Among The 1%ers, The Mongols Motorcycle club Are The Baddest

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Foreign . foreign, channel the Mongols motorcycle club was, formed in California as a one percenter group in 1969 and has its presence in. more than 14 states in the U.S as well. as having many International chapters as a one percenter the Mongols. Motorcycle Club do not follow the rules or die tats of the American Motorcycle Association and of their strict code conduct much of which puts them in direct conflict with law enforcement, while the concept of the one percenters. may have birthed as a Band of Brothers. who love motorcycles and the open road it turned dark with many one percenters, thinking of themselves to be above the. law even though they patriotically rode on Harley-Davidsons with law enforcement bearing down on the. Mongols their attorneys claimed that no. criminal is allowed into the motorcycle club anymore as a rule and today we continue to talk about demand the reasons that make them one of the most dangerous clubs in the world, whoa. . one among the one percenters the Mongols. Motorcycle Club are the baddest, according to the Department of Justice, the Mongols Motorcycle Club is classified as an extremely violent group. and poses a threat to whichever States it has strong chapters in and it's not, as if the Mongols Motorcycle Club don't wear their baddest of bad image as a, badge of Pride because they simply love. being bad one of their mottos reads pretty similarly when we do right nobody. remembers when we do wrong nobody forgets, reason enough to steer clear of the Mongols motorcycle club now and forever . 2. they often skimp below the law to. earn money the Mongols Motorcycle Club has managed to increase its Bank. balances plenty over the years, while it may have been a law abiding motorcycle club in the beginning even if. it wasn't an American Motorcycle. Association abiding one things changed pretty quickly,

ever since David Santillan became the, club president in 2015 things have taken a better turn and it is said that now, that unlawful activities have stopped, that said other than dealing with illicit substances the Mongols motorcycle club was also part of a. motorcycle stealing gang and pretty successful at what they did. 3. the Mongols Motorcycle Club are the, Hispanic equivalent of the Hell's Angels, the Hell's Angels are a white-only group and the non-entry of non-white spawned, plenty of motorcycle clubs the Mongols Motorcycle Club being one of them not. only did Mongols Motorcycle Club Revenge. form itself over Hells Angel's refusal but it also became the hell's Angel's. biggest rival, the war between these two motorcycle clubs has been legendary and only law, enforcement pressure as well as a drama with the Mexican Mafia put it on simmer even then there is no love lost between the two gangs and members of both, motorcycle clubs stay out of each, other's way in territories lest Another, War started 4. the Mongols Motorcycle Club are an, international one percenter if you think. being a non-american keeps you safe from, mongol's motorcycle club here's another, Shocker the Mongols has its tentacles, spread far and wide and is an international Outlaw motorcycle club. while the baddest of the bad title, remains with the US chapter countries. like Australia Denmark and Germany among others have their version of the group. and none of them are cuddly kittens so to speak they also have international meets and these places tend to empty of, the general public pretty quickly, 5. they had a tiff with the Mexican. Mafia there are very few people who go. against the Mexican Mafia and come out relatively unscathed the Mongols are one of the few and while they did suffer, losses so did the Mexican Mafia apparently in 2004 some Mongols members. got into a confrontation with lassandra. a Mexican gang loyal to the mafia over a territory dispute the mafia wanted money, from the Mongols but they refused the field escalated causing a few deaths. on each side but later it was settled,

behind closed doors and no one knows for how much 6. they've made millions of dollars in, illegal activities from stealing countless motorcycles to. human trafficking and expensive drug. deals the Mongols have raped in some serious gash from crime over the years, in recent years though the club. supposedly has refrained from engaging, in any more criminal activities following the election of David. Santillan as Club president in 2015., foreign the U.S government tried to take their. patch away and failed finally the U.S government also went head-to-head with the Mongols Motorcycle Club trying to take their patch away via legal means. initially they received a modicum of success but ultimately the Mongols won. prosecutors got together and got a judged Grant pre-drial authority to take. the Mongols members jackets and patches. away when the attorneys of the Mongols went to work they proved that this order had, violated both the first and the Eighth, Amendment rights of the members the patches were duly returned and the Mongols Motorcycle Club proved that no. one should mess with them even legally . due to their long history of violence. prosecutors said the group also operated, and organized criminal Enterprise. involved in murder attempted murder and, Drug distribution of course the club, members decided to fight back rather, than do what many other people would do, and file for bankruptcy this did not. intimidate them and had a motorcycle, gang members remind themselves they'll, grow bigger better and stronger. , with their history I'm sure we can say. that the Mongols are still dangerous and, they will continue to grow in 2023. if you like this video please, click like And subscribe to continue, watching the next videos thanks very much, bye. . foreign

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