Biggest Win In Vegas / 750$ Spin / Vegas Gambling / Casino Gambling

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$750 a spin Regal riches every once in a while . we do these people love them now this is one   of those things where we'll either win 100,000 , or lose 100,000 all right so that's pretty much   what's happening we're swinging for the fences , we said we'd do this if we got 20,000 likes on   this video in 24 hours we didn't think we'd do  it and we did so here we go wish us luck Regal   riches 750 a spin there it is 8148 48 let's just . get one of them quick and quit that's that win   ability it's $2 to n it's good I said it the . right 5,000 to start $750 per spin let's just   do the world's best one ticketer in history . with only a $5,000 ticket that's all we're   going to need here we go five pack of Blues first  spin let's go oh no we didn't quite get that oh   boom boom hit perfect right out of the bat oh  I would have lost my marbles if that happened all right so yeah $2 denom you just multiply . that by two and that's how much money we have   in the machine so not much so $55,000 is gone  already here come on oh we got a blue yes yeah   and does that make a green pay a little bit of a , pay $300 pay enough for one more Spin and we're   almost out of money oh oh $55,000 20,000 going ,

in 25,000 we'll pretend like that was the one   ticket yeah one ticket around 25,000 let's  go I like it a one ticketer on this would   it would be extraordinarily Prof like okay  let's just say we hit one of them right now   at a minimum it's worth like what $50,000 no not  quite maybe I have to say Vegas oh there it is   yes yeah yes yes that's what we look for right , there I have to say I'm proud of you for being   a man of your word oh we got a hand pay before . they even got on that hand before the hand pay   over I mean one and a half BS is a hand pack but , a man on my word yeah cuz what we do we got 20,000   likes maybe the next one we should say we need , to get 100,000 likes and then we'll play like   that 1875 a spin come on I want a I want a smoker  here on this one smoker baby smoker four blues oh   green that's big too is it we're going to hear . this song A lot that's what I like is hand pay   after hand pay how much is in there left still , 18 ,850 all right in a minute we're going to   be winning as soon as that blue comes smoke how , about another five pack oh five pack we'd be so   ridiculous come on 12 is kind of a key number it's , worth a lot 12 come on 13 oh come on Blues baby blues let's go Blues 13,000 of 25,000 right now oh 

there it is Lucky 13 how many we got 13,000 we got   yeah 13,000 weird how fast it goes out smoker baby  this is going to be massive guys what's your over   under number it's big 16,000 line them . up line them up there we go multiply multiply no   no multipliers same same same same same that's , good yeah it is it's over well let's how much   it is I don't know 7 8 9 10 11,000 12 13 14 15 16 . 17 18 178 I like it 29,900 I like the trajectory   we're actually winning so far all right let's get , another five pack or Shake one of those things   come on so before you collect too many of these , purples and Golds and whatever I wanted to let the   audience know that we've settled on an official  name for this guy back here he's no longer Z big   Z Zack Zack attack he's he's officially known . from here on out as Z lucky Z lucky all right   oh yeah four ball four ball 25,400 for people who . don't like math I'll keep updating you come on   more more more more oh take some greens well  that Green's a fairly anemic number not even   really in play here but we'll see we hit it yeah , it's in play when we hit it boom boom hit

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