Adventures Beyond Wonderland Live Part 1 - Real Money Online Game #onlinecasino #realmoneygame

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inside good luck to you all today the first session where this takes this long . to get the bones yeah we haven't got emotionally   bonus yet in this session every other session , we had previously with me you cannot deny it   was a blast and we did get plenty of the bonuses , yeah and if we compare it with six sessions seven   sessions actually seven or six sessions . very successful with many bones    many many bonuses six sessions in a row with , me being very successful this is the first one   unfortunately not the most successful but . you know if we compare to that it is still   kind of the good kind of ratio don't you think  that she's being amazing in this possession may be   not as simple right but either way God understands  every round we do have consumers yeah so   I wish you good luck guys . this will be the last one it up I will believe it after this  thing but I will be coming back I'll   come back in just a minute , earlier for YouTube player   just for you yeah because I will be , coming back nobody can send me home you're not my mom you're not my dad and , neither my CEO okay we got number two   the spice guys congratulations thank you and . that's that my thumbs up maybe 29 minutes here guys please send me home please send  me your wife why you pick Jordan I mean   maybe why you don't talk why you don't , think about me maybe I want to go home   whoa I mean that just that is rude you know . have fun um yeah guys of course I'm back   for 30 minutes I thought we would do well .

with the game that was the session save us   call me I'll be savior of I should pick . nickname Maximus that would be all right now   is made if I would have a nickname Maximus I . would be the savior of Wonderland I still can't   be what you going for what you need we have any  guys you wanted to get rid of me before as far   as I can remember uh maybe I wasn't as bad as you  thought I am could this be a wonderful it might be this one off that would be an outstanding . and outstanding beginning of the game   I mean I mean we got close we can get a bit  closer hope you're on it hope you are for it   for at least another thin water many people your . comment you're the boss he's the boss he'll decide all right people no more bonuses what do you . mean you don't want to see any more bonuses   all right School ladies and gents two Mysteries , would be a nice topping for one of the bonuses   this one pays what do you mean man okay ah yeah yeah a bit too far this time all right  we'll take it we'll take it it's gonna be two of   Fades again for the second time that's all right  for the start so as far as I understood you had   no bonus with Joe Dana that's all right guys we , can improve the situation no worries you know   how they say my country after the rain there's  always the sun slightly different if you're from   UK there is never Sun there but you know it's , not what I mean right hey man any well man come   on give me some love for the brother the next one  did myself luck do it go for it again there we go it's done spin is made of course how are we , gonna do it now again and uh what check it   out well I'd love to see probably me myself  personally I do would love to see a mystery   and afterwards I would love to see water spins 

that would be very exciting uh passing on five   wonders so I'm not gonna be that can we stop , at five now it's gonna be one of diamonds one   of diamonds will be the winning saxophone and  this spin where this woman I do hope it's one in   front of the sectors you're packing obviously we  have eight different sectors on the wheel and you   can play them all you can play off them if you . want to your choice just make a decision so uh   magic dice magic dies by the way it's been  it's been a while I absolutely agree upon   that no dice which is my signature as I , said before bonus and it's been a while I   don't remember when I had it for the last time I . don't even remember honestly so it's been a while I would love to get that I do like to play . dice let's go slightly harder for this one I   mean maybe maybe we need to do a bit harder who . knows you never know you never know all right   guys come on don't be so evil don't just calm , down a bit it's it can get better obviously you   you bring all that negativity in the game it's , never gonna be for good stay positive positive   thoughts goals to good results brings to wonderful  results sometimes so no need to be so negative   no need to okay could we get that nah could  we reach maybe two wonderful things we might ladies and gents we're in it to , win it well I know it's now far   one this printers you requested but we'll , take it never though I swear to Rabbit

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