the computer and watching   everything relating to anything you know the views  the subscribers and everything it feels so nice   and then yes i love to listen to music , music is like one of the best thing ever   and then yes read nobles i love reading novels . and stuff and of course studying i have to do that   there is no option you enjoy it do it because you  have to depending upon the subject because like   i probably enjoy one subject and don't enjoy the . other ah okay so it depends but you still do it   because you have to yeah okay and so what , inspired you to start your youtube channel like actually yes so my father had this just you know . an account like 10 years ago it was met 10 years   ago but i didn't post anything 10 years 10 years , ago i started my educational videos like i used   to post digestive system and everything you know . i i really like this subject science so i used   to just teach you know to my imaginary students i , used to sit on the bed and teach just like that to   you know i imagined some students so my  parents saw that and thought about why not   make a video about her teaching so because i , loved to teach so they brought a board a white   board and then i just made a video of digestive  system that was my first educational video ever   so and i made it and it was so nice like they  they liked it a lot and they knew that i could   do that like i could teach and i was really young  i think i read in class three i don't know so yes   so i uploaded that and after that i uploaded . many more videos and recently i have started   this english videos um you know improving english  and everything and i'm absolutely loving it you   know you can there are so many of these comments  and they are so nice and i extremely love doing   uh you know working with my youtube channel yes i , i can see you when you talk about it you're very   passionate about it which is very great to see , because a lot of people are not always passionate   about what they do so when you find someone that , is passionate it's contagious it's very good   thank you so much okay and so do you hope to , continue with your youtube channel in the future   or do you plan to maybe teach science . at a school become a science teacher um   i think i'd continue with my youtube , channel whatever i'm doing yes probably   i'd do something else but i would never stop . making videos on my youtube channel okay so   it's like you committed to this you get to do it . you enjoy it amazing and do you have any questions   um um can i know what do you do i like except for  being a gambling teacher okay so i'm actually a   full-time teacher and i work for four different , companies so i wow very busy all of the time   and in my spare time i enjoy cooking or going to . the beach surfing just some of my hobbies being   wow they're they're really adventurous hobbies i  wish i could do surfing one time though you should   try it if you get the opportunity i never meet  you adrija yes it was very nice to meet you bye,

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