Today we're going to talk about how to install . the TFT 32 SPI display now this is a Touch Screen Display so I'm just going to point out real quick . that you can touch on this area and it's usable for at the moment Klipper I have to research if , it works in Marlin as well so don't quote me on Marlin so let me flip this over and show you . what we got here so as you can see there's a couple of different connectors this one actually connects to the components that are on the board underneath this connector we're not going to use . and this is our SPI connector so we're going to actually use this ribbon cable to connect to it via the ziff socket I believe it's called and then we have another one right over here that's on the board now this was kind of difficult to find the information in the manual on this but I eventually did find it because I didn't talk about it almost at all so let me show you how to do this on the , Manta easy you're going to need the blue part of your cable that comes in this kit you're gonna . have to pull this out because this moves so you'll pull this out you'll slide this in and then you'll , apply pressure to lock it in place so let me flip this back over I'm going to place this over here see if I can keep that level and then I'm gonna have to do the same with this cable on this board , so I'll slide it into here as far in as you can and then I'm gonna have to lock it down now we're , gonna have to edit the file that we worked on previously for this so if you haven't watched my previous tutorial on this for the CB1 with uh EMMc you're gonna have to watch that in , order to understand what's going on here so we're gonna have to set this up for an EMMc boot so we can modify a file so I've got the first jumper I'm going to place that in the slot three position for the jumper cap and I'm gonna do four as well this will make more sense on the video . that's in the upper right hand corner earlier so now I'm gonna have to plug this in once this , is actually plugged in I'm then going to have to go to the computer real quick here so let me , uh balance that out as you can see it's actually powering up but not working and you'll understand . why in a second obviously it's messing with the camera so let me unplug it for a second here you . can see the camera works fine it's just it likes to go dark on this for some reason so let's go , over and see what's going on over on the desktop so on the desktop I actually have the environment up what this is is if you go over here this is the actual software you're going to , need that I covered in the previous tutorial and we're gonna have to modify this file for the board environment so if you want to see where that is the actual manual is over here that I downloaded earlier and obviously there's not a lot in ,
this so let me go through it real quick this is why I jumped over a lot a second ago it's a Serial Peripheral Interface that's what SPI is it's just basically the wiring . type and the software used to communicate so if we scroll down a little bit further it , talks about you know the input voltages the logic yada yada it's not really that , important for you to know all this um then if we get down in the nitty-gritty this , is our J2 connector that we're working with and let's see if they even cover how to connect to it I believe they didn't so yeah they didn't even talk about it but they did say that you want to . work with version 2.1 or excuse me version 2.2.1 as the base version but I believe , the last video I showed you was 2.2.0 but we can check that in a second and then they talk about the environment file and they talk about what to actually edit which is the overlay for your display so we're going to see if that , actually shows up in the actual file that we're going to be working with so it's really . weird this file looks a little bit dated um this also may affect things um I did mess . around with this yesterday so I commented it out in my file but let's get back to actually how we can edit the actual configuration if we go back over to the actual thing over here . originally the other day when I did the EZ version I jumped over to here for the command this was the version command someone did warn that it's good to check this um I skipped over it on purpose because I didn't think it had value but they of course have their , opinion that it does and I kind of agree but in this case I want to show you how to do this command essentially you have to copy it and I already have the power shell up now I did change the directory like I did in the previous video so I'm just going to up Arrow because I , already have the command here and hit enter now this will bring up the device you can hear that little ding noise now if we go over to the actual drive for the boot Drive you'll find your , board environment so I'm going to right click and I'm going to edit notepad inside Notepad++ , this is the actual thing we have to modify so what I'm going to do is I'm going to remove . the comment which is that hash mark now I did have this originally uncommented this is actually for , something different this is actually for the HDMI I believe but I'm going to leave it commented out . for now and I'm going to hit Ctrl+S or Save to actually save this file then I'll close it and you can see that it's now modified for this time and date so I'm going to close out of here I'm going , to have to go back over to the board for a second I'm gonna have to actually disconnect the power .
so you can actually see what I'm doing because apparently there's something weird going on , with this throwing off the camera and I'm going to pop out both of these jumpers now that we've made that mod to the default environment and then I'm going to power this back up . now keep in mind I do have a jumper here for power that I showed in the previous video and I'm also going to connect these back up hopefully in the right place . but I might screw it up so we shall see I can actually double check this so I'm going to , do the center one and I have to do a second one so let me show you that real quick I have , to go over to the desktop for a moment let me close out of here and what I'm checking . is actually on the Manta I have to check what the actual interface looks like so as you can , see right here we have the hotend zero which is your first extruder and then we have thermal . bed which is right next to it that's what I'm actually looking for so let's go back over to the . desktop for a second and plug in the second one in the right place these are just the . thermistors to make your Klipper run correctly normally you would have it built into your printer . of course I'm having trouble getting it in there there we go and sorry for the mess so now that we've got that done I'm gonna have to power back up the board I'm gonna do it with five , bolts instead of regular power so if you want to remove that when you're actually using power that is wise I just do this so I can troubleshoot so it should power up in a second and we'll see . if it actually works because we already loaded the OS in the previous video so let's give this a second it's probably going to take a moment to actually Boot and I have it upside down . which is awesome so let me rotate that around put this underneath so it hopefully is level and I may have just messed with the camera . but we'll find out okay so the camera once this became dark was a little bit easier to work . with so now you can actually touch the screen and do what you want to do let's try config and you , can see that you can go through different menus so let's see if we can go to settings so , obviously there's some settings here I'm not going to cover all that I just wanted , to show you how to get up and running and uh I wanted to thank first of all my . Patrons as well as the people on PayPal for their donations to keep this going and , I'll put a link in the description as always and at the end I'll actually put a thank you , note to all the people that did subscribe and also if you want a quick look at videos that . haven't come out yet it's up on Patreon as well for the people that are subscribed so everyone . take care be safe and I'll talk to you later,