So what jobs may be available to you . in Oklahoma well that's what I want to cover today I’m going to do the , top 10 largest employers in oklahoma my name is Marcie Billen and I’m a real estate , agent I live in Norman Oklahoma I work in the Oklahoma City metro and recently I posted a video . that covered the top five largest employers in Norman Oklahoma and if you want to see that video go ahead and go down in the description the link is there you guys seem to love that video so thank you so much for watching it I really appreciate that uh so today I decided to cover the , 10 largest employers in Oklahoma and let me tell you this is a lot of fun writing this video I got , to do a lot of research and I can't wait to share it with you the reason I wanted to do this video was because not everyone is going to of course live in Norman you may want to live somewhere else , you may not even want to live in Oklahoma City but you need to know what's available to you um , and to kind of begin your job search right or just know what the biggest industries are in Oklahoma , so let's get started so people always do like the smallest to the biggest I’m going to start with the biggest because I think that's ridiculous it drives me crazy when I’m watching videos so number , one biggest employer in Oklahoma is the department of defense so this didn't really surprise me uh , in Oklahoma City in the metro we have tinker air force base which is located in Midwest City and . I know it as the largest single site employer in Oklahoma what I didn't realize is that it's the , biggest uh the department of defense the biggest employer in all of Oklahoma and what that means is . like yes we have tinker air force base but there's also Vets air force base which is in Enid pretty , sure and then we have altus which is an altus and then there's fort sill which is Lawton and . then there's an ammunitions plant in Callister all right the second largest employer in Oklahoma , is going to be Walmart so I’ve noticed in other states that there may not be a Walmart everywhere , um I noticed that especially in california on the west coast on the east coast too but , there's just not like a Walmart where I would expect them to be coming from Oklahoma so Walmart headquarters are located in Bentonville Arkansas which is very close to Oklahoma it's not it's like , 45 minutes from the Oklahoma line um over Arkansas which is very close to where I grew up so if .
you live in a town in Oklahoma most likely there is going to be a Walmart and if there is not one there is one in the next town guaranteed the third largest employer in Oklahoma kind of shocked me , I guess it shouldn't have because I’ve just been watching and build and build and build um over the . past two years but it still shocked me quite a bit so it's amazon and of course with amazon buying , whole foods that definitely made a difference but it's not just that in the Oklahoma City metro we actually have two fulfillment centers and so the uh the employee number count went from like 2000 in 2019 for amazon all the way up to what it is today which is just under 12 000 employees in all of Oklahoma so Integris health is rolling in at number four for the largest for the fourth largest employer in Oklahoma so Integris is a , hospital system or a healthcare system that is kind of based here in the Oklahoma City , area there's lots and lots of locations they have lots of specialty centers their website's actually really good I linked it in the description below so you can check it out if you want to and , definitely check them out for jobs because I know that they're always looking for people in multiple different departments so the fifth largest employer in Oklahoma is . hobby lobby so you may have seen hobby lobby in your stage or maybe you live here , basically like it's a big craft store fabric store lots of home decor type thing . um they're famous for like putting words on their uh decor and having sales of course so , the headquarters are actually located here in Oklahoma City they are at 44th and council which . is northwest of will rogers international airport so that's the main reason why hobby lobby . is one of the biggest employers in the state of Oklahoma the closest suburban , areas to the hobby lobby hobby lobby to the hobby lobby headquarters our mustang and , Yukon and then of course Oklahoma City the number six largest employer did shock me a little bit I . didn't expect it to be Oklahoma state university but then when I thought about it it kind of made sense um so I didn't go to Oklahoma state university I went to the university of Oklahoma , which is located here in Norman Oklahoma state university is located in Stillwater and they , have other campuses in Tulsa Oklahoma City OkmugI and then they have their medical ,
school in Tulsa as well oh they also have a large veterinarian school which is still . located in Stillwater the Chickasaw nation is the number seven and largest employer in the state of Oklahoma so this is just the employees that are working gaming and non-governmental activities like tourism and things like that so Chickasaw nation headquarters are located in . Ada Oklahoma and the nation itself covers around 13 different counties and know that when I’m . talking about gaming I’m talking about casinos okay so the eighth largest employer here , in the state of Oklahoma is the U.S. postal service I’ve covered this a little bit . because we do have the postal training center here in Norman Oklahoma so we get a lot of , activity coming in and out of instead um which is the coastal training center so that's actually , located in south Norman all right so we're nearing the end and I have three more employers to share , with you you're probably thinking no Marcie you have two because you're on you just cover number , eight but actually there's two number tens so there you go first thing I have to cover though . is that I do have an Oklahoma City relocation guide and it is located in the description below you'll find the link for that and it is free if you need that number nine on our list is Saint . Francis hospital system or I think it's called saint Francis health or something like that but it . is based out of the Tulsa area so it is north east Oklahoma it's got a lot of locations over seven . locations and probably a great place for if you work in the medical field or want to for you to go ahead and go on over to their website which I’ll link in the description below see if they have , any job openings all right like I said there are two number tens because they have like an equal number of employees so the first is the department of veterans affairs so we have several different . locations for the department of veterans affairs including Ardmore Claremore Clinton Lawton Norman Sallisaw Sulphur and Talihina the main offices of course are located in Oklahoma City which is . capital and then the second number 10 is the Oklahoma department of human services DHS, so DHS . has their headquarters in Oklahoma City as well thanks so much for watching I have lots of other . videos about Oklahoma specifically the Oklahoma City metro so I would hop on my channel , and watch some of those if you want to.